
I wouldn't have been able to write this book without the help of the wonderful Laurie Edwards, who, while working on her own projects, took the time to keep me organized and focused. Without her continuous and undying support, I dare say, this book (along with every other project I embark on) would never have happened.

Tyler Bunnell (@tylerb on GitHub)—who, believe it or not, I met on Google Code (working on the Goweb project)—is my Go life partner. We have paired on many projects so far, and will no doubt continue to do so into the future, until one of us (him) is tragically killed by the other due to some disagreement over proper use of the sync package! Tyler and I learned Go together, and he was also gracious enough to become a technical reviewer for this book—so in a way, you can blame any mistakes on him!

Other development heroes of mine include Ryan Quinn (@mazondo on GitHub), who seems to build an app a day and is living proof of how building something, however simple, is always better than building nothing. Thanks also go out to Tim Schreiner for engaging in debates with me over the good and bad bits of Go as well as being my go-to guy on matters close to and beyond the fringes of computer science.

Thanks go to the core Go team for building such a fun language and to the entire Go community who have saved me months of development with their contributions.

Special thanks also go to everyone who has supported me and helped me make doing what I love into a career, including but not limited to Nick Ryer (my dad, for getting me into computers in the first place), Maggie Ryer, Chris Ryer, Glenn Wilson, Phil Jackson, Jeff Cavins, Simon Howard, Edd Grant, Alan Meade, Steve Cart, Andy Jackson, Aditya Pradana, Andy Joslin, Simon Howard, Phil Edwards, Tracey Edwards, and all my other great friends and family.

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