Signing artifacts

We can digitally sign artifacts in Gradle with the signing plugin. The plugin supports generating Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) signatures. This signature format is also required for publication to Maven Central Repository. To create a PGP signature, we must install a few PGP tools on our computer. Installation of the tools is different for each operating system. On Unix-like systems, the software is probably available via a package manager. With the PGP software, we need to create a key pair that we can use to sign artifacts.

To sign artifacts, we must apply the signing plugin to our project. Then we must configure the plugin using a signing configuration block. We need to at least add information about our PGP key pair. We need the hexadecimal representation of the public key, the path to the secret key ring file with our private key, and the passphrase used to protect the private key. We assign this information to the keyId, secretKeyRingFile, and password properties of the signing plugin configuration. These values shouldn't be part of the Gradle build file because they are secret, so it is better to store them in a file and apply secure file permissions to the file. Also, we do not add this file to our version control system.

In the following example file, we set the properties. The values are sample values and are different for each user:

signing.keyId = 8B00165A
signing.secretKeyRingFile = /Users/current/.gnupg/secring.gpg
signing.password = secret

Using configurations to sign

We are ready to sign our artifacts. We need to configure which artifacts we want to be signed using the signing configuration block. We must specify the name of the artifact configuration that contains the artifacts to be signed.

When we apply the Java plugin to our project, we get the archives artifact configuration. We want to sign the artifacts assigned to this configuration. In the next example build file, we apply both the Java and signing plugins. In the signing configuration block, we define that we want to sign the artifacts belonging to the archives configuration:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'signing'

group = 'com.mrhaki.sample'
version = '2.1'
archivesBaseName = 'sample'

// Configure signing plugin.
signing {
  // Define that we want to
  // sign the artifacts belonging
  // to the archives configuration.
  sign configurations.archives

uploadArchives {
  repositories {
      name: 'local-repo',
      dirs: "${projectDir}/repo")

The signing plugin also adds a new task rule to our project—sign<ConfigurationName>. The name of the configuration is what we define in the signing configuration block. We defined the archives configuration so, in our project, we can now execute the signArchives task. The task is also added as a task dependency to the assemble task; thus, every time we invoke the assemble task, Gradle makes sure the signArchives task is invoked as well.

Here, we run the uploadArchives task to see which files are put in the repository directory:

$ gradle uploadArchives


Total time: 4.305 secs
$ ls -1 repo

We notice that a signature file, sample-2.1.asc, is created together with the sample-2.1.asc.sha1 checksum file for the signature file.

Using archive tasks to sign

To sign an artifact that is not part of an artifact configuration, we must configure the signing plugin differently. In the signing configuration block, we assigned a configuration in the previous section, but we can also use an archive task. The output of this archive task will be signed when we invoke the sign<TaskName> task rule.

In the next example build file, we will create a ZIP file with the manualZip task. We will configure the signing plugin for the manualZip task so that this ZIP file is signed:

apply plugin: 'signing'

version = '1.0'

// New archive task to create
// a ZIP file from some files.
task manualZip(type: Zip) {
  archivesBaseName = 'manual'
  from 'src/docroot'

// Configure signing plugin to
// sign the output of the
// manualZip task.
signing {
  sign manualZip

// Create new configuration for
// ZIP and signed ZIP artifacts.
configurations {

// Set artifacts to manualDistribution
// configuration.
artifacts {

// Configure upload task for
// manualDistribution configuration.
uploadManualDistribution {
  repositories {
    flatDir {
      dirs "${projectDir}/repo"
// Add task dependency so signing of
// ZIP file is done before upload.
uploadManualDistribution.dependsOn signManualZip

All sign<TaskName> tasks automatically have a task dependency on the archive task identifier by <TaskName>. So, we can now simply invoke the uploadManualDistribution task, and the ZIP file is created, signed, and uploaded to the repo directory. The following code shows this:

$ gradle uploadManualDistribution


Total time: 1.695 secs
$ ls -1 repo
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