Hardcoding requirements

We know that introducing gameplay code to our engines increases dependencies and limits code reuse. We also know that for a given action, the requirements are likely to change as gameplay features are added. Imagine the situation of adding controller support for split screen multiplayer in our space shooter. As more controllers are plugged in, additional players are created, the game difficulty is increased, and we split the screen to follow the new player. In this case, the original controller detection occurs in the Input Manager, but we need to notify a few other engines that something has changed. An example of this code might look like this:

//Not real code, just an example! 
void InputManager:Update(void)
int controllerCount = GetControllerCount();
if(controllerCount > m_currentControllerCount)
m_currentControllerCount = controllerCount;
Object* pObj = ObjectManager::CreatePlayer(controllerCount);
//player position is the camera location for the screen
Graphics::SetScreenCount(controllerCount, pObj->pos);


We might be reasonably certain that this code won't change. If we are, then hardcoding the requirements is fine. However, if we are not certain, it is good to assume that requirements always change. We might need to support online multiplayer and send a message to the Network Manager. We might allow the player to choose which type of space ship they want from a list of possible player ships, so we need to call a different Object Manager function or pause and switch to a new Ship Selection Stage via the Stage Manager.

In this case, we have a set of objects that need to be notified when an event occurs. We want the notification to happen automatically, but we don't want to change the Input Manager every time a new object needs to be notified. More generally, we have a broadcasting object that we don't want to change every time there is a new object that needs to listen. This would be like a Wi-Fi router needing to be updated every time a new device is in range.

The situation above describes interactions between different core engines. However, these interactions only happen this way because of the specific requirements of the game. Even though there is no gameplay code, the functionality of the specific game has crept into the input engine, and would need to be changed if we were making a different game. Of course, we could try to factor out some of this code into a game logic engine or just put similar code into a stage. Is there another way? We will consider that, but first, we will explore the problem from the other side.

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