Deploying apps with multiple modules

Deploying the application is slightly more complicated with multiple modules, as the dispatcher and index files each require a dedicated deployment command.

Deploy the modules with the following:

goapp deploy default/app.yaml api/app.yaml web/app.yaml

Once the operation has finished, we can update the dispatcher using the command (which you must ensure is in your path you'll find it in the Google App Engine SDK for the Go folder we downloaded at the start of the chapter): update_dispatch .

Once the dispatch has been updated, we can push the indexes to the cloud: update_indexes -A YOUR_APPLICATION_ID_HERE ./default

Now that the application is deployed, we can see it in the wild by navigating to our appspot URL;


You might get an error that says The index for this query is not ready to serve. This is because it takes Google Cloud Datastore a little time to prepare things on the server; usually, it doesn't take more than a few minutes, so go and have a cup of coffee and try again later.

An interesting aside is that if you hit the URL with HTTPS, Google's servers will serve it using HTTP/2.

Once your application is functional, ask an interesting question and send the link to your friends to solicit answers.

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