About the Reviewers

Izzet Mustafaiev is a family guy who likes to throw BBQ parties and travel.

Professionally, he is a software engineer working at EPAM Systems with primary skills in Java and hands-on experience in Groovy/Ruby, and is exploring FP with Erlang/Elixir. Izzet has participated in different projects as a developer and as an architect. He advocates XP, clean code, and DevOps practices when he speaks at engineering conferences.

Konstantin Zgirovskiy grew up alongside Android, in a manner of speaking. In 2008, he started programming web services and Chrome extensions for an online browser game, which was later made official. In 2011, Konstantin continued to explore Android through writing a game, which brought him victory in a local programming contest. Nowadays, he works at Looksery, Inc., where he is involved in developing an app with face-tracking and transformation technology for video chats, video selfies, and images on mobile devices.

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