Optimal Inference and Alternatives to the QMLE*

The most commonly used estimation method for GARCH models is the QML method studied in Chapter 7. One of the attractive features of this method is that the asymptotic properties of the QMLE are valid under mild assumptions. In particular, no moment assumption is required on the observed process in the pure GARCH case. However, the QML method has several drawbacks, motivating the introduction of alternative approaches. These drawbacks are the following: (i) the estimator is not explicit and requires a numerical optimisation algorithm; (ii) the asymptotic normality of the estimator requires the existence of a moment of order 4 for the noise η t ; (iii) the QMLE is inefficient in general; (iv) the asymptotic normality requires the existence of moments for ε t in the general ARMA–GARCH case; and (v) a complete parametric specification is required.

In the ARCH case, the QLS estimator defined in Section 6.2 addresses point (i) satisfactorily, at the cost of additional moment conditions. The maximum likelihood (ML) estimator studied in Section 9.1 of this chapter provides an answer to points (ii) and (iii), but it requires knowledge of the density f of η t . Indeed, it will be seen that adaptive estimators for the set of all the parameters do not exist in general semi‐parametric GARCH models. Concerning point (iii), it will be seen that the QML can sometimes be optimal outside of trivial case where f is Gaussian. In Section 9.2, the ML estimator will be studied in the (quite realistic) situation where f is mis‐specified. It will also be seen that the so‐called local asymptotic normality (LAN) property allows us to show the local asymptotic optimality of test procedures based on the ML. In Section 9.3, less standard estimators are presented in order to address to some of the points (i)–(v).

In this chapter, we focus on the main principles of the estimation methods and do not give all the mathematical details. Precise regularity conditions justifying the arguments used can be found in the references that are given throughout the chapter or in Section 9.4.

9.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimator

In this section, the density f of the strong white noise (η t ) is assumed known. This assumption is obviously very strong and the effect of the mis‐specification of f will be examined in Section 9.2 . Conditionally on the σ ‐field t − 1 generated by u  : u < t}, the variable ε t has the density x → σ t −1 f(x/σ t ). It follows that, given the observations ε1,…, ε n , and the initial values images , the conditional likelihood is defined by


where images is recursively defined, for t ≥ 1, by

9.1 equation

A maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is obtained by maximising the likelihood on a compact subset Θ* of the parameter space. Such an estimator is denoted by images .

9.1.1 Asymptotic Behaviour

Under the above‐mentioned regularity assumptions, the initial conditions are asymptotically negligible and, using the ergodic theorem, we have almost surely


using Jensen's inequality and the fact that


Adapting the proof of the consistency of the QMLE, it can be shown that images almost surely as n → ∞.

Assuming in particular that θ 0 belongs to the interior of the parameter space, a Taylor expansion yields

9.2 equation

We have

9.3 equation

It is easy to see that (ν t , ℱ t ) is a martingale difference (using, for instance, the computations of Exercise 9.1). It follows that

9.4 equation

where is the Fisher information matrix, defined by


Note that ζ f is equal to σ 2 times the Fisher information for the scale parameter σ > 0 of the densities σ −1 f(⋅/σ). When f is the images (0,1) density, we thus have ζ f  = σ 2 × 2/σ 2 = 2.

We now turn to the other terms of the Taylor expansion (9.2). Let


We have

9.5 equation

thus, using the invertibility of ,

9.6 equation

Note that

9.7 equation

With the previous notation, the QMLE has the asymptotic variance

9.8 equation

The following proposition shows that the QMLE is not only optimal in the Gaussian case.

Note that when f is of the form ( 9.9) then we have


up to a constant which does not depend on θ . It follows that in this case the MLE coincides with the QMLE, which entails the sufficient part of Proposition 9.1.

9.1.2 One‐Step Efficient Estimator

Figure 9.1 shows the graph of the family of densities for which the QMLE and MLE coincide (and thus for which the QML is efficient). When the density f does not belong to this family of distributions, we have ζ f (∫x 4 f(x)dx − 1) > 4, and the QMLE is asymptotically inefficient in the sense that

Graph displaying overlapping curves for a = 1/8 (solid), a = 1/4 (dashed), a = 1/2 (dotted), a = 1 (dash-dotted), and a = 2 (long dashed).

Figure 9.1 Density ( 9.9) for different values of a > 0. When η t has this density, the QMLE and MLE have the same asymptotic variance.

is positive definite. Table 9.1 shows that the efficiency loss can be important.

Table 9.1 Asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) of the MLE with respect to the QMLE, images , when images , where f ν denotes the Student t density with ν degrees of freedom.

ν 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30
ARE 5/2 5/3 7/5 14/11 6/5 15/13 95/92 145/143 1

An efficient estimator can be obtained from a simple transformation of the QMLE, using the following result (which is intuitively true by (9.7)).

In practice, one can take the QMLE as a preliminary estimator: images .

9.1.3 Semiparametric Models and Adaptive Estimators

In general, the density f of the noise is unknown, but f and f can be estimated from the normalised residuals images , t = 1,…, n (for instance, using a kernel non‐parametric estimator). The estimator images (or the one‐step estimator images ) can then be utilised. This estimator is said to be adaptive if it inherits the efficiency property of images for any value of f . In general, it is not possible to estimate all the GARCH parameters adaptively.

Take the ARCH(1) example

9.11 equation

where η t has the double Weibull density


The subscript 0 is added to signify the true values of the parameters. The parameter images , where θ 0 = (ω 0, α 0) , is estimated by maximising the likelihood of the observations ε1,…, ε n conditionally on the initial value ε0 . In view of (9.3), the first two components of the score are given by




The last component of the score is


Note that


where γ = 0.577… is the Euler constant. It follows that the score satisfies




and images . By the general properties of an information matrix (see Exercise 9.4 for a direct verification), we also have


The information matrix being such that 12 ≠ 0, the necessary Stein's condition (see Bickel 1982) for the existence of an adaptive estimator is not satisfied. The intuition behind this condition is the following. In view of the previous discussion, the asymptotic variance of the MLE of ϑ 0 should be of the form


When λ 0 is unknown, the optimal asymptotic variance of a regular estimator of θ 0 is thus 11 . Knowing λ 0 , the asymptotic variance of the MLE of θ 0 is images . If there exists an adaptive estimator for the class of the densities of the form f λ (or for a larger class of densities), then we have images . Since images (see Exercise 6.7), this is possible only if 12 = 0, which is not the case here.

Reparameterising the model, Drost and Klaassen (1997) showed that it is, however, possible to obtain adaptive estimates of certain parameters. To illustrate this point, return to the ARCH(1) example with the parameterisation

9.12 equation

Let ϑ = (α, c, λ) be an element of the parameter space. The score now satisfies


Thus images with




It can be seen that this matrix is invertible because its determinant is equal to images . Moreover,


The MLE enjoying optimality properties in general, when λ 0 is unknown, the optimal variance of an estimator of (α 0, c 0) should be equal to


When λ 0 is known, a similar calculation shows that the MLE of (α 0, c 0) should have the asymptotic variance


We note that images . Thus, in presence of the unknown parameter c , the MLE of α 0 is equally accurate when λ 0 is known or unknown. This is not particular to the chosen form of the density of the noise, which leads us to think that there might exist an estimator of α 0 that adapts to the density f of the noise (in presence of the nuisance parameter c ). Drost and Klaassen (1997) showed the actual existence of adaptive estimators for some parameters of an extension of (9.12).

9.1.4 Local Asymptotic Normality

In this section, we will see that the GARCH model satisfies the so‐called LAN property, which has interesting consequences for the local asymptotic properties of estimators and tests. Let images be a sequence of local parameters around the parameter images , where (h n ) is a bounded sequence of p + q + 1 . Consider the local log‐likelihood ratio function


The Taylor expansion of this function around 0 leads to

9.13 equation

where, as we have already seen,

9.14 equation

It follows that


The properties (9.13)–(9.14) are called LAN. It entails that the MLE is locally asymptotically optimal (in the minimax sense and in various other senses; see van der Vaart 1998). The LAN property also makes it very easy to compute the local asymptotic distributions of statistics, or the asymptotic local powers of tests. As an example, consider tests of the null hypothesis


against the sequence of local alternatives


The performance of the Wald, score, and of likelihood ratio tests will be compared.

Wald Test Based on the MLE

Let images be the (q + 1)th component of the MLE images . In view of ( 9.7) and ( 9.13)–( 9.14), we have under H 0 that

9.15 equation

where images , and e i denotes the ith vector of the canonical basis of p + q + 1 , noting that the (q + 1)th component of images is equal to α 0 . Consequently, the asymptotic distribution of the vector defined in (9.15) is

9.16 equation

Le Cam's third lemma (see van der Vaart 1998, p. 90; see also Exercise 9.3) and the contiguity of the probabilities images and images (implied by the LAN properties ( 9.13)–( 9.14)) show that, for images ,


The Wald test (and also the t test) is defined by the rejection region images where


and images denotes the (1 − α )‐quantile of a chi‐square distribution with 1 degree of freedom. This test has asymptotic level α and local asymptotic power images , where Φ c (⋅) denotes the cumulative distribution function of a non‐central chi‐square with 1 degree of freedom and non‐centrality parameter 1


This test is locally asymptotically uniformly most powerful among the asymptotically unbiased tests.

Score Test Based on the MLE

The score (or Lagrange multiplier) test is based on the statistic

9.17 equation

where images is the MLE under H 0 , that is, constrained by the condition that the (q + 1)th component of the estimator is equal to α 0 . By the definition of images , we have

9.18 equation

In view of (9.17) and (9.18), the test statistic can be written as

9.19 equation

Under H 0 , almost surely images and images . Consequently,




Taking the difference, we obtain

9.20 equation

which, using ( 9.17), gives

9.21 equation

From (9.20), we obtain


Using this relation, images and ( 9.18), it follows that


Using (9.19), we have

9.22 equation

By Le Cam's third lemma, the score test thus inherits the local asymptotic optimality properties of the Wald test.

Likelihood Ratio Test Based on the MLE

The likelihood ratio test is based on the statistic images . The Taylor expansion of the log‐likelihood around images leads to


thus, using images , (9.5) and (9.21),


under H 0 and H n . It follows that the three tests exhibit the same asymptotic behaviour, both under the null hypothesis and under local alternatives.

Tests Based on the QML

We have seen that the W n, f , R n, f , and L n, f tests based on the MLE are all asymptotically equivalent under H 0 and H n (in particular, they are all asymptotically locally optimal). We now compare these tests to those based on the QMLE, focusing on the QML Wald whose statistic is


where images is the (q + 1)th component of the QML images , and images is


or an asymptotically equivalent estimator.

Recall that


Using ( 9.13)–( 9.14), (9.8), and Exercise 9.2, we obtain


under H 0 . The previous arguments, in particular Le Cam's third lemma, show that


The local asymptotic power of the images test is thus images , where the non‐centrality parameter is


Figure 9.2 displays the local asymptotic powers of the two tests, images (solid line) and images (dashed line), when f is the normalised Student t density with 5 degrees of freedom and when θ 0 is such that images . Note that the local asymptotic power of the optimal Wald test is sometimes twice as large as that of score test.

Graph with 2 ascending curves illustrating the local asymptotic power of the optimal Wald test {Wn,f > X21(0.95)} (solid) and of the standard Wald test {Wn > X21 (0.95)} (dotted), when f (y) = √v/v - 2fv(y√v/v-2 and v = 5.

Figure 9.2 Local asymptotic power of the optimal Wald test images (solid line) and of the standard Wald test images (dotted line), when images and ν = 5.

9.2 Maximum Likelihood Estimator with Mis‐specified Density

The MLE requires the (unrealistic) assumption that f is known. What happens when f is mis‐specified, that is, when we use images with h ≠ f ?

In this section, the usual assumption images will be replaced by alternative moment assumptions that will be more relevant for the estimators considered. Under some regularity assumptions, the ergodic theorem entails that


Here, the subscript f is added to the expectation symbol in order to emphasise the fact that the random variable η 0 follows the distribution f , which does not necessarily coincide with the ‘instrumental’ density h . This allows us to show that


Note that the estimator images can be seen as a non‐Gaussian QMLE.

9.2.1 Condition for the Convergence of images to θ 0

Note that under suitable identifiability conditions, σ t (θ 0)/σ t (θ) = 1 if and only if θ = θ 0 . For the consistency of the estimator (that is, for θ * = θ 0 ), it is thus necessary for the function σ → E f g(η 0, σ), where g(x, σ) = log σh(), to have a unique maximum at 1:

9.25 equation

It is sometimes useful to replace condition (9.25) by one of its consequences that is easier to handle. Assume the existence of


If there exists a neighborhood V(1) of 1 such that images the dominated convergence theorem shows that ( 9.25) implies the moment condition

9.26 equation

Obviously, condition ( 9.25) is satisfied for the ML, that is, when h = f (see Exercise 9.5), and also for the QML, as the following example shows.

The following example shows that for condition ( 9.25) to be satisfied, it is sometimes necessary to reparameterise the model and to change the identifiability constraint 2 = 1.

The previous examples show that a particular choice of h corresponds to a natural identifiability constraint. This constraint applies to a moment of η t (images when h is images , and E ∣ η t  ∣  = 1 when h is Laplace). Table 9.3 gives the natural identifiability constraints associated with various choices of h . When these natural identifiability constraints are imposed on the GARCH model, the estimator images can be interpreted as a non‐Gaussian QMLE, and converges to θ 0 , even when h ≠ f .

Table 9.3 Identifiability constraint under which images is consistent.

Law Instrumental density h Constraint
Gaussian images images
Double gamma images images
Laplace images E ∣η t ∣  = 1
Gamma images images
Double inverse gamma images images
Double inverse χ 2 images images
Double Weibull images E|η t | λ  = 1
Gaussian generalised images E|η t | λ  = 1
Inverse Weibull images E|η t |λ  = 1
Double log‐normal images E log  ∣η t ∣  = m

9.2.2 Convergence of images and Interpretation of the Limit

The following examples show that the estimator images based on the mis‐specified density h ≠ f generally converges to a value θ * ≠ θ 0 which can be interpreted in a reparameterised model.

9.2.3 Choice of Instrumental Density h

We have seen that, for any fixed h , there exists an identifiability constraint implying the convergence of images to θ 0 (see Table  9.3). In practice, we do not choose the parameterisation for which images converges, but the estimator that guarantees a consistent estimation of the model of interest. The instrumental function h is chosen to estimate the model under a given constraint, corresponding to a given problem. As an example, suppose that we wish to estimate the conditional moment images of a GARCH (p, q) process. It will be convenient to consider the parameterisation ε t  = σ t η t under the constraint images . The volatility σ t will then be directly related to the conditional moment of interest, by the relation images . In this particular case, the Gaussian QMLE is inconsistent (because, in particular, the QMLE of α i converges to images ). In view of (9.26), to find relevant instrumental functions h , one can solve


since images and E{1 + h (x)/h(η t )η t } = 0. The densities that solve this differential equation are of the form


For λ = 1, we obtain the double Weibull, and for λ = 4 a generalised Gaussian, which is in accordance with the results given in Table  9.3.

For the more general problem of estimating conditional moments of ∣ε t or log ∣ ε t , Table 9.4 gives the parameterisation (that is, the moment constraint on η t ) and the type of estimator (that is, the choice of h ) for the solution to be only a function of the volatility σ t (a solution which is thus independent of the distribution f of η t ). It is easy to see that for the instrumental function h of Table  9.4, the estimator images depends only on r and not on c and λ . Indeed, taking the case r > 0, up to some constant we have


Table 9.4 Choice of h as function of the prediction problem.

Problem Constraint Solution Instrumental density, h
E t − 1 t | r , r > 0 E|η t | r  = 1 images c|x| λ − 1 exp(−λ|x| r /r), λ > 0
E t − 1 t |r E|η t |r  = 1 images c|x|λ − 1 exp(−λ|x|r /r)
E t − 1 log |ε t | E log |η t | = 0 log σ t images

which shows that images does not depend on c and λ . In practice, one can thus choose the simplest constants in the instrumental function, for instance c = λ = 1.

9.2.4 Asymptotic Distribution of images

Using arguments similar to those of Section 7.4, a Taylor expansion shows that, under ( 9.25),






The ergodic theorem and the CLT for martingale increments (see Section A.2) then entail that

9.27 equation


9.28 equation

with g 1(x, σ) = ∂g(x, σ)/∂σ and g 2(x, σ) = ∂g 1(x, σ)/∂σ .

Table 9.5 completes Table  9.1. Using the previous examples, this table gives the ARE of the QMLE and Laplace QMLE with respect to the MLE, in the case where f follows the Student t distribution. The table does not allow us to obtain the ARE of the QMLE with respect to Laplace QMLE, because the noise η t has a different normalisation with the standard QMLE or the Laplace QMLE (in other words, the two estimators do not converge to the same parameter).

Table 9.5 Asymptotic relative efficiency of the MLE with respect to the QMLE and to the Laplace QMLE: images and images , where φ denotes the images density, and images the Laplace density.

images ν
5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 100
MLE – QMLE 2.5   1.667 1.4   1.273 1.2   1.154 1.033 1.014 1.001
MLE – Laplace 1.063 1.037 1.029 1.028 1.030 1.034 1.070 1.089 1.124

For the QMLE, the Student t density f ν with ν degrees of freedom is normalised so that Eηt 2 = 1, that is, the density of η t is images . For the Laplace QMLE, η t has the density f(y) = E ∣ t ν  ∣ f ν (yE ∣ t ν ∣), so that E ∣ η t  ∣  = 1.

9.3 Alternative Estimation Methods

The estimation methods presented in this section are less popular among practitioners than the QML and LS methods, but each has specific features of interest.

9.3.1 Weighted LSE for the ARMA Parameters

Consider the estimation of the ARMA part of the ARMA(P, Q)‐GARCH (p, q) model

9.29 equation

where (η t ) is an iid(0,1) sequence and the coefficients ω 0 , α 0i and β 0j satisfy the usual positivity constraints. The orders P, Q, p , and q are assumed known. The parameter vector is


the true value of which is denoted by ϑ 0 , and the parameter space Ψ ⊂ ℝ P + Q + 1 . Given observations X 1,…, X n and initial values, the sequence images is defined recursively by (7.22). The weighted LSE is defined as a measurable solution of


where the weights ω t are known positive measurable functions of X t − 1, X t − 2, …. One can take, for instance,


with E|X 1|2s  < ∞ and s ∈ (0, 1). It can be shown that there exist constants K > 0 and ρ ∈ (0, 1) such that


This entails that




which implies a finite variance for the score vector images . Ling (2005) deduces the asymptotic normality of images , even in the case images

9.3.2 Self‐Weighted QMLE

Recall that, for the ARMA‐GARCH models, the asymptotic normality of the QMLE has been established under the condition images (see Theorem 7.5). To obtain an asymptotically normal estimator of the parameter images of the ARMA‐GARCH model (9.29) with weaker moment assumptions on the observed process, Ling (2007) proposed a self‐weighted QMLE of the form


where images , using standard notation. To understand the principle of this estimator, note that the minimised criterion converges to the limit criterion l(ϕ) = E ϕ ω t t (ϕ) satisfying


The last expectation (when it exists) is null, because η t is centred and independent of the other variables. The inequality x − 1 ≥ log x entails that


Thus, under the usual identifiability conditions, we have l(ϕ) ≥ l(ϕ 0), with equality if and only if ϕ = ϕ 0 . Note that the orthogonality between η t and the weights ω t is essential. Ling (2007) showed the convergence and asymptotic normality of images under the assumption E|X 1| s  < ∞ for some s > 0.

9.3.3 L p Estimators

The previous weighted estimator requires the assumption images . Practitioners often claim that financial series admit few moments. A GARCH process with infinite variance is obtained either by taking large values of the parameters, or by taking an infinite variance for η t . Indeed, for a GARCH(1, 1) process, each of the two sets of assumptions

  1. (i) images ,
  2. (ii) images

implies an infinite variance for ε t . Under (i), and strict stationarity, the asymptotic distribution of the QMLE is generally Gaussian (see Section 7.1.1), whereas the usual estimators have non‐standard asymptotic distributions under (ii) (see Berkes and Horváth 2003b; Hall and Yao 2003; Mikosch and Straumann 2002), which causes difficulties for inference. As an alternative to the QMLE, it is thus interesting to define estimators having an asymptotic normal distribution under (ii), or even in the more general situation where both α 01 + β 01 > 1 and images are allowed. A GARCH model is usually defined under the normalisation constraint images . When the assumption that images exists is relaxed, the GARCH coefficients can be identified by imposing, for instance, that the median of images is τ = 1. In the framework of ARCH(q) models, Horváth and Liese (2004) consider L p estimators, including the L 1 estimator


where, for instance, images . When images admits a density, continuous and positive around its median τ = 1, the consistency and asymptotic normality of these estimators are shown in Horváth and Liese (2004), without any moment assumption. An alternative to L p ‐estimators, which only requires images and can be applied to ARMA‐GARCH, is the self‐weighted quasi‐maximum exponential likelihood estimator studied by Zhu and Ling (2011).

9.3.4 Least Absolute Value Estimation

For ARCH and GARCH models, Peng and Yao (2003) studied several least absolute deviations estimators. An interesting specification is

9.30 equation

With this estimator, it is convenient to define the GARCH parameters under the constraint that the median of images is 1. A reparameterisation of the standard GARCH models is thus necessary. Consider, for instance, a GARCH(1, 1) with parameters ω , α 1 and β 1 , and a Gaussian noise η t . Since the median of images is τ = 0.4549…, the median of the square of images is 1, and the model is rewritten as


It is interesting to note that the error terms images are iid with median 0 when θ = θ 0 . Intuitively, this is the reason why it is pointless to introduce weights in the sum (9.30). Under the moment assumption images and some regularity assumptions, Peng and Yao (2003) show that there exists a local solution of ( 9.30) which is weakly consistent and asymptotically normal, with rate of convergence n 1/2 . This convergence holds even when the distribution of the errors has a fat tail: only the moment condition images is required.

9.3.5 Whittle Estimator

In Chapter 2, we have seen that, under the condition that the fourth‐order moments exist, the square of a GARCH(p, q) satisfies the ARMA(max(p, q), q) representation

9.31 equation



The spectral density of images is


Let images be the empirical autocovariance of images at lag h . At Fourier frequencies λ j  = 2πj/n ∈ (−π, π], the periodogram


can be considered as a non‐parametric estimator of images . Let


It can be shown that


with equality if and only if θ = θ 0 (see Proposition 10.8.1 in Brockwell and Davis 1991). In view of this inequality, it is natural to consider the so‐called Whittle estimator


For ARMA with iid innovations, the Whittle estimator has the same asymptotic behaviour as the QMLE and LSE (which coincide in that case). For GARCH models, the Whittle estimator still exhibits the same asymptotic behaviour as the LSE, but it is generally less accurate than the QMLE. Moreover, Giraitis and Robinson (2001), Mikosch and Straumann (2002), and Straumann (2005) have shown that the consistency requires the existence of images , and that the asymptotic normality requires images .

9.4 Bibliographical Notes

The central reference of Sections 9.1 and 9.2 is Berkes and Horváth (2004), who give precise conditions for the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators images . Slightly different conditions implying consistency and asymptotic normality of the MLE can be found in Francq and Zakoïan (2006c). These results were extended to a general conditionally heteroskedastic model and used for prediction purposes by Francq and Zakoian (2013b). Additional results, in particular concerning the interesting situation where the density f of the iid noise is known up to a nuisance parameter, are available in Straumann (2005). Newey and Steigerwald (1997) show that, in general conditional heteroscedastic models, a suitable parameterisation allows to consistently estimate part of the volatility parameter by non‐Gaussian QML estimation. Fan, Qi, and Xiu (2014) and Francq, Lepage, and Zakoian (2011) propose multi‐steps consistent estimators of the GARCH volatility parameters based on non‐Gaussian QML estimators. The adaptative estimation of the GARCH models is studied in Drost and Klaassen (1997) and also in Engle and González‐Rivera (1991), Linton (1993), González‐Rivera and Drost (1999), and Ling and McAleer (2003b). Drost and Klaassen (1997), Drost, Klaassen and Werker (1997), Ling and McAleer (2003a), and Lee and Taniguchi (2005) give mild regularity conditions ensuring the LAN property of GARCH.

Several estimation methods for GARCH models have not been discussed here, among them Bayesian methods (see Geweke 1989), the generalised method of moments (see Rich, Raymond, and Butler 1991), variance targeting and robust methods (see Muler and Yohai 2008, Hill 2015). Rank‐based estimators for GARCH coefficients (except the intercept) were recently proposed by Andrews (2009). These estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal under assumptions which do not include the existence of a finite fourth moment for the iid noise.

9.5 Exercises

9.1 (The score of a scale parameter is centred)

Show that if f is a differentiable density such that ∫ ∣ x ∣ f(x)dx < ∞, then


Deduce that the score vector defined by ( 9.3) is centred.

  1. 9.2 (Covariance between the square and the score of the scale parameter) Show that if f is a differentiable density such that ∫|x|3 f(x)dx < ∞, then
  2. 9.3 (Intuition behind Le Cam's third lemma) Let φ θ (x) = (2πσ 2)−1/2 exp(−(x − θ)2/2σ 2) be the images density and let the log‐likelihood ratio

    Determine the distribution of


    when images , and then when images .

  3. 9.4 (Fisher information) For the parametrisation (9.11), verify that
  4. 9.5 (Condition for the consistency of the MLE) Let η be a random variable with density f such that E|η| r  < ∞ for some r ≠ 0. Show that
  5. 9.6 (Case where the Laplace QMLE is optimal) Consider a GARCH model whose noise has the Γ(b, b) distribution with density

    where b > 0. Show that the Laplace QMLE is optimal.

  6. 9.7 (Comparison of the MLE, QMLE and Laplace QMLE) Give a table similar to Table  9.5, but replace the Student t distribution f ν by the double Γ(b, p) distribution

    where b, p > 0.

  7. 9.8 (Asymptotic comparison of the estimators images ) Compute the coefficient images defined by (9.28) for each of the instrumental densities h of Table  9.4. Compare the asymptotic behaviour of the estimators images .
  8. 9.9 (Fisher information at a pseudo‐true value)

    Consider a GARCH (p, q) model with parameter
    1. Give an example of an estimator which does not converge to θ 0 , but which converges to a vector of the form
      where ϱ is a constant.
    2. What is the relationship between images and images ?
    3. Let Λϱ = diag(ϱ−2 I q + 1, I p ) and

      Give an expression for J(θ *) as a function of J(θ 0) and Λϱ .

  9. 9.10 (Asymptotic distribution of the Laplace QMLE) Determine the asymptotic distribution of the Laplace QMLE when the GARCH model does not satisfy the natural identifiability constraint E ∣ η t  ∣  = 1, but the usual constraint images .


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