
Managing Yourself

  1. “How to Stop Worrying about What Other People Think of You,” by Michael Gervais
  2. “How to Lead When You’re Feeling Afraid,” by Peter Bregman
  3. “3 Simple Habits to Improve Your Critical Thinking,” by Helen Lee Bouygues
  4. “To Achieve Big Goals, Start with Small Habits,” by Sabina Nawaz
  5. “How to Manage Your Perfectionism,” by Rebecca Knight
  6. “You’re Never Going to Be ‘Caught Up’ at Work. Stop Feeling Guilty about It,” by Art Markman
  7. “The Case for Finally Cleaning Your Desk,” by Libby Sander
  8. “Learning Is Supposed to Feel Uncomfortable,” by Peter Bregman
  9. “Making Learning a Part of Everyday Work,” by Josh Bersin and Marc Zao Sanders
  10. “How to Stop Obsessing over Your Mistakes,” by Alice Boyes
  11. “The Little Things That Affect Our Work Relationships,” by Kerry Roberts Gibson and Beth Schinoff
  12. “How to Be Resilient in the Face of Harsh Criticism,” by Joseph Grenny
  13. “To Become Your Best Self, Study Your Successes,” by Laura Morgan Roberts, Emily D. Heaphy, and Brianna Barker Caza
  14. “How Leaders Can Get Honest, Productive Feedback,” by Jennifer Porter
  15. “A Simple Way to Map Out Your Career Ambitions,” by Marc Effron
  16. “Should New Grads Take Any Job or Wait for the Right One?,” by Jodi Glickman
  17. “Are You at Risk of a Mid-Career Rut?,” by Laurence Minsky and Julia Tang Peters
  18. “Planning Your Post-Retirement Career,” by Dorie Clark
  19. “Women of Color Get Asked to Do More ‘Office Housework.’ Here’s How They Can Say No,” by Ruchika Tulshyan
  20. “The Most Powerful Lesson My Cancer Taught Me about Life and Work,” by Dan Cable
  21. “In a Distracted World, Solitude Is a Competitive Advantage,” by Mike Erwin
  22. “To Succeed as a First-Time Leader, Relax,” by David Brendel
  23. “10 Quick Tips for Avoiding Distractions at Work,” by Steve Glaveski
  24. “Having the Here’s-What-I-Want Conversation with Your Boss,” by Rebecca Shambaugh
  25. “How to Spark Creativity When You’re in a Rut,” by Priscilla Claman
  26. “How to Get People to Accept a Tough Decision,” by David Maxfield
  27. “Why You Need an Untouchable Day Every Week,” by Neil Pasricha
  28. “6 Causes of Burnout, and How to Avoid Them,” by Elizabeth Grace Saunders
  29. “How to Motivate Yourself When You Don’t Have a Deadline,” by Elizabeth Grace Saunders
  30. “Why Highly Efficient Leaders Fail,” by Rebecca Zucker
  31. “5 Strategies for Getting More Work Done in Less Time,” by Elizabeth Grace Saunders
  32. “When Life Gets Busy, Focus on a Few Key Habits,” by Jackie Coleman and John Coleman
  33. “Stop Setting Goals You Don’t Actually Care About,” by Elizabeth Grace Saunders
  34. “The Two Things Killing Your Ability to Focus,” by William Treseder
  35. “How to Deal with Constantly Feeling Overwhelmed,” by Rebecca Zucker
  36. “How to Leave Work at Work,” by Elizabeth Grace Saunders
  37. “Treat Your Weekend Like a Vacation,” by Cassie Mogilner Holmes
  38. “Why You Should Work Less and Spend More Time on Hobbies,” by Gaetano DiNardi
  39. “How Doctors Can Be Better Mentors,” by Sanjay Saint and Vineet Chopra
  40. “Boost Your Emotional Intelligence with These 3 Questions,” by Daniel Goleman and Michele Nevarez
  41. “How to Become a More Well-Rounded Leader,” by Tony Schwartz
  42. “Identifying the Skills That Can Help You Change Careers,” by Christopher Bowe
  43. “Establish Expertise Inside Your Company,” by Dorie Clark
  44. “Why You Should Charge Clients More Than You Think You’re Worth,” by Dorie Clark
  45. “The Best Ways to Use Social Media to Expand Your Network,” by Doug Camplejohn
  46. “How to Manage the Emotional Roller Coaster of a Job Search,” by Rebecca Zucker
  47. “How to Handle Stress during a Job Interview,” by Anna Ranieri
  48. “5 Questions to Ask When Starting a New Job,” by Michael D. Watkins
  49. “How to Ask for the Job Title You Deserve,” by Rebecca Knight
  50. “A Checklist for Someone About to Take on a Tougher Job,” by Ed Batista
  51. “How to Advance in Your Career When Your Boss Won’t Help,” by Kristi Hedges
  52. “How to Ask for a Raise,” by Carolyn O’Hara
  53. “4 Things to Do before a Tough Conversation,” by Joseph Grenny
  54. “How to Control Your Emotions during a Difficult Conversation,” by Amy Gallo
  55. “How to Rehearse for an Important Presentation,” by Carmine Gallo
  56. “The Art of Persuasion Hasn’t Changed in 2,000 Years,” by Carmine Gallo
  57. “Virtual Meetings Don’t Have to Be a Bore,” by Andy Molinsky
  58. “Why Your Meetings Stink—and What to Do about It,” by Steven G. Rogelberg
  59. “How to Speak Up in a Meeting, and When to Hold Back,” by Allison Shapira
  60. “The Key to Career Growth: Surround Yourself with People Who Will Push You,” by Claudio Fernández-Aráoz

Managing Your Team

  1. “Good Bosses Switch between Two Leadership Styles,” by Jon Maner
  2. “To Develop Leadership Skills, Practice in a Low-Risk Environment,” by Peter Bregman
  3. “How to Overcome Executive Isolation,” by Ron Ashkenas
  4. “How to Nourish Your Team’s Creativity,” by Ron Carucci
  5. Innovative Teams (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
  6. “Motivating Your Most Creative Employees,” by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Reece Akhtar
  7. “The Best Leaders Aren’t Afraid to Ask for Help,” by Peter Bregman
  8. “What Amazing Bosses Do Differently,” Sydney Finkelstein
  9. “How to Make Your One-on-Ones with Employees More Productive,” by Rebecca Knight
  10. “How to Stop Micromanaging Your Team,” by Rebecca Knight
  11. “Don’t Be a Hypocrite about Failure,” by Justin Brady
  12. “How to Help Your Team with Burnout When You’re Burned Out Yourself,” by Rebecca Knight
  13. “Why Your Company Needs More Ceremonies,” by Patti Sanchez
  14. “Helping Your Team Feel the Purpose in Their Work,” by Dan Cable
  15. “To Coach Junior Employees, Start with 4 Conversations,” by Jerry Connor
  16. “How to Stop Delegating and Start Teaching,” by Art Markman
  17. “How to Keep Learning and Still Have a Life,” by Lisa Burrell
  18. “How to Help Your Team Manage Grunt Work,” by Whitney Johnson
  19. “The Top Complaints from Employees about Their Leaders,” by Lou Solomon
  20. “What to Say When Your Employee Makes a Mistake,” by Peter Bregman
  21. “Burnout Is about Your Workplace, Not Your People,” by Jennifer Moss
  22. “How to Welcome an Employee Back from Medical Leave,” by Anne Sugar
  23. “Help Your Employees Be Themselves at Work,” by Christie Smith and Dorie Clark
  24. “How to Reduce Personal Bias When Hiring,” by Ruchika Tulshyan
  25. “What to Do First When Managing Former Peers,” by Liane Davey
  26. “What to Do If Your Team Is Too Busy to Take On New Work,” by Dutta Satadip
  27. “How to Handle a Disagreement on Your Team,” by Jeanne Brett and Stephen B. Goldberg
  28. “How to Mentor Someone Who Doesn’t Know What Their Career Goals Should Be,” by Tania Luna and Jordan Cohen
  29. “Many Employees Have a Mid-Career Crisis. Here’s How Employers Can Help,” by Serenity Gibbons
  30. “What Companies Can Do to Help Employees Address Mental Health Issues,” by Barbara Harvey
  31. “How to Encourage Entrepreneurial Thinking on Your Team,” by Sergei Revzin and Vadim Revzin
  32. “5 Questions Leaders Should Be Asking All the Time,” by James E. Ryan
  33. “How to Give Feedback People Can Actually Use,” by Jennifer Porter
  34. Giving Effective Feedback (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
  35. “Why Withholding Information at Work Won’t Give You an Advantage,” by Zhou (Joe) Jiang
  36. “6 Ways to Set Boundaries around Email,” by Sarah K. Peck
  37. “What Everyone Should Know about Running Virtual Meetings,” by Paul Axtell
  38. “Make Your Meetings a Safe Space for Honest Conversation,” by Paul Axtell
  39. “To Get More Done, Focus on Environment, Expectations, and Examples,” by John Zeratsky
  40. “Make Civility the Norm on Your Team,” by Christine Porath
  41. “When to Solve Your Team’s Problems, and When to Let Them Sort It Out,” by Joseph Grenny
  42. “4 Ways to Help Your Team Avoid Digital Distractions,” by Amy Blankson
  43. “Your Team May Have Too Many Prioritizers and Planners,” by Carson Tate
  44. “Do You Really Trust Your Team? (And Do They Trust You?),” by Amy Jen Su
  45. “How to Retain and Engage Your B Players,” by Liz Kislik
  46. “How to Manage a Team of B Players,” by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
  47. “If Your Innovation Effort Isn’t Working, Look at Who’s on the Team,” by Nathan Furr, Kyle Nel, and Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy
  48. “How Are You Protecting Your High Performers from Burnout?” by Matt Plummer
  49. “The 3 Simple Rules of Managing Top Talent,” by Roger L. Martin
  50. “How to Fire Someone without Destroying Them,” by Anese Cavanaugh
  51. “New Managers Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Express Their Emotions,” by Kristi Hedges
  52. “How to Make Work More Meaningful for Your Team,” by Lewis Garrad and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
  53. “The 3 Elements of Trust,” by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman
  54. “How to Earn a Reputation as a Fair Manager,” by Liane Davey
  55. “Get Rid of Unhealthy Competition on Your Team,” by Amy C. Edmondson
  56. “How to Keep Envy from Poisoning Your Team’s Culture,” by Ron Carucci
  57. “Keep Your Company’s Toxic Culture from Infecting Your Team,” by Annie McKee
  58. HBR Guide to Performance Management
  59. “The Secret to Leading Organizational Change Is Empathy,” by Patti Sanchez
  60. “Being a Strategic Leader Is about Asking the Right Questions,” by Lisa Lai
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