Chapter 20

Ten Ways to Make New Friends with Glass

In This Chapter

arrow Join the Glass online community

arrow Network with Glass groups

arrow Develop a great app for Glass

arrow Attend or host Glass events

You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.

— A. A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

When you purchase Glass and start wearing it in public, you’re going to get a lot of attention. Like it or not, Glass is an automatic conversation starter, and you’re an ambassador for the device.

If you need to connect with other Glass users because you have a problem or issue and want to see how other users have handled it, or because you have a desire to connect with other Glass users, plenty of online and offline opportunities are available.

Connect with the Glass Community

The Glass Community is a private website you can access at You need to sign in with your Google username and password.

remember.eps The Glass Community has some basic rules that you should follow when you post messages:

  • Make the text and any photos you include with your posts family-friendly.
  • Be on your best behavior. The community has no tolerance for threats, harassment, or bullying.
  • Avoid promoting yourself or your business. The website is for sharing information, not selling items or sending spam messages.
  • Don’t share your personal information with others.
  • Include an interesting title with your post so it will attract readers.
  • Provide complete background information in your posts, such as what you’re doing with your Glass when an error occurs.

tip.eps If you think that a post is inappropriate, the moderators make it easy for you to contact them and report any problems you think should be investigated.

Use Glass Hashtags on Social Networks

A hashtag is a word or a phrase that’s preceded by a hash symbol (#) and identifies a post based on a specific topic. Hashtags are neat and convenient ways for people who want to find out more about a topic to search for it on social networking websites. If you search for #throughglass on Twitter, for example, you’ll see posts by people who have sent text and/or photo tweets from Glass.

Google has established several hashtags you can add to your posts to make it easier for people to find your posts and start to follow you:

  • #throughglass: When you send a post on a social networking website from your Glass, Glass adds this hashtag to the post automatically.
  • #ifihadglass: This hashtag tells users about new ideas you have for Glass if you’re a current user or just want to buy one.
  • #googleglass: This hashtag notes that the post is related to Glass.

Move in Google+ Circles

The Google+ social networking website has a few communities where you can find current and past messages posted by other users so you can get feedback, find solutions, and meet other Glass users:

tip.eps You can also search for Glass communities on Google+ by clicking or tapping the Home button and then clicking or tapping Communities. In the Communities screen that appears, type the community name you’re searching for (such as Glass) in the Search for Communities box.

Hook Up with LinkedIn Groups

If you frequent the LinkedIn professional networking website, you can join a couple of Glass groups so you can interact with other Glass users around the world. Here are two that you may be interested in:

remember.eps LinkedIn limits the number of groups you can join to 50. If you already belong to 50 groups, you won’t be able to add Glass groups unless you leave an existing group.

tip.eps You can search for Glass groups in LinkedIn. You’ll see a long list of groups that you can join on the results page.

Wear Glass in Public

Glass is a built-in conversation starter. People will ask you about the device and what it can do. They may be curious, or they may be afraid that you’re going to do something nefarious with your Glass.

Be gracious. Answer all questions as completely as you can. You may want to find the answers on your Glass while you’re talking to that person — but be sure to tell that person you’re going to look for answers on Glass before you do it.

Do Show-and-Tell with Glass

When you get together with family members, friends, or colleagues who are interested in technology, be sure to bring Glass with you and answer questions. You can even share your Glass if you feel comfortable doing that. Maybe people will be inspired to buy a Glass themselves … and perhaps even buy this book!

tip.eps Some people may be put off by, if not openly derisive of, Glass and wearable computers in general. See Chapter 19 for things not to do with Glass and how to present the device properly.

Develop Something Great for Glass

If you enjoy tinkering with new technologies and want to see what they can do, Glass is a great platform for you. You get to work on something exciting and new, and you may also get to develop the next big thing (and earn some extra income).

To find out more about “hacking” your Glass by using the Glass Development Kit and other development tools, see Chapter 14.

Get Your Glass at a Base Camp

Google has set up Base Camps in several cities around the United States, including San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles. If you reserved your Glass on the Glass website (, you can pick up the device at one of these Base Camps and also do the following cool stuff:

  • Get your Glass fitted with the help of a Glass Guide.
  • Find out more about Glassware, Glass hardware, and cool things you can do with the device.
  • Chat with Glass Guides and other Glass users.

remember.eps If you purchase Glass at a Base Camp, the sales tax for your state applies to the purchase. If you purchase your Glass in San Francisco, for example, your purchase price includes California sales tax at the San Francisco tax rate.

Attend Glass Events

Google+ communities announce in-person events about Glass in various communities around the world, so visit these communities often to get the most recent information.

The Meetup website ( is a great place to visit for the latest events, not only about Glass, but also about wearable devices in general. On Meetup, you can search for groups and/or events, and you can change the search radius from your current location, such as within 100 miles of San Francisco.

Host Your Own Glass Event

If you can’t find an event, start one of your own! You can create events and/or post messages asking whether people would be interested in the following places:

  • Forums on social networking websites such as LinkedIn and Google+
  • Event sites such as Meetup
  • Chamber-of-commerce and other business sites
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