External tasks

In many instances, our Gruntfile.js file can become quite large and complicated, especially when we start including our own custom tasks into the mix. Grunt provides the means to split our custom tasks into their own individual files, thereby reducing the complexity of our Gruntfile.js and increasing reusability, since this new task file could also be used in other Grunt projects. In Chapter 3, Using Grunt, we learnt how to use grunt.registerTask to create our own custom tasks; however, to move these calls to registerTask into another file, we will need a reference to the grunt object (since grunt is passed into our Gruntfile.js).

This is exactly what the grunt.loadTasks function does: it is called with a directory path as the argument, then runs every JavaScript file inside the given directory as if it were a "mini" Gruntfile.js file (also passing it the current grunt object). The following example demonstrates this:

//Code example 02-external-tasks
// Gruntfile.js
module.exports = function(grunt) {


    foo: {
      bar: 42

  grunt.registerTask("default", ["foo"]);

// tasks/foo.js
module.exports =function(grunt) {

  grunt.registerTask("foo", function() {
    console.log("foo says bar is: " + grunt.config("foo.bar"));

In the example above, we are defining the foo task in a foo.js file, inside a tasks directory. In addition to foo.js, we could include as many other JavaScript files as we like and perform anything that we could do in our Gruntfile.js.

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