Chapter 6. Exposing Data and Functionality through a RESTful Data Web Service API

In the previous chapter, we built a service that reads tweets from Twitter, counts the hashtag votes, and stores the results in a MongoDB database. We also used the MongoDB shell to add polls and see the poll results. This approach is fine if we are the only ones using our solution, but it would be madness if we released our project and expected users to connect directly to our MongoDB instance in order to use the service we built.

Therefore, in this chapter, we are going to build a RESTful data service through which the data and functionality will be exposed. We will also put together a simple website that consumes the new API. Users may then either use our website to create and monitor polls or build their own application on top of the web services we release.


The code in this chapter depends on the code in Chapter 5, Building Distributed Systems and Working with Flexible Data, so it is recommended that you complete that chapter first, especially since it covers setting up the environment that the code in this chapter runs on.

Specifically, you will learn:

  • How wrapping http.HandlerFunc types can give us a simple but powerful pipeline of execution for our HTTP requests
  • How to safely share data between HTTP handlers
  • Best practices for writing handlers responsible for exposing data
  • Where small abstractions can allow us to write the simplest possible implementations now, but leave room to improve them later without changing the interface
  • How adding simple helper functions and types to our project will prevent us from (or at least defer) adding dependencies on external packages

RESTful API design

For an API to be considered RESTful, it must adhere to a few principles that stay true to the original concepts behind the Web, and are already known to most developers. Such an approach allows us to make sure we aren't building anything strange or unusual into our API while also giving our users a head start towards consuming it, since they are already familiar with its concepts.

Some of the most important RESTful design concepts are:

  • HTTP methods describe the kind of action to take, for example, GET methods will only ever read data, while POST requests will create something
  • Data is expressed as a collection of resources
  • Actions are expressed as changes to data
  • URLs are used to refer to specific data
  • HTTP headers are used to describe the kind of representation coming into and going out of the server


For an in-depth overview of these and other details of RESTful designs, see the Wikipedia article at

The following table shows the HTTP methods and URLs that represent the actions that we will support in our API, along with a brief description and an example use case of how we intend the call to be used:



Use case

GET /polls/

Read all polls

Show a list of polls to the users

GET /polls/{id}

Read the poll

Show details or results of a specific poll

POST /polls/

Create a poll

Create a new poll

DELETE /polls/{id}

Delete a poll

Delete a specific poll

The {id} placeholder represents where in the path the unique ID for a poll will go.

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