Why use a scripting language?

C++ is often overkill when it comes to building things for your game, such as tools, or for high-level game tasks that could be handled by your technical designers. It has some definite advantages for ease of development. Specifically, that you don't have to worry about a lot of the low-level things, as the language takes care of it for you; there's also fewer errors by the programmer due to the limited options available. There's less of a technical programming knowledge required, and it can be customized to fit your game's needs. This also makes the game more data driven instead of hardcoding things into the game engine, and allows you to patch the game without having to send over the entire project.

Often in game development, game logic and configurations can be found in script files. This way, it's very easy for scripts to be modified and adjusted by people on the team that aren't programmers (such as designers), allowing them to playtest the game and tweak the gameplay without having to recompile the game.

Many games also have a console window, which uses a scripting language to do things like this even at runtime. For instance, Unreal Engine has a console window open by default when you press Tab and in Source engine, pressing the ~ button at the pause menu will open one up.

Scripting languages are also often used in areas that have level design as well, such as having triggers for when you enter certain areas, or for controlling cinematics. It also allows you to let players of your game mod the game as well, which could potentially increase the lifespan of your game and help foster your game's community.

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