Virtualization components

The following components are needed to install and configure VirtualBox and run a full-blown guest OS on top of it.

  • Host operating system (host OS): As we know, the Type 2 hypervisor needs an OS to be running because it is installed and configured on the top of the host OS. In simple terms, the Type 2 hypervisors run alongside an operating system similar to normal software that you use on day-to-day basis. So, there is one physical computer installed with one host OS and one or more guests running on top of the VirtualBox. The beauty of virtualization is that it is never known to the end user that a single physical hardware is logically divided into multiple logical machines/guest OS. This is because it will always give the impression that the user is assigned a separated/dedicated physical machine VirtualBox that can be installed and configured on Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS.
  • Guest operating system (guest OS): This is the operating system that is installed and runs inside the virtual machine.
  • Virtual machine (VM): A guest OS is installed and configured in a VM, so a VM includes all the hardware settings (RAM, CPU, hard disk) required for the guest OS and application requirements, which will run on the VM as well.
  • Guest additions: These are special or add-on software packages that are shipped with VirtualBox that need to be installed on the guest OS. The guest OS in turn increases the VM performance and adds certain extra features.
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