Appendix: Goliath’s Revenge Rule Templates

We have covered a lot of ground in getting you and your company ready to turn the tables on digital disruptors. To bring you back to the big picture, we have included the detailed definitions and assessment scorecards for each of the six rules in Figures A.1 and A.2, respectively.

Illustration shows the following six new rules of Goliath’s Revenge.
Rule 1: Deliver Step-Change Customer Outcomes.
Rule 2: Pursue Big I and Little I Innovation.
Rule 3: Use Your Data as Currency.
Rule 4: Accelerate through Innovation Network.
Rule 5: Value Talent Over Technology.
Rule 6: Reframe Your Purpose.

Figure A.1 Goliath’s Revenge Rules: Detailed Definitions.

Illustration shows the assessment of six new rules of Goliath’s Revenge. In this illustration, the assessment is based on career and company.

Figure A.2 Goliath’s Revenge Rules: Assessment Scorecard.

Also, in Chapter 10 you built your disruptor’s playbook around rule-specific action plans. To help you build those, we have included a blank action plan template for each new rule in Figures A.3 through A.8.

Illustration shows the rule-specific action plan template for rule number one that is Step-Change Customer Outcomes and followed by a five-column table. 
The column headers are Current Capability level, Near-Team Capability Goal, New Initiatives to Start, Current Initiatives to Stop and Current Initiatives to Refocus. 
Row 1: 10X customer value.
Row 2: Incumbent’s advantage.
Row 3: Buyers persona outcomes.
Row 4: Whole offer clarity.
Row 5: Whole offer ecosystem.
Row 6: Time to market.

Figure A.3 Rule 1 Action Plan Template.

Illustration shows the rule-specific action plan template for rule number two that is Pursue Big I and Little I Innovation and followed by a five-column table. 
The column headers are Current Capability level, Near-Team Capability Goal, New Initiatives to Start, Current Initiatives to Stop and Current Initiatives to Refocus. 
Row 1: Both Big I and Little I.
Row 2: Innovation culture.
Row 3: Fast action on Little I.
Row 4: Power of And.
Row 5: Venture Investment Board.
Row 6: Big I Relay Race.

Figure A.4 Rule 2 Action Plan Template.

Illustration shows the rule-specific action plan template for rule number three that is Use your Data as Currency and followed by a five-column table. 
The column headers are Current Capability level, Near-Team Capability Goal, New Initiatives to Start, Current Initiatives to Stop and Current Initiatives to Refocus. 
Row 1: High quality big data assets.
Row 2: Manageable data liabilities.
Row 3: Place value on data optionality.
Row 4: Broad customer segment focus.
Row 5: Building data science team.
Row 6: Mastering machine learning.

Figure A.5 Rule 3 Action Plan Template.

Illustration shows the rule-specific action plan template for rule number four that is Accelerate via Innovation Network and followed by a five-column table. 
The column headers are Current Capability level, Near-Team Capability Goal, New Initiatives to Start, Current Initiatives to Stop and Current Initiatives to Refocus. 
Row 1: Beyond “We know Everything.”
Row 2: Multiple innovation channels.
Row 3: Right gives and gets.
Row 4: Easy to innovate with.
Row 5: Robust innovation sandbox.
Row 6: Corporate development toolkit.

Figure A.6 Rule 4 Action Plan Template.

Illustration shows the rule-specific action plan template for rule number five that is Value Talent Over Technology and followed by a five-column table. 
The column headers are Current Capability level, Near-Team Capability Goal, New Initiatives to Start, Current Initiatives to Stop and Current Initiatives to Refocus. 
Row 1: Honor institutional knowledge.
Row 2: Go beyond “3D” digital roles.
Row 3: Commit to pre-emptive skill development.
Row 4: Value venture general managers. 
Row 5: Optimize the Al-Human balance.
Row 6: Improve your digital dexterity.

Figure A.7 Rule 5 Action Plan Template.

Illustration shows the rule-specific action plan template for rule number six that is Reframe Your Purpose and followed by a five-column table. 
The column headers are Current Capability level, Near-Team Capability Goal, New Initiatives to Start, Current Initiatives to Stop and Current Initiatives to Refocus. 
Row 1: Raise yours sights.
Row 2: Answer the “Five whys”
Row 3: Embrace smart cannibalization.
Row 4: Engage the next generation.
Row 5: Align top-down.
Row 6: Lead by example.

Figure A.8 Rule 6 Action Plan Template.

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