7.4 Constant Relative Radial Acceleration

According to notation introduced in Section 7.3, we have

(7.193) equation

(7.194) equation

(7.195) equation

Let us assume that the relative radial acceleration between P T(tD(t)) and P R(t) is constant within the observation interval, that is,

(7.196) equation


(7.197) equation

(7.198) equation

where img and ξ0 = ξ(t0).

Note that motion with constant acceleration is not compatible with the special relativity theory. In fact, from (7.197) it follows that

(7.199) equation

Consequently, such a motion model can be used provided that the length T of the observation interval is not too large.

Let us assume that TX and RX do not collapse within the observation interval. Then, from (7.194) and (7.198) we have

(7.200) equation

where the upper sign is for ξ(t) ≥ 0 and the lower is for ξ(t) < 0. That is, D(t) depends quadratically on t:

(7.201) equation

with img, img, d2 = ± aξ/(2c).

7.4.1 Stationary TX, Moving RX

In the case of stationary TX and moving RX, (7.11) specializes into (7.34) and (7.35). Assuming that during the observation interval RX does not collapse on TX, we have

(7.202) equation

(7.203) equation

From (7.198), (7.202), and (7.203), it follows

(7.204) equation

and comparing (7.198) and (7.204) it results in img, a = aξ for ξ(t) ≥ 0 and img, a = − aξ for ξ(t) < 0. In addition, (7.203) and (7.204) lead to

(7.205) equation

That is, the time-varying delay depends quadratically on t and in (7.201) one has img, img, d2 = a/(2c).

7.4.2 Moving TX, Stationary RX

In the case of moving TX and stationary RX, (7.11) specializes into (7.37) and (7.38). Assuming that during the observation interval TX does not collapse on RX, we have

(7.206) equation

(7.207) equation

From (7.198) and (7.206) it follows

(7.208) equation

where the upper sign is for ξ(t) ≥ 0 and the lower for ξ(t) < 0. As in the case of stationary TX and moving RX, D(t) depends quadratically on t. The time behavior of R(t) cannot be easily derived using (7.207) with (7.208) substituted into.

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