Chapter 12. Neural networks that write like Shakespeare: recurrent layers for variable-length data

In this chapter

  • The challenge of arbitrary length
  • The surprising power of averaged word vectors
  • The limitations of bag-of-words vectors
  • Using identity vectors to sum word embeddings
  • Learning the transition matrices
  • Learning to create useful sentence vectors
  • Forward propagation in Python
  • Forward propagation and backpropagation with arbitrary length
  • Weight update with arbitrary length

“There’s something magical about Recurrent Neural Networks.”

Andrej Karpathy, “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks,”

The challenge of arbitrary length

Let’s model arbitrarily long sequences of data with neural networks!

This chapter and chapter 11 are intertwined, and I encourage you to ensure that you’ve mastered the concepts and techniques from chapter 11 before you dive into this one. In chapter 11, you learned about natural language processing (NLP). This included how to modify a loss function to learn a specific pattern of information within the weights of a neural network. You also developed an intuition for what a word embedding is and how it can represent shades of similarity with other word embeddings. In this chapter, we’ll expand on this intuition of an embedding conveying the meaning of a single word by creating embeddings that convey the meaning of variable-length phrases and sentences.

Let’s first consider this challenge. If you wanted to create a vector that held an entire sequence of symbols within its contents in the same way a word embedding stores information about a word, how would you accomplish this? We’ll start with the simplest option. In theory, if you concatenated or stacked the word embeddings, you’d have a vector of sorts that held an entire sequence of symbols.

But this approach leaves something to be desired, because different sentences will have different-length vectors. This makes comparing two vectors together tricky, because one vector will stick out the side. Consider the following second sentence:

In theory, these two sentences should be very similar, and comparing their vectors should indicate a high degree of similarity. But because “the cat sat” is a shorter vector, you have to choose which part of “the cat sat still” vector to compare to. If you align left, the vectors will appear to be identical (ignoring the fact that “the cat sat still” is, in fact, a different sentence). But if you align right, then the vectors will appear to be extraordinarily different, despite the fact that three-quarters of the words are the same, in the same order. Although this naive approach shows some promise, it’s far from ideal in terms of representing the meaning of a sentence in a useful way (a way that can be compared with other vectors).

Do comparisons really matter?

Why should you care about whether you can compare two sentence vectors?

The act of comparing two vectors is useful because it gives an approximation of what the neural network sees. Even though you can’t read two vectors, you can tell when they’re similar or different (using the function from chapter 11). If the method for generating sentence vectors doesn’t reflect the similarity you observe between two sentences, then the network will also have difficulty recognizing when two sentences are similar. All it has to work with are the vectors!

As we continue to iterate and evaluate various methods for computing sentence vectors, I want you to remember why we’re doing this. We’re trying to take the perspective of a neural network. We’re asking, “Will the correlation summarization find correlation between sentence vectors similar to this one and a desirable label, or will two nearly identical sentences instead generate wildly different vectors such that there is very little correlation between sentence vectors and the corresponding labels you’re trying to predict?” We want to create sentence vectors that are useful for predicting things about the sentence, which, at a minimum, means similar sentences need to create similar vectors.

The previous way of creating the sentence vectors (concatenation) had issues because of the rather arbitrary way of aligning them, so let’s explore the next-simplest approach. What if you take the vector for each word in a sentence, and average them? Well, right off the bat, you don’t have to worry about alignment because each sentence vector is of the same length!

Furthermore, the sentences “the cat sat” and “the cat sat still” will have similar sentence vectors because the words going into them are similar. Even better, it’s likely that “a dog walked” will be similar to “the cat sat,” even though no words overlap, because the words used are also similar.

As it turns out, averaging word embeddings is a surprisingly effective way to create word embeddings. It’s not perfect (as you’ll see), but it does a strong job of capturing what you might perceive to be complex relationships between words. Before moving on, I think it will be extremely beneficial to take the word embeddings from chapter 11 and play around with the average strategy.

The surprising power of averaged word vectors

It’s the amazingly powerful go-to tool for neural prediction

In the previous section, I proposed the second method for creating vectors that convey the meaning of a sequence of words. This method takes the average of the vectors corresponding to the words in a sentence, and intuitively we expect these new average sentence vectors to behave in several desirable ways.

In this section, let’s play with sentence vectors generated using the embeddings from the previous chapter. Break out the code from chapter 11, train the embeddings on the IMDB corpus as you did before, and let’s experiment with average sentence embeddings.

At right is the same normalization performed when comparing word embeddings before. But this time, let’s prenormalize all the word embeddings into a matrix called normed_weights. Then, create a function called make_sent_vect and use it to convert each review (list of words) into embeddings using the average approach. This is stored in the matrix reviews2vectors.

import numpy as np
norms = np.sum(weights_0_1 * weights_0_1,axis=1)
normed_weights = weights_0_1 * norms

def make_sent_vect(words):
  indices = list(map(lambda x:word2index[x],
        filter(lambda x:x in word2index,words)))
  return np.mean(normed_weights[indices],axis=0)

reviews2vectors = list()
for review in tokens:                           1
reviews2vectors = np.array(reviews2vectors)

def most_similar_reviews(review):
  v = make_sent_vect(review)
  scores = Counter()
  for i,val in enumerate(
    scores[i] = val
  most_similar = list()

  for idx,score in scores.most_common(3):
  return most_similar

     ['I am amazed at how boring this film',
      'This is truly one of the worst dep',
      'It just seemed to go on and on and.]

  • 1 Tokenized reviews

After this, you create a function that queries for the most similar reviews given an input review, by performing a dot product between the input review’s vector and the vector of every other review in the corpus. This dot product similarity metric is the same one we briefly discussed in chapter 4 when you were learning to predict with multiple inputs.

Perhaps surprisingly, when you query for the most similar reviews to the average vector between the two words “boring” and “awful,” you receive back three very negative reviews. There appears to be interesting statistical information within these vectors, such that negative and positive embeddings cluster together.

How is information stored in these embeddings?

When you average word embeddings, average shapes remain

Considering what’s going on here requires a little abstract thought. I recommend digesting this kind of information over a period of time, because it’s probably a different kind of lesson than you’re used to. For a moment, I’d like you to consider that a word vector can be visually observed as a squiggly line like this one:

Instead of thinking of a vector as a list of numbers, think about it as a line with high and low points corresponding to high and low values at different places in the vector. If you selected several words from the corpus, they might look like this figure:

Consider the similarities between the various words. Notice that each vector’s corresponding shape is unique. But “terrible” and “boring” have a certain similarity in their shape. “beautiful” and “wonderful” also have a similarity to their shape, but it’s different from that of the other words. If we were to cluster these little squiggles, words with similar meaning would cluster together. More important, parts of these squiggles have true meaning in and of themselves.

For example, for the negative words, there’s a downward and then upward spike about 40% from the left. If I were to continue drawing lines corresponding to words, this spike would continue to be distinctive. There’s nothing magical about that spike that means “negativity,” and if I retrained the network, it would likely show up somewhere else. The spike indicates negativity only because all the negative words have it!

Thus, during the course of training, these shapes are molded such that different curves in different positions convey meaning (as discussed in chapter 11). When you take an average curve over the words in a sentence, the most dominant meanings of the sentence hold true, and the noise created by any particular word gets averaged away.

How does a neural network use embeddings?

Neural networks detect the curves that have correlation with a target label

You’ve learned about a new way to view word embeddings as a squiggly line with distinctive properties (curves). You’ve also learned that these curves are developed throughout the course of training to accomplish the target objective. Words with similar meaning in one way or another will often share a distinctive bend in the curve: a combination of high-low pattern among the weights. In this section, we’ll consider how the correlation summarization processes these curves as input. What does it mean for a layer to consume these curves as input?

Truth be told, a neural network consumes embeddings just as it consumed the streetlight dataset in the book’s early chapters. It looks for correlation between the various bumps and curves in the hidden layer and the target label it’s trying to predict. This is why words with one particular aspect of similarity share similar bumps and curves. At some point during training, a neural network starts developing unique characteristics between the shapes of different words so it can tell them apart, and grouping them (giving them similar bumps/curves) to help make accurate predictions. But this is another way of summarizing the lessons from the end of chapter 11. We want to press further.

In this chapter, we’ll consider what it means to sum these embeddings into a sentence embedding. What kinds of classifications would this summed vector be useful for? We’ve identified that taking an average across the word embeddings of a sentence results in a vector with an average of the characteristics of the words therein. If there are many positive words, the final embedding will look somewhat positive (with other noise from the words generally cancelling out). But note that this approach is a bit mushy: given enough words, these different wavy lines should all average together to generally be a straight line.

This brings us to the first weakness of this approach: when attempting to store arbitrarily long sequences (a sentence) of information into a fixed-length vector, if you try to store too much, eventually the sentence vector (being an average of a multitude of word vectors) will average out to a straight line (a vector of near-0s).

In short, this process of storing the information of a sentence doesn’t decay nicely. If you try to store too many words into a single vector, you end up storing almost nothing. That being said, a sentence is often not that many words; and if a sentence has repeating patterns, these sentence vectors can be useful, because the sentence vector will retain the most dominant patterns present across the word vectors being summed (such as the negative spike in the previous section).

The limitations of bag-of-words vectors

Order becomes irrelevant when you average word embeddings

The biggest issue with average embeddings is that they have no concept of order. For example, consider the two sentences “Yankees defeat Red Sox” and “Red Sox defeat Yankees.” Generating sentence vectors for these two sentences using the average approach will yield identical vectors, but the sentences are conveying the exact opposite information! Furthermore, this approach ignores grammar and syntax, so “Sox Red Yankees defeat” will also yield an identical sentence embedding.

This approach of summing or averaging word embeddings to form the embedding for a phrase or sentence is classically known as a bag-of-words approach because, much like throwing a bunch of words into a bag, order isn’t preserved. The key limitation is that you can take any sentence, scramble all the words around, and generate a sentence vector, and no matter how you scramble the words, the vector will be the same (because addition is associative: a + b == b + a).

The real topic of this chapter is generating sentence vectors in a way where order does matter. We want to create vectors such that scrambling them around changes the resulting vector. More important, the way in which order matters (otherwise known as the way in which order changes the vector) should be learned. In this way, the neural network’s representation of order can be based around trying to solve a task in language and, by extension, hopefully capture the essence of order in language. I’m using language as an example here, but you can generalize these statements to any sequence. Language is just a particularly challenging, yet universally known, domain.

One of the most famous and successful ways of generating vectors for sequences (such as a sentence) is a recurrent neural network (RNN). In order to show you how it works, we’ll start by coming up with a new, and seemingly wasteful, way of doing the average word embeddings using something called an identity matrix. An identity matrix is just an arbitrarily large, square matrix (num rows == num columns) of 0s with 1s stretching from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner as in the examples shown here.

All three of these matrices are identity matrices, and they have one purpose: performing vector-matrix multiplication with any vector will return the original vector. If I multiply the vector [3,5] by the top identity matrix, the result will be [3,5].




Using identity vectors to sum word embeddings

Let’s implement the same logic using a different approach

You may think identity matrices are useless. What’s the purpose of a matrix that takes a vector and outputs that same vector? In this case, we’ll use it as a teaching tool to show how to set up a more complicated way of summing the word embeddings so the neural network can take order into account when generating the final sentence embedding. Let’s explore another way of summing embeddings.

This is the standard technique for summing multiple word embeddings together to form a sentence embedding (dividing by the number of words gives the average sentence embedding). The example on the right adds a step between each sum: vector-matrix multiplication by an identity matrix.

The vector for “Red” is multiplied by an identity matrix, and then the output is summed with the vector for “Sox,” which is then vector-matrix multiplied by the identity matrix and added to the vector for “defeat,” and so on throughout the sentence. Note that because the vector-matrix multiplication by the identity matrix returns the same vector that goes into it, the process on the right yields exactly the same sentence embedding as the process at top left.

Yes, this is wasteful computation, but that’s about to change. The main thing to consider here is that if the matrices used were any matrix other than the identity matrix, changing the order of the words would change the resulting embedding. Let’s see this in Python.

Matrices that change absolutely nothing

Let’s create sentence embeddings using identity matrices in Python

In this section, we’ll demonstrate how to play with identity matrices in Python and ultimately implement the new sentence vector technique from the previous section (proving that it produces identical sentence embeddings).

At right, we first initialize four vectors (a, b, c, and d) of length 3 as well as an identity matrix with three rows and three columns (identity matrices are always square). Notice that the identity matrix has the characteristic set of 1s running diagonally from top-left to bottom-right (which, by the way, is called the diagonal in linear algebra). Any square matrix with 1s along the diagonal and 0s everywhere else is an identity matrix.

We then proceed to perform vector-matrix multiplication with each of the vectors and the identity matrix (using NumPy’s dot function). As you can see, the output of this process is a new vector identical to the input vector.

Because vector-matrix multiplication by an identity matrix returns the same vector we started with, incorporating this process into the sentence embedding should seem trivial, and it is:

this = np.array([2,4,6])
movie = np.array([10,10,10])
rocks = np.array([1,1,1])

print(this + movie + rocks)
print(( + movie).dot(identity) + rocks)
[13 15 17]
[ 13.  15.  17.]

Both ways of creating sentence embeddings generate the same vector. This is only because the identity matrix is a very special kind of matrix. But what would happen if we didn’t use the identity matrix? What if, instead, we used a different matrix? In fact, the identity matrix is the only matrix guaranteed to return the same vector that it’s vector-matrix multiplied with. No other matrix has this guarantee.

Learning the transition matrices

What if you allowed the identity matrices to change to minimize the loss?

Before we begin, let’s remember the goal: generating sentence embeddings that cluster according to the meaning of the sentence, such that given a sentence, we can use the vector to find sentences with a similar meaning. More specifically, these sentence embeddings should care about the order of words.

Previously, we tried summing word embeddings. But this meant “Red Sox defeat Yankees” had an identical vector to the sentence “Yankees defeat Red Sox,” despite the fact that these two sentences have opposite meanings. Instead, we want to form sentence embeddings where these two sentences generate different embeddings (yet still cluster in a meaningful way). The theory is that if we use the identity-matrix way of creating sentence embeddings, but used any other matrix other than the identity matrix, the sentence embeddings would be different depending on the order.

Now the obvious question: what matrix to use instead of the identity matrix. There are an infinite number of choices. But in deep learning, the standard answer to this kind of question is, “You’ll learn the matrix just like you learn any other matrix in a neural network!” OK, so you’ll just learn this matrix. How?

Whenever you want to train a neural network to learn something, you always need a task for it to learn. In this case, that task should require it to generate interesting sentence embeddings by learning both useful word vectors and useful modifications to the identity matrices. What task should you use?

The goal was similar when you wanted to generate useful word embeddings (fill in the blank). Let’s try to accomplish a very similar task: training a neural network to take a list of words and attempt to predict the next word.

Learning to create useful sentence vectors

Create the sentence vector, make a prediction, and modify the sen- ntence vector via its parts

In this next experiment, I don’t want you to think about the network like previous neural networks. Instead, think about creating a sentence embedding, using it to predict the next word, and then modifying the respective parts that formed the sentence embedding to make this prediction more accurate. Because you’re predicting the next word, the sentence embedding will be made from the parts of the sentence you’ve seen so far. The neural network will look something like the figure.

It’s composed of two steps: create the sentence embedding, and then use that embedding to predict which word comes next. The input to this network is the text “Red Sox defeat,” and the word to be predicted is “Yankees.”

I’ve written Identity matrix in the boxes between the word vectors. This matrix will only start as an identity matrix. During training, you’ll backpropagate gradients into these matrices and update them to help the network make better predictions (just as for the rest of the weights in the network).

This way, the network will learn how to incorporate more information than just a sum of word embeddings. By allowing the (initially, identity) matrices to change (and become not identity matrices), you let the neural network learn how to create embeddings where the order in which the words are presented changes the sentence embedding. But this change isn’t arbitrary. The network will learn how to incorporate the order of words in a way that’s useful for the task of predicting the next word.

You’ll also constrain the transition matrices (the matrices that are originally identity matrices) to all be the same matrix. In other words, the matrix from “Red” -> “Sox” will be reused to transition from “Sox” -> “defeat.” Whatever logic the network learns in one transition will be reused in the next, and only logic that’s useful at every predictive step will be allowed to be learned in the network.

Forward propagation in Python

Let’s take this idea and see how to perform a simple forward propagation

Now that you have the conceptual idea of what you’re trying to build, let’s check out a toy version in Python. First, let’s set up the weights (I’m using a limited vocab of nine words):

import numpy as np

def softmax(x_):
    x = np.atleast_2d(x_)
    temp = np.exp(x)
    return temp / np.sum(temp, axis=1, keepdims=True)

word_vects = {}
word_vects['yankees'] = np.array([[0.,0.,0.]])   1
word_vects['bears'] = np.array([[0.,0.,0.]])     1
word_vects['braves'] = np.array([[0.,0.,0.]])    1
word_vects['red'] = np.array([[0.,0.,0.]])       1
word_vects['sox'] = np.array([[0.,0.,0.]])       1
word_vects['lose'] = np.array([[0.,0.,0.]])      1
word_vects['defeat'] = np.array([[0.,0.,0.]])    1
word_vects['beat'] = np.array([[0.,0.,0.]])      1
word_vects['tie'] = np.array([[0.,0.,0.]])       1

sent2output = np.random.rand(3,len(word_vects))  2

identity = np.eye(3)                             3

  • 1 Word embeddings
  • 2 Sentence embedding to output classification weights
  • 3 Transition weights

This code creates three sets of weights. It creates a Python dictionary of word embeddings, the identity matrix (transition matrix), and a classification layer. This classification layer sent2output is a weight matrix to predict the next word given a sentence vector of length 3. With these tools, forward propagation is trivial. Here’s how forward propagation works with the sentence “red sox defeat” -> “yankees”:

layer_0 = word_vects['red']                             1
layer_1 = + word_vects['sox']     1
layer_2 = + word_vects['defeat']  1

pred = softmax(                2
print(pred)                                             2

  • 1 Creates a sentence embedding
  • 2 Predicts over all vocabulary
[[ 0.11111111  0.11111111  0.11111111  0.11111111  0.11111111  0.11111111
   0.11111111  0.11111111  0.11111111]]

How do you backpropagate into this?

It might seem trickier, but they’re the same steps you already learned

You just saw how to perform forward prediction for this network. At first, it might not be clear how backpropagation can be performed. But it’s simple. Perhaps this is what you see:

layer_0 = word_vects['red']                             1
layer_1 = + word_vects['sox']     2
layer_2 = + word_vects['defeat']

pred = softmax(                3
print(pred)                                             3

  • 1 Normal neural network (chapters 15)
  • 2 Some sort of strange additional piece
  • 3 Normal neural network again (chapter 9 stuff)

Based on previous chapters, you should feel comfortable with computing a loss and backpropagating until you get to the gradients at layer_2, called layer_2_delta. At this point, you might be wondering, “Which direction do I backprop in?” Gradients could go back to layer_1 by going backward through the identity matrix multiplication, or they could go into word_vects['defeat'].

When you add two vectors together during forward propagation, you backpropagate the same gradient into both sides of the addition. When you generate layer_2_delta, you’ll backpropagate it twice: once across the identity matrix to create layer_1_delta, and again to word_vects['defeat']:

y = np.array([1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])                   1

pred_delta = pred - y
layer_2_delta =
defeat_delta = layer_2_delta * 1                    2
layer_1_delta =
sox_delta = layer_1_delta * 1                       3
layer_0_delta =
alpha = 0.01
word_vects['red'] -= layer_0_delta * alpha
word_vects['sox'] -= sox_delta * alpha
word_vects['defeat'] -= defeat_delta * alpha
identity -= np.outer(layer_0,layer_1_delta) * alpha
identity -= np.outer(layer_1,layer_2_delta) * alpha
sent2output -= np.outer(layer_2,pred_delta) * alpha

  • 1 Targets the one-hot vector for “yankees”
  • 2 Can ignore the “1” as in chapter 11
  • 3 Again, can ignore the “1”

Let’s train it!

You have all the tools; let’s train the network on a toy corpus

So that you can get an intuition for what’s going on, let’s first train the new network on a toy task called the Babi dataset. This dataset is a synthetically generated question-answer corpus to teach machines how to answer simple questions about an environment. You aren’t using it for QA (yet), but the simplicity of the task will help you better see the impact made by learning the identity matrix. First, download the Babi dataset. Here are the bash commands:

tar -xvf tasks_1-20_v1-1.tar.gz

With some simple Python, you can open and clean a small dataset to train the network:

import sys,random,math
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np

f = open('tasksv11/en/qa1_single-supporting-fact_train.txt','r')
raw = f.readlines()

tokens = list()
for line in raw[0:1000]:
","").split(" ")[1:])


[['Mary', 'moved', 'to', 'the', 'bathroom'],
 ['John', 'went', 'to', 'the', 'hallway'],
 ['Where', 'is', 'Mary', 'bathroom'],

As you can see, this dataset contains a variety of simple statements and questions (with punctuation removed). Each question is followed by the correct answer. When used in the context of QA, a neural network reads the statements in order and answers questions (either correctly or incorrectly) based on information in the recently read statements.

For now, you’ll train the network to attempt to finish each sentence when given one or more starting words. Along the way, you’ll see the importance of allowing the recurrent matrix (previously the identity matrix) to learn.

Setting things up

Before you can create matrices, you need to learn how many parameters you have

As with the word embedding neural network, you first need to create a few useful counts, lists, and utility functions to use during the predict, compare, learn process. These utility functions and objects are shown here and should look familiar:

vocab = set()                     def words2indices(sentence):
for sent in tokens:                   idx = list()
    for word in sent:                 for word in sentence:
        vocab.add(word)                   idx.append(word2index[word])
                                      return idx
vocab = list(vocab)

word2index = {}                   def softmax(x):
for i,word in enumerate(vocab):       e_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x))
    word2index[word]=i                return e_x / e_x.sum(axis=0)

At left, you create a simple list of the vocabulary words as well as a lookup dictionary allowing you to go back and forth between a word’s text and its index. You’ll use its index in the vocabulary list to pick which row and column of the embedding and prediction matrices correspond to which word. At right is a utility function for converting a list of words to a list of indices, as well as the function for softmax, which you’ll use to predict the next word.

The following code initializes the random seed (to get consistent results) and then sets the embedding size to 10. You create a matrix of word embeddings, recurrent embeddings, and an initial start embedding. This is the embedding modeling an empty phrase, which is key to the network modeling how sentences tend to start. Finally, there’s a decoder weight matrix (just like from embeddings) and a one_hot utility matrix:

embed_size = 10

embed = (np.random.rand(len(vocab),embed_size) - 0.5) * 0.1    1

recurrent = np.eye(embed_size)                                 2

start = np.zeros(embed_size)                                   3

decoder = (np.random.rand(embed_size, len(vocab)) - 0.5) * 0.1 4

one_hot = np.eye(len(vocab))                                   5

  • 1 Word embeddings
  • 2 Embedding -> embedding (initially the identity matrix)
  • 3 Sentence embedding for an empty sentence
  • 4 Embedding -> output weights
  • 5 One-hot lookups (for the loss function)

Forward propagation with arbitrary length

You’ll forward propagate using the same logic described earlier

The following code contains the logic to forward propagate and predict the next word. Note that although the construction might feel unfamiliar, it follows the same procedure as before for summing embeddings while using the identity matrix. Here, the identity matrix is replaced with a matrix called recurrent, which is initialized to be all 0s (and will be learned through training).

Furthermore, instead of predicting only at the last word, you make a prediction (layer['pred']) at every timestep, based on the embedding generated by the previous words. This is more efficient than doing a new forward propagation from the beginning of the phrase each time you want to predict a new term.

def predict(sent):

    layers = list()
    layer = {}
    layer['hidden'] = start

    loss = 0

    preds = list()                                                   1
    for target_i in range(len(sent)):

        layer = {}

        layer['pred'] = softmax(layers[-1]['hidden'].dot(decoder))   2

        loss += -np.log(layer['pred'][sent[target_i]])

        layer['hidden'] = layers[-1]['hidden'].dot(recurrent) +     3
    return layers, loss

  • 1 Forward propagates
  • 2 Tries to predict the next term
  • 3 Generates the next hidden state

There’s nothing particularly new about this bit of code relative to what you’ve learned in the past, but there’s a particular piece I want to make sure you’re familiar with before we move forward. The list called layers is a new way to forward propagate.

Notice that you end up doing more forward propagations if the length of sent is larger. As a result, you can’t use static layer variables as before. This time, you need to keep appending new layers to the list based on the required number. Be sure you’re comfortable with what’s going on in each part of this list, because if it’s unfamiliar to you in the forward propagation pass, it will be very difficult to know what’s going on during the backpropagation and weight update steps.

Backpropagation with arbitrary length

You’ll backpropagate using the same logic described earlier

As described with the “Red Sox defeat Yankees” example, let’s implement backpropagation over arbitrary-length sequences, assuming you have access to the forward propagation objects returned from the function in the previous section. The most important object is the layers list, which has two vectors (layer['state'] and layer['previous->hidden']).

In order to backpropagate, you’ll take the output gradient and add a new object to each list called layer['state_delta'], which will represent the gradient at that layer. This corresponds to variables like sox_delta, layer_0_delta, and defeat_delta from the “Red Sox defeat Yankees” example. You’re building the same logic in a way that it can consume the variable-length sequences from the forward propagation logic.

for iter in range(30000):                                                  1
    alpha = 0.001
    sent = words2indices(tokens[iter%len(tokens)][1:])
    layers,loss = predict(sent)

      for layer_idx in reversed(range(len(layers))):                       2
          layer = layers[layer_idx]
          target = sent[layer_idx-1]
             if(layer_idx > 0):                                            3
                 layer['output_delta'] = layer['pred'] - one_hot[target]
                 new_hidden_delta = layer['output_delta']

                 if(layer_idx == len(layers)-1):                           4
                     layer['hidden_delta'] = new_hidden_delta
                     layer['hidden_delta'] = new_hidden_delta + 
             else: # if the first layer
                 layer['hidden_delta'] = layers[layer_idx+1]['hidden_delta']

  • 1 Forward
  • 2 Backpropagates
  • 3 If not the first layer
  • 4 If the last layer, don’t pull from a later one, because it doesn’t exist

Before moving on to the next section, be sure you can read this code and explain it to a friend (or at least to yourself). There are no new concepts in this code, but its construction can make it seem a bit foreign at first. Spend some time linking what’s written in this code back to each line of the “Red Sox defeat Yankees” example, and you should be ready for the next section and updating the weights using the gradients you backpropagated.

Weight update with arbitrary length

You’ll update weights using the same logic described earlier

As with the forward and backprop logic, this weight update logic isn’t new. But I’m presenting it after having explained it so you can focus on the engineering complexity, having (hopefully) already grokked (ha!) the theory complexity.

for iter in range(30000):                                              1
    alpha = 0.001
    sent = words2indices(tokens[iter%len(tokens)][1:])

    layers,loss = predict(sent)

    for layer_idx in reversed(range(len(layers))):                     2
        layer = layers[layer_idx]
        target = sent[layer_idx-1]

        if(layer_idx > 0):
            layer['output_delta'] = layer['pred'] - one_hot[target]
            new_hidden_delta = layer['output_delta']

            if(layer_idx == len(layers)-1):                            3
                layer['hidden_delta'] = new_hidden_delta
                layer['hidden_delta'] = new_hidden_delta + 
            layer['hidden_delta'] = layers[layer_idx+1]['hidden_delta']

    start -= layers[0]['hidden_delta'] * alpha / float(len(sent))      4
    for layer_idx,layer in enumerate(layers[1:]):

        decoder -= np.outer(layers[layer_idx]['hidden'],
                        layer['output_delta']) * alpha / float(len(sent))

        embed_idx = sent[layer_idx]
        embed[embed_idx] -= layers[layer_idx]['hidden_delta'] * 
                                                       alpha / float(len(sent))
        recurrent -= np.outer(layers[layer_idx]['hidden'],
                        layer['hidden_delta']) * alpha / float(len(sent))

    if(iter % 1000 == 0):
        print("Perplexity:" + str(np.exp(loss/len(sent))))

  • 1 Forward
  • 2 Backpropagates
  • 3 If the last layer, don’t pull from a later one, because it doesn’t exist
  • 4 Updates weights

Execution and output analysis

You’ll update weights using the same logic described earlier

Now the moment of truth: what happens when you run it? Well, when I run this code, I get a relatively steady downtrend in a metric called perplexity. Technically, perplexity is the probability of the correct label (word), passed through a log function, negated, and exponentiated (e^x).

But what it represents theoretically is the difference between two probability distributions. In this case, the perfect probability distribution would be 100% probability allocated to the correct term and 0% everywhere else.

Perplexity is high when two probability distributions don’t match, and it’s low (approaching 1) when they do match. Thus, a decreasing perplexity, like all loss functions used with stochastic gradient descent, is a good thing! It means the network is learning to predict probabilities that match the data.


But this hardly tells you what’s going on in the weights. Perplexity has faced some criticism over the years (particularly in the language-modeling community) for being overused as a metric. Let’s look a little more closely at the predictions:

sent_index = 4

l,_ = predict(words2indices(tokens[sent_index]))


for i,each_layer in enumerate(l[1:-1]):
    input = tokens[sent_index][i]
    true = tokens[sent_index][i+1]
    pred = vocab[each_layer['pred'].argmax()]
    print("Prev Input:" + input + (' ' * (12 - len(input))) +
          "True:" + true + (" " * (15 - len(true))) + "Pred:" + pred)

This code takes a sentence and predicts the word the model thinks is most likely. This is useful because it gives a sense for the kinds of characteristics the model takes on. What kinds of things does it get right? What kinds of mistakes does it make? You’ll see in the next section.

Looking at predictions can help you understand what’s going on

You can look at the output predictions of the neural network as it trains to learn not only what kinds of patterns it picks up, but also the order in which it learns them. After 100 training steps, the output looks like this:

['sandra', 'moved', 'to', 'the', 'garden.']
Prev Input:sandra      True:moved          Pred:is
Prev Input:moved       True:to             Pred:kitchen
Prev Input:to          True:the            Pred:bedroom
Prev Input:the         True:garden.        Pred:office

Neural networks tend to start off random. In this case, the neural network is likely only biased toward whatever words it started with in its first random state. Let’s keep training:

['sandra', 'moved', 'to', 'the', 'garden.']
Prev Input:sandra      True:moved          Pred:the
Prev Input:moved       True:to             Pred:the
Prev Input:to          True:the            Pred:the
Prev Input:the         True:garden.        Pred:the

After 10,000 training steps, the neural network picks out the most common word (“the”) and predicts it at every timestep. This is an extremely common error in recurrent neural networks. It takes lots of training to learn finer-grained detail in a highly skewed dataset.

['sandra', 'moved', 'to', 'the', 'garden.']
Prev Input:sandra      True:moved          Pred:is
Prev Input:moved       True:to             Pred:to
Prev Input:to          True:the            Pred:the
Prev Input:the         True:garden.        Pred:bedroom.

These mistakes are really interesting. After seeing only the word “sandra,” the network predicts “is,” which, although not exactly the same as “moved,” isn’t a bad guess. It picked the wrong verb. Next, notice that the words “to” and “the” were correct, which isn’t as surprising because these are some of the more common words in the dataset, and presumably the network has been trained to predict the phrase “to the” after the verb “moved” many times. The final mistake is also compelling, mistaking “bedroom” for the word “garden.”

It’s important to note that there’s almost no way this neural network could learn this task perfectly. After all, if I gave you the words “sandra moved to the,” could you tell me the correct next word? More context is needed to solve this task, but the fact that it’s unsolvable, in my opinion, creates educational analysis for the ways in which it fails.


Recurrent neural networks predict over arbitrary-length sequences

In this chapter, you learned how to create vector representations for arbitrary-length sequences. The last exercise trained a linear recurrent neural network to predict the next term given a previous phrase of terms. To do this, it needed to learn how to create embeddings that accurately represented variable-length strings of terms into a fixed-size vector.

This last sentence should drive home a question: how does a neural network fit a variable amount of information into a fixed-size box? The truth is, sentence vectors don’t encode everything in the sentence. The name of the game in recurrent neural networks is not just what these vectors remember, but also what they forget. In the case of predicting the next word, most RNNs learn that only the last couple of words are really necessary,[*] and they learn to forget (aka, not make unique patterns in their vectors for) words further back in the history.


See, for example, “Frustratingly Short Attention Spans in Neural Language Modeling” by Michał Daniluk et al. (paper presented at ICLR 2017),

But note that there are no nonlinearities in the generation of these representations. What kinds of limitations do you think that could create? In the next chapter, we’ll explore this question and more using nonlinearities and gates to form a neural network called a long short-term memory network (LSTM). But first, make sure you can sit down and (from memory) code a working linear RNN that converges. The dynamics and control flow of these networks can be a bit daunting, and the complexity is about to jump by quite a bit. Before moving on, become comfortable with what you’ve learned in this chapter.

And with that, let’s dive into LSTMs!

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