
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.


<a> tag, 58

AAC codec, 214

<abbr> tag, 71

abbreviations, 71

absolute URLs, 55

<acronym> tag, 71

action attribute, 61

addColorStop( ) function, 115–120

<address> tag, 72

Ajax technology, 60

align attribute

     images, 36, 40

     tables, 45–46

alphabetic value for text, 129

alt attribute, 36

ampersands (&) for query strings, 57

anchors for hyperlinks, 59–60

Android operating system

     audio support, 214

     video support, 220

angle brackets (<>) for tags, 8

angles for rotation, 174–176

appendChild( ) method, 232

Apple iOS operating system

     audio support, 214

     video support, 220

<applet> tag, 72

arc( ) function, 144–147

arcTo( ) function, 147–149

<area> tag, 72

attributes overview, 8–9

audio, 213

     <audio> and <source> tags, 215–217

     codecs, 213–214

     overview, 93–94

<audio> tag, 93–94, 215–217

audio.swf Flash player, 216

autocomplete attribute, 92, 194

autofocus attribute, 92, 194

autoplay attribute

     audio, 216

     video, 221


<b> tag, 24

background processing, 95, 227–229

<base> tag, 73–74

<basefont> tag, 29–30, 74

<bdo> tag, 74

beginPath( ) function, 137

Berners-Lee, Timothy, 3–4

bezierCurveTo( ) function, 150–151

bgcolor attribute

     fonts, 30

     tables, 45

<big> tag, 24, 75

Bing maps, 190

<blockquote> tag, 75–76

blur for shadows, 157

body sections, 19

     comments, 19–20

     <div> and <span> tags, 20–21

     headings, 21–22

     line breaks, 22–23

     paragraphs, 22

     text emphasis, 24–26

<body> tag, 16

bold text, 24

border attribute

     images, 36

     tables, 45

bordercolor attribute, 45

bottom value for text, 129

<br> tag, 22–23


     audio support, 214, 216–217

     invention of, 3

     video support, 220

<button> tag, 64–65



     accessing, 105–106

     <canvas> tag, 104–105

     compositing and transparency, 167–171

     converting to images, 106–108

     curves, 144–151

     gradients, 114–120

     images, 153–156

     JavaScript overview, 97–104

     lines, 135–137

     overview, 88–90

     paths, 137–143

     patterns, 120–123

     pixel editing, 159–164

     rectangles, 111–114

     shadows, 156–159

     as source image, 156

     text. See text

     transformations, 170–181

<canvas> tag, 88–90, 104–105

<caption> tag, 48

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

     description, 9

     emphasis, 26

     images, 39

     including, 13–14

cellpadding attribute, 45

cellspacing attribute, 45

<center> tag, 25, 76

checkbox attribute, 63

Chrome browser

     audio support, 214

     video support, 220

citations, 76

<cite> tag, 76

class attribute, 9

clear attribute

     images, 40

     line breaks, 23

clear( ) function, 208, 210

clearRect( ) function, 113

clip( ) function, 140–143, 159

closePath( ) function, 137

cm font units, 126

<code> tag, 77–78


     audio, 213–214

     video, 219–223

<col> tag, 78

<colgroup> tag, 78


     canvas, 107

     columns, 78

     curves, 148

     fills, 112–113

     fonts, 30–33, 74

     form input, 201

     gradients, 115, 117–120

     images, 36

     pixels. See pixel editing

     rectangles, 111–113

     shadows, 157, 159

     tables, 45

     text, 130–132

color input type, 201

colspan attribute, 49–52

columns in tables, 45–52


     conditional, 70

     inserting, 19–20

     JavaScript, 103

comparisons, 70

compositing, 167

     globalAlpha property, 169–170

     globalCompositeOperation property, 167–169

conditional HTML, 69–82

controls attribute

     audio, 216

     video, 221


     canvas to images, 106–108

     degrees to radians, 176

cookies, 93


     arcs, 144

     gradients, 114–115, 117

copy value for compositing, 169

createImageData( ) function, 164

createLinearGradient( ) function, 114–117

createPattern( ) function, 121–123, 133

createRadialGradient( ) function, 117

cross-document messaging, 210–212

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

     description, 9

     emphasis, 26

     images, 39

     including, 13–14

curves, 144

     arc( ), 144–147

     arcTo( ), 147–149

     bezierCurveTo( ), 150–151

     quadraticCurveTo( ), 149–150


darker value in compositing, 169

data lists for forms, 92–93

data[] array, 160–161

<datalist> tag, 196–197

date input type, 201

date pickers, 201–202

datetime input type, 202

datetime-local input type, 202

<dd> tag, 44


     audio support, 214

     fonts, 74

     gradients, 114

     image alignment, 40

     image size, 36

     image type, 108

     lists, 42–44

     paragraph spacing, 22

     video support, 220

definition lists, 44

degrees, 176

<del> tag, 25, 79

denied( ) function, 187

destination-atop value, 169

destination-in value, 169

destination-out value, 169

destination-over value, 169

<dfn> tag, 71

dir attribute, 74

<dir> tag, 78


     arcs, 145, 147

     text, 74

<div> tag

     geolocation, 188

     overview, 20–21

<dl> tag, 44

DNS (Domain Name System), 7

<!DOCTYPE> declarations, 11–12

DOM (Document Object Model), 97–98

Domain Name System (DNS), 7

dots (.) in relative URLs, 58

double quotation marks (") in tags, 8

drag and drop support, 231–232

drawImage( ) function, 153–156

<dt> tag, 44


em font units, 126

<em> tag, 25

email input type, 203

<embed> tag, 94

emphasis for text, 24–26

enctype attribute, 61

equal signs (=) in attributes, 8


     drag and drop, 231–232

     images, 121–122, 132

     web workers, 228–229

ex font units, 126

exclamation points (!) in comments, 19, 70

extending rows and columns, 49–52


<fieldset> tag, 79

fill( ) function, 140

fillRect( ) function, 90, 111–112, 116

fillstyle property, 112–113

fillText( ) function, 129–133

Firefox browser

     audio support, 214

     video support, 220

Flash programming environment, 213–214

flowplayer.swf files, 222–223

font property, 125–126

<font> tag, 29–35, 80

fonts. See also text

     color, 30–33

     faces, 29–31, 33–35

     font property, 125–126

     size units, 126

form attribute, 194–195

formaction attribute, 92, 195

formenctype attribute, 195

formmethod attribute, 195

formnovalidate attribute, 92, 196, 198


     autocomplete attribute, 194

     autofocus attribute, 194

     <button> tag, 64–65

     creating, 60–62

     date and time pickers, 201–202

     fields, 79

     form attribute, 194–195

     HTML5 enhancements, 92–93

     input types, 200–204

     <input> tag, 63

     JavaScript for, 99–108

     <label> tag, 65

     name attribute, 63

     new attributes, 193

     overrides, 195–200

     <select> tag, 64

     <textarea> tag, 64

     value attribute, 63

<forms> tag, 61

formtarget attribute, 92, 196

frames, 65–66

<frameset> tag, 65, 80


gateways, 5


     document example, 188–190

     geolocation property, 186

     getCurrentPosition( ), 186–187

     GPS service, 191–192

     JavaScript for, 185–190

     overview, 90–91

geolocation property, 186

Get requests, 7

getContext( ) function, 106

getCurrentPosition( ) function, 186–187

getElementById( ) function, 100

getImageData( ) function, 159–160

getItem( ) function, 208

.gif images, 36

Global Positioning Systems (GPS), 91, 191–192

globalAlpha property, 169–170

globalCompositeOperation property, 167–169

Google Android operating system

     audio support, 214

     video support, 220

Google Chrome browser

     audio support, 214

     video support, 220

Google maps, 188–190

GPS (Global Positioning Systems), 91, 191–192


     addColorStop( ), 117–120

     createLinearGradient( ), 116–117

     createRadialGradient( ), 117

     creating, 114–116

     text, 130–131

granted( ) function, 186–187

greater than signs (>) in comments, 19, 70


<h1> tag, 21–22

H.264 codec, 220

hanging value for text, 129

<head> tag, 13

headings, 21–22

height attribute

     canvas, 105

     forms, 196

     images, 36

     tables, 45–46

     video, 221

hexadecimal digits for color, 33

hidden attribute, 63

horizontal rules, 80

<hr> tag, 80

.htaccess file, 230

.htm and .html extensions, 6

<html> tag, 12–13

HTML5 overview, 87

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), 4–5


     creating, 55–56, 58–60

     query strings, 56–57

     relative URLs, 57–58

hyphens (-) in comments, 19, 70


<i> tag, 25

id attribute, 9

ideographic value for text, 129

ids for form access, 100

if statements, 70

<iframe> tag, 66, 80–81

iframes, 65–66, 80–81

Image( ) function, 121


     canvas as source, 156

     converting canvas to, 106–108

     displaying, 36–40

     drawImage( ), 153–156

     URLs in, 59

imagetype argument, 108

<img> tag, 36–40

in font units, 126

input types in forms, 200–204

<input> tag, 63, 92–93

Internet Explorer browser

     audio support, 214

     conditional HTML for, 69–82

     local documents, 12

     video support, 220

inverting images, 163

IP (Internet Protocol) addresses for geolocation, 191

<isindex> tag, 81

isPointInPath( ) function, 143

italic text, 25

itemid attribute, 95, 225

itemprop attribute, 95, 225

itemref attribute, 95, 225

itemscope attribute, 95, 225

itemtype attribute, 95, 225


JavaScript, 88

     canvas, 89–90, 105–106

     form element access from, 99–108

     for geolocation, 185–190

     incorporating, 14–15

     overview, 97–99

joined lines, 136–137

.jpg images, 36


<kbd> tag, 78


<label> tag, 65

lat setting for geolocation, 190

layout, 11

     <body> tag, 16

     <!DOCTYPE> declarations, 11–12

     <head> tag, 13

     <html> tag, 12–13

     JavaScript, 14–15

     metadata, 15–16

     style sheets, 13–14

     <title> tag, 13

<legend> tag, 79

less than signs (<) in comments, 19, 70

<li> tag, 42

lighter value, 169

line breaks, 22–23

linear gradients, 114–116

lineCap property, 136

lineJoin property, 136–137


     lineCap property, 136

     lineJoin property, 136–137

     lineWidth property, 128, 135

     miterLimit property, 137

lineTo( ) function, 137–138

lineWidth property, 128, 135

<link> tag, 14


     creating, 55–56, 58–60

     query strings, 56–57

     relative URLs, 57–58

list attribute, 92, 196–197


     building, 41–43

     defaults, 43–44

     definition, 44

local documents in Internet Explorer, 12

local storage, 93, 207–210

long setting for geolocation, 190

loop attribute

     audio, 216

     video, 221

lossless codecs, 214

lowercase style, 23

lt keyword, 70


MAC (Media Access Control) addresses for geolocation, 191

mapTypeId setting for geolocation, 190

The Mark of the Web, 71

Math.PI value, 146, 174

max attribute, 93, 197

Media Access Control (MAC) addresses for geolocation, 191

<menu> tag, 81

messaging, cross-document, 210–212

<meta> tag, 15–16

metadata, 15–16

method attribute, 61

methods, 101

metrics object, 133–134

microdata, 95, 225–227

middle value for text, 129

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), 229

min attribute, 93, 197

miterLimit property, 137

mm font units, 126

month input type, 202

moveTo( ) function, 137–138

Mozilla Firefox browser

     audio support, 214

     video support, 220

MP3 codec, 214

MP4 codec, 219

multiple attribute, 93, 198

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), 229


name attribute

     forms, 63

     hyperlinks, 59–60

named colors, 31–32

negative images, 163

new keyword, 121

<noframes> tag, 65

no-repeat type for patterns, 121–122, 133

not operator, 70–71

novalidate attribute, 198

number input type, 203

numbers for color, 33


O( ) function, 101–102

offline web applications, 229–231

OGG codec, 214, 219

<ol> tag, 42

ondragover events, 231–232

ondragstart events, 231–232

ondrop events, 231–232

onload events, 121–122, 132, 154, 160

onmessage event, 228–229

Opera Firefox browser

     audio support, 214

     video support, 220

<optgroup> tag, 81–82

option groups, 81–82

<option> tag, 64, 81, 196–197

ordered lists, 41–42

origin, canvas, 177


<p> tag, 22

paragraphs, 22

password attribute, 63

paths, 137

     beginPath( ) and closePath( ), 137

     clip( ), 140–143

     fill( ), 140

     isPointInPath( ), 143

     moveTo( ) and lineTo( ), 137–138

     rect( ), 139

     stroke( ), 138

pattern attribute, 93, 199


     canvas, 120–123

     regular expressions, 199

     text, 130, 132–133

pc font units, 126

PCM codec, 214

percentages for font units, 126

periods (.) in relative URLs, 58

pixel editing, 159

     createImageData( ), 164

     data[] array, 160–161

     getImageData( ), 159–160

     putImageData( ), 161–164

.pl and .php extensions, 7

placeholder attribute, 93, 199–200

.png images, 36

Post requests, 7

poster attribute, 221

postMessage( ) function, 210–212

pound symbol (#)

     color, 33

     hyperlink anchors, 59

<pre> tag, 62, 77

preload attribute

     audio, 216

     video, 221

programming code, 77–78

proxies, 5

pt font units, 126

putImageData( ) function, 161–164

px font units, 126


<q> tag, 75–76

quadraticCurveTo( ) function, 149–150

query strings for hyperlinks, 56–57

question mark character (?) in query strings, 57

QuickTime media player, 214

quotations, 75–76


radial gradients, 117

radian offsets for arcs, 144

radians, 174–176

radio attribute, 63

radius in arcs, 144

range input type, 203

rect( ) function, 139


     clearRect( ), 113

     fillRect( ), 112

     fillstyle property, 112–113

     rect( ), 139

     scaling, 171–173

     strokeRect( ), 113–114

regular expressions, 199

relative URLs, 57–58

removeItem( ) function, 208–210

repeat type for patterns, 121

repeat-x type for patterns, 121–122

repeat-y type for patterns, 121–122

request/response sequence, 6–7

required attribute, 200

restore( ) function, 172–174

retrieving local storage, 208–209

road maps, 190

rotate( ) function, 174–176

routers, 5

rows in tables, 45–52

rowspan attribute, 49–52


S( ) function, 102–104

<s> tag, 25

Safari browser

     audio support, 214

     form support, 197–199

     video support, 220

<samp> tag, 78

satellite maps, 190

save( ) function, 172–174

scale( ) function, 170–174

<script> tag, 14–15, 99–108

search input type, 204

security zones, 71

<select> tag, 64

serving pages, 5

setData( ) method, 232

setInterval( ) function, 231

setItem( ) function, 208–209

setTransform( ) function, 181

shadowBlur value, 157

shadowColor value, 157

shadowOffsetX value, 156

shadowOffsetY value, 157

shadows, 156–158

shearing squares, 179–180

single quotation marks (’) in tags, 8


     images, 155

     text, 30, 75, 126

slash (/) characters

     comments, 19, 103

     in tags, 8

     in URLs, 58

<small> tag, 25, 75

<source> tag

     audio, 215–217

     video, 220–222

source-atop property, 169

source-in property, 168

source-out property, 168

source-over value, 167–168

spaces in tags, 62

<span> tag, 20–21

src attribute

     audio, 216

     images, 36

     video, 221

start attribute, 43

step attribute, 93, 200

storage, local, 93, 207–210

<strike> tag, 25

strikethrough text, 25

stroke( ) function, 138

strokeRect( ) function, 113–114

strokeText( ) function, 127

<strong> tag, 25

style attribute, 9

style sheets

     description, 9

     emphasis, 26

     images, 39

     including, 13–14

<style> tag, 14

<sub> tag, 26, 82

submit attribute, 63

subscripted text, 26, 82

<sup> tag, 26, 82

superscripted text, 26, 82


<table> tag, 45–46


     creating, 44–45

     rows and columns, 45–52, 78


     attributes, 8–9

     description, 8

target attribute in hyperlinks, 59

<td> tag, 45–46

tel input type, 204


     centering, 76

     citations, 76

     deleted, 79

     direction, 74

     emphasis, 24–26

     fillText( ), 129–133

     font property, 125–126

     font size units, 126

     programming code, 77–78

     quotations, 75–76

     size, 75

     strokeText( ), 127

     textAlign property, 127–128

     textBaseline property, 129

     width, 133–134

text attribute, 63

textAlign property, 127–128

<textarea> tag, 64

textBaseline property, 129

<th> tag, 47

Theora codec, 220

time input type, 202

time pickers, 201–202

title attribute, 9

<title> tag, 13

toDataURL( ) function, 107–108

top value for text, 129

<tr> tag, 45–46

transform( ) function, 178–180

transformations, 170

     rotate( ), 174–176

     scale( ), 170–174

     setTransform( ), 181

     transform( ), 178–180

     translate( ), 176–177

translate( ) function, 176–177

transparency, 169–170

<tt> tag, 78

type attribute

     audio, 216

     forms, 93

     lists, 43

     video, 221


<u> tag, 26

<ul> tag, 43

underlined text, 26

unordered lists, 42–43

url input type, 204

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)

     absolute, 55

     Get requests, 7

     in images, 59

     relative, 57–58

     request/response sequence, 6–7


value attribute, 63

versions, testing for, 70–71

video, 219

     codecs, 219–223

     overview, 93–94

<video> tag

     new, 93–94

     video support, 220–222

Vorbis codec, 214

VP8 codec, 220


web applications

     description, 95

     offline, 229–231

web messaging, 210–212

web workers, 95, 227–229

WebM codec, 220

week input type, 202

width and width attribute

     canvas, 105

     forms, 196

     images, 36

     lines, 135

     tables, 45–46

     text, 133–134

     video, 221


X coordinates for arcs, 144

xor value, 169


Y coordinates for arcs, 144


zoom setting for geolocation, 190

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