How gameplay creeps into every system

The first time someone makes a game, there is very likely no distinction between the game and the engine. This is usually because there is no engine. A common first game would include Ticktacktoe or Hangman. Games like these are simple enough that they can be completely written in main, or possibly using a few functions. They are also simple enough that they don't require complex systems like graphics or physics. There is no need for reusable engine code.

As you are learning to program more, you may decide to try making a 2D game using a graphics API, like DirectX or OpenGL. Code like this can be very difficult the first time it is used, so writing cleanly separated code isn't a top priority. Just as before, the game is made with just a few functions or classes. Drawing code is often mixed with collision code in one single file.

At some point, we all get to a place where the code is too complex and fragile. Hardcoding too many game object types or too many levels make us wish for a better way. Of course, that is the reason for this book. We are trying to find a better way to create games. Throughout this book there has been one major theme: things always change!

To cope with this change, we have tried to create a clear distinction between the parts of our game that will change and the parts of the game that are unlikely to change. In clear terms, we are trying to separate our engine code from our gameplay code. This clear separation of parts has lead us through eight chapters of patterns that solve very large and specific problems in games. Every game must deal with creating flexible game objects with complex behaviors. So, we learned about the Component Object Model and Finite Stage Machines. Every game must deal with creating an easy to modify UI. So, we learned about using the Command pattern to read actions from a file. These are common problems with common solutions.

However, as you write more code and you start to add more features to your game, you will always find that the clear separation between engine and gameplay starts to blur. One place that this becomes obvious is physics. The physics engine is responsible for moving objects as well as testing for and resolving collisions.

While this engine should be purely mathematical, the fact is that a game is made up of more than just physics objects. It is made of bullets, raiders, players, and more. When a bullet collides with a player, we must execute some very specific gameplay code, such as deleting the bullet, creating a small particle effect at the collision point, and subtracting player health. The question is, where should this code be executed? If the code is placed inside the physics engine, it is highly coupled with every game object type. If it is executed outside of the engine, we need to get the collision information to the correct location in a clean way.

The same problem of creeping gameplay code occurs with achievements. Achievements are always game specific but they end up getting mixed all throughout a code base. They can range from tracking behavior such as how many bullets the player fired, to tracking total time played or how long the game has been paused. However, they could always be related to engine specific behavior such as how many times the resolution has been changed, how many network connections have been made, how many times a UFO game object was created or destroyed, or how many collision events of a certain kind have occurred. This blurred line between engine and gameplay code, as well as general increased dependencies, makes code reuse very difficult.

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