How to do it…

  1. Install the package using the go get command, as follows:
$ go get
  1. Move to $GOPATH/src/my-first-beego-project/controllers and create cachecontroller.go, where we will define the GetFromCache handler, which will get the value for a key from a cache and write it to an HTTP response, as follows:
package controllers
type CacheController struct
var beegoCache cache.Cache
var err error
func init()
beegoCache, err = cache.NewCache("memory",
beegoCache.Put("foo", "bar", 100000*time.Second)
func (this *CacheController) GetFromCache()
foo := beegoCache.Get("foo")
this.Ctx.WriteString("Hello " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", foo))
  1. Move to $GOPATH/src/my-first-beego-project/routers and edit router.go to add the GET mapping /getFromCache, which will be handled by the GetFromCache handler defined in a CacheController, as follows:
package routers
func init()
beego.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})
beego.Router("/getFromCache", &controllers.
CacheController{}, "get:GetFromCache")
  1. Run the program using the following command:
$ bee run
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