

“” (quotation marks), mismatched, 4, 6

. (period), in class syntax, 33

{} (curly braces), in JavaScript syntax, 25


2D context, 46


context, 46

parallax processing for 3D visuals, 290


<a> (anchor tags), 11, 23

absolute positioning, of tables, 161

actions, calling JavaScript functions, 23

acute angles, in nature, 276

Adobe Flash. See Flash

alpha (transparency) setting

for rectangle example, 47

in RGBA color model, 44

anchor tags (<a>), 11, 23


email and URL fields and, 210–211

geolocation support, 174

angles, geometric

effects in nature that use acute angles, 276

example applying pattern of right triangles, 283–286

example showing selection of angles and other geometric and trigonometric functions, 286–290

in simulation of natural effects, 277–279

animation animated circle example, 80–81

building, 245–247

caveats regarding future of, 249

events and, 84

moving gradients, 82–84

multiple, 247–249

overview of, 80, 244

properties used with, 241

API (application programming interface)

context API (cntx), 46, 49

W3C Geolocation API Specification, 167


Flash and, 240

VoiceOver, 186

application programming interface (API), 46

arc method, 53–56


altering, 57–58

continuous line arcs, 60

drawing, 53–56

<article> tag

in document structure, 190–191

example of use of, 191–193

interactive widgets and, 197

<aside> tag

in document structure, 193

example of use of, 193–196


changes in HTML5, 11

of HTML tags, 5

input attributes for forms, 206

number and range controls, 211

removed in HTML5, 12

standard attributes of HTML5 elements, 189

video, 109–110


audio events, 121–123

<audio> element, 116–119

controlling with events attached to page items, 124–125

creating user interface for audio object, 212–214

overview of, 116

playing audio without audio player, 119–121

summary, 125

audio events

types of, 121

using, 121–123

audio files, 99

audio players

playing audio without audio player, 119–121

styled with CSS, 116

<audio> element

controlling with events attached to page items, 124–125

CSS applied to, 34–35

in game with editable content, 254–257

overview of, 116–119

autoplay attribute, video, 109


background-clip property, 231

background-image property, 230

background-repeat property, 231


multiple, 230–231

overview of, 230

placement of, 231–232

<body> tags, 6–7

border attribute, 11

border-image property, 235–236

border-radius property, 233


creating, 234–235

CSS used for border colors, 67

images as, 235–237

overview of, 233

with rounded corners and shoulders, 233–234

border-shadow property, 233

box in a box, drag-and-drop example, 140–144

box shadows, creating, 234–235


cache, offline application caching multiple pages, 262–263


calculus, in visual representation, 276

callback functions, getCurrentPosition method and, 169

<canvas> element

CSS applied to, 35–36

displaying, 43


altering images by removing path statements, 55–57

continuous line arcs and many circles, 60

drawing arcs and circles, 53–56

drawing lines, 62–67

drawing on, 44–47

gradients on, 47–49

linear gradients, 49–51

loops used to make circles, 59, 61–62

overview of, 42–44

paths, 53

placing text on, 70–71

radial gradients, 51–53

shadow text, 74–77

summary, 74–77

using multiple canvases, 67–70

varying circular shapes, 58–59

vertical text, 71–74

Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)


animated, 80–81

drawing, 53–56

drawing many circles on canvas, 60

loops used to create, 59, 61–62

varying circular shapes, 58–59

cite element, changes in HTML5, 11

classes, CSS, 33–34

clearPosition method, geolocation property, 168

clearTask method, handling storage and, 131–132

click event, 84


detecting offline code, 260–262

errors forgiven in HTML5, 7–8

codecs (compression/decompression), video, 98–99


gradients. See gradients

models, 44

color picker, adding to form, 207–208

color type, 207–208

comments, adding to web pages, 252

compression/decompression (codecs), video, 98–99

computer-generated art, 85–88

conditional branching, in JavaScript

conditional tests, 24–26

example combining conditional tests and branching, 272–274

if tests, 270–271

overview of, 270

switch tests, 271–272

contactName field, form validation and, 217

content, editable. See editable content

content managers

<article> tag and, 190

layout tags and, 187

context API (cntx)

built into canvas, 46

simple gradient, 49


audio, 119–120

video, 105, 107–108

controls attribute

audio players, 119–120

video players, 105, 107–108

conversion, of video files, 99–104

cookies, 128

coordinate system, linear gradient and, 51

copyright information, in footer, 188

cosines, showing variations in frequency and amplitude of, 279–281

createLinearGradient method, 51

createRadialGradient method, 51, 82–83

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

adding styles to shopping cart example, 153–154

applying to HTML5 multimedia tags, 34–36

applying to multiple canvases, 67

classes, 33–34

ID selectors, 31–33

layout using, 186

overview, 26–31

positioning and styling boxes, 142–143

styling audio element with, 116

upgrade from CSS2 to CSS3, 9


animations, 244

background placement, 231–232

borders, 233

borders with rounded corners and shoulders, 233–235

building animations, 245–247

caveats regarding future animations, 249

font formats, 228–229

font rules, 228

images as borders, 235–237

modules, 226

multiple animations, 247–249

multiple backgrounds, 230–231

overview of, 226

summary, 249

transformations, 237–240

transitions, 240–244

upgrade from CSS2 to CSS3, 9

using fonts on web sites, 229–230

web fonts, 226–227

curly braces ({}), in JavaScript syntax, 25

CustomValidation function, 221



forms for collecting, 204

submitting to forms, 221–223

databases, persistent storage and, 128

dataTransfer object, drag-and-drop and, 140

date control, adding to form, 208–210

date type, 208

datetime type, 208

datetime-local type, 208

declarations, CSS selectors, 27

<details> tag, in document structure, 198–202

<div> elements

adding actions to drag-and-drop events, 145–148

attributes and events for drag-and-drop box example, 143–144

identifier attributes for, 31–32

layout using, 186

limitations of, 186–187

online shopping example (Add to Cart), 154–156

positioning and styling with CSS, 142–143

tic-tac-toe example, 159–163

using border-image around, 236–237

W3C definition of, 187

doctype, 4

document structure

<article> tag, 190–191

<aside> tag, 193

<details> and <summary> tags, 198–202

<figure> and <figcaption> tags, 196–198

<footer> tag, 187–190

<header> tag, 187

<hgroup> tag, 202

layout tags, 187–188

limitations of div element and, 186–187

<nav> tag, 193–196

overview of, 186

<section> tag, 191–193

summary, 202

do.while loops, JavaScript, 268, 270

drag function, JavaScript, 143–144, 155


adding actions to drag-and-drop events, 145–148

box in a box example, 140–144

online shopping example (Add to Cart), 148–156

overview of, 140

summary, 156–163

tic-tac-toe example, 156–163

draggable attribute, 143

draw() function, 65

drawing, on canvas arcs and circles, 53–56

lines, 62–67

rectangles, 44–47

drawing maps, 178–180

drawing tablet

code listing, 91–94

example of picture drawn on, 94

mouse events, 90–91

overview of, 88–89

drop function, JavaScript, 143–144, 161


editable content

editable regions and, 252

example of game using, 254–257

editable regions

creating, 252–254

editable content and, 252

example of game using editable content, 254–257

summary, 263

else if statement, JavaScript, 271

email field, adding to form, 210–211

email type, 210–211

embedded fonts, IE support for, 229–230

EOT (Embedded Open Type) fonts, 228


coding errors forgiven in HTML5, 7–8

geolocation and, 172–174


audio events, 121–123

calling JavaScript functions, 23

controlling audio using events attached to page items, 124–125

drag-and-drop, 140

example creating computer-generated art, 85–88

mouse events, 90–91

overview of, 84

using with video, 110–111

external files

incorporating CSS from, 27

JavaScript code in, 26



audio element and, 118

overview of, 99

video element and, 106–107


containers for form fields, 205

form layout and, 217

<figcaption> tag, in document structure, 196–198

<figure> tag, in document structure, 196–198


JavaScript code in external files, 26

reformatting/converting video files, 99–104


linear gradient, 51

putting shapes on canvas, 46

simple gradient, 49

text, 71, 74

Fire Vox, 186

Firefogg, 99–100, 103

Firefox. See also web browsers

converting to Ogg, 99–100

geolocation privacy issues, 168

geolocation support, 174

watching video on, 105


as animation tool, 249

Apple devices and, 42, 240

font-face property, 227


declaring san serif, 71

formats, 228–229

rules, 228

using on web sites, 229–230

web fonts, 226–227

font-style property, 227

font-weight property, 227

<footer> tag, in document structure, 187–190

for statements, JavaScript, 26, 266–268


audio, 116

converting/reformatting video, 99–104

font, 228–229

video, 98–99


adding color picker, 207–208

adding date and time controls, 208–210

adding number and range controls, 211–214

adding search capacity, 214

adding telephone number box, 214

basic example, 205–206

comparing editable region with, 257

creating, 204–205

email and URL fields on, 210–211

input attributes, 206

input types, 204

laying out, 215–217

overview of, 204

safety/security of, 214–215

submitting data to, 221–223

summary, 223

validating, 217–220

FQDN (fully qualified domain name), 259

functions, JavaScript calling, 23–24, 70

calling repeatedly, 81

drag function, JavaScript, 143–144, 155

drop function, JavaScript, 143–144, 161

handling storage API tasks, 131–132

overview of, 274–275

passing data to, 275–276


Gears service, from Google, 174

geocoding (getting added to maps), 180–181


detecting browser support, 174–176

example of location-aware web page, 170–171

finding locations, 168–170

geocoding (getting added to maps), 180–181

handling rejection and errors, 172–174

mapping and, 176–180

methods, 166

overview of, 166

privacy issues, 167–168

summary, 184

tracking movement, 181–184

Geolocation API Specification, W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 167

geolocation property, navigator object, 168


acute angles in nature, 276

angles and sine waves in simulation of natural effects, 277–279

example applying pattern of right triangles, 283–286

example showing selection of angles and other geometric and trigonometric functions, 286–290

overview of, 275–276

sine and cosines showing frequency and amplitude, 279–281

varying height and color of sine waves, 281–283

getCurrentPosition method, of geolocation property, 168–170, 181–182

getItem method, localStorage object, 132, 137

gettask method, JavaScript functions for handling storage, 131–132

Global Positioning System (GPS). See also geolocation

detecting devices with GPS sensor, 177

overview of, 166


Gears service from, 174

validation errors and, 7–8

Google Chrome. See also web browsers

<details> tag supported by, 198, 200

geolocation privacy issues and, 167

geolocation support, 174

location-retrieval errors demonstrated in, 172–174

watching video, 105

Google Maps

adding maps to web sites/projects, 176–177

geocoding (getting added to maps), 180–181

map styles, 178

GPS (Global Positioning System). See also geolocation

detecting devices with GPS sensor, 177

overview of, 166


animated, 82–84

linear, 49–51

overview of, 47–48

radial, 51–53

simple example, 48–49

graphics, arranging images using local storage, 133–137


H.264 video format, 98

<head> element, changes in HTML5, 11

<header> tag, in document structure, 187

headings, <hgroup> tag and, 202

height attribute, video controls, 105, 107

<hgroup> tag, in document structure, 202

hidden attribute, element visibility and, 147–148

<hr> element, changes in HTML5, 11

.htaccess files, 107

HTML4, 10–14

Hulu, 98


<i> element, changes in HTML5, 11

ID (identifier) selectors, in CSS file

div tag with, 31–32

overview of, 32–33

id attribute

adding to header elements, 188

changes in HTML5, 11

IE (Internet Explorer). See also web browsers

embedded font support, 228–230

geolocation support, 174

video support, 98

if statement, JavaScript, 270–271


animating position on screen, 246–247

creating rotating image, 15–16

local storage for arranging, 133–137

using as borders, 235–237

<img> tags, 6

information, persistent storage and, 128

in-line styles, methods for incorporating CSS, 27

input attributes, forms, 206

<input> tag

input options and, 204

values for input types, 205

input types, 204–205

interactive widgets, <article> tag and, 197

internal style sheets, methods for incorporating CSS, 27

Internet Explorer. See IE (Internet Explorer)

IP addresses, determining location via, 166

iPad, 42, 240

iPhone, 42, 174, 240

iPod touch, 240



as animation tool, 249

applying to multiple canvases, 67

code in external files, 26

conditional branching, 270

drag-and-drop functions, 143–144

example combining conditional tests and branching, 272–274

for loop, 266–268

functions, 274–275

if tests, 270–271

looping used to make circles, 61–62

loops and conditional tests, 24–26

overview of, 20, 266

script placed at end of web page, 22–24

storage API task functions, 131–132

switch tests, 271–272

timing statements for animation, 80

web pages with script sections, 20–21

while loop, 269–270


<article> tag and, 190

HTML5 layout tag use by content managers, 187


keyframe rules, animations and, 245, 247

key/value relationships, storage handled by, 129, 137


<label> tag, form layout and, 215

language attribute, changes in HTML5, 11


geocoding and, 180

geolocation and, 166

location-aware web page and, 171–172

layout, form, 215–217

layout tags

<article> tag, 190–191

<aside> tag, 193

<details> and <summary> tags, 198–202

example of simple page layout, 189–190

<figure> and <figcaption> tags, 196–198

<footer> tag, 187–190

<header> tag, 187

<hgroup> tag, 202

list of, 188

<nav> tag, 193–196

overview of, 187

<section> tag, 191–193

left property, use of proportional properties in CSS, 36

libraries, JavaScript, 266

linear gradients, 49–51


elaboration of code for drawing, 65–67

methods for drawing, 62–65

selecting width of, 88–89

lineTo method, drawing lines and, 62–63, 65, 91

local storage

arranging images using, 133–137

JavaScript functions handling storage API tasks, 131–132

overview of, 128

retrieving stored data value, 130–131

setting up, 129–130

summary, 138

localStorage object, 132, 137

locations. See geolocation


geocoding and, 180

geolocation and, 166

location-aware web page and, 171–172

loop attribute, video, 105, 109

loops, JavaScript

creating circles with, 59, 61–62

do.while loops, 268, 270

for loop, 266–268

overview of, 24–26, 266

while loop, 269–270


manifest files

detecting offline code, 260–262

offline application caching multiple pages, 262–263

overview of, 257–258

preparing, 258

simple example, 258–259


adding to web sites/projects, 176–178

drawing, 178–180

<figure> tag and, 196

geocoding added to, 180–181

Google styles, 176–178


angles and sine waves in simulation of natural effects, 277–279

behind visual entities, 275

effects in nature that use acute angles, 276

example applying pattern of right triangles, 283–286

example showing selection of angles and other geometric and trigonometric functions, 286–290

geometry, trigonometry, and calculus, 275–276

sine and cosines showing frequency and amplitude, 279–281

varying height and color of sine waves, 281–283

max attribute, for validation, 218

maxLength attribute, form validation and, 217–218

media, arranging images using local storage, 133–137

<menu> element, changes in HTML5, 11


creating maps and, 180

<details> and <summary> tags and, 198


drawing, 53–56, 62–63, 65

geolocation, 168–170, 181–182

gradients, 51

for incorporating CSS, 27

local storage, 131–132, 137

playing audio, 121

playing video, 111

for working with text, 70–71

Microsoft Narrator, 186

MIME types

adding to Apache server, 258

alternatives ways to specify, 106–107

specifying, 103

min attribute, for validation, 218

mismatched quotation marks, common HTML errors, 4, 6

missing tags, common HTML errors, 4, 7

mobile browsers, email and URL fields and, 210–211

mobile devices

GPS capabilities in, 166

<input> tag and, 204

modules, CSS3

animations, 244–249

backgrounds, 231–232

borders, 233–237

fonts, 226–230

overview of, 226

transformations, 237–240

transitions, 240–244

Mondrian, Piet, 85–86

month type, 208

mousedown event, 84, 90

mousemove event, 84, 90

mouseup event, 84, 90

.mov files, converting to MPEG-4, 103

moveTo method, drawing lines, 62–63, 65

MP3 audio format, 116


converting .mov file to, 103

popular video formats, 98

watching video, 105–106


applying CSS to multimedia tags, 34–36

arranging images using local storage, 133–137

new features in HTML5, 15–16


name attribute, changes in HTML5, 11

Narrator (Microsoft), 186

<nav> tag, in document structure, 193–196

navigator object

detecting browser support for geolocation, 175

geolocation and, 168

nested tags, common HTML errors, 4–5

Netflix, 98

number type, 211–214


objects color, 207–208

dataTransfer, 140

date and time, 208–210

email type, 210–211

input types, 204–205

localStorage, 132, 137

navigator, 168

number and range, 211–214

search type, 214

tel type, 214

url type, 210–211

offline application

caching multiple pages, 262–263

example of, 259–260

offline sites

detecting offline code, 260–262

example of offline application, 259–260

manifest files and, 257–259

offline application caching multiple pages, 262–263

overview of, 257

summary, 263


converting Firefox to, 99–100, 104

watching video, 105

Ogg (Theora), 98–99

Ogg (Vorbis)

audio formats, 116

interpreting audio part of Ogg format, 118–119

OJOsoft, Total Video Converter, 103

onchange event, arranging images using local storage, 136–137

onclick event, using with video, 111

ondbclick event, using with video, 111

online shopping (Add to Cart), drag-and-drop example, 148–156

onload events, calling JavaScript functions, 24

Opera. See also web browsers

color object in, 207

date object in, 209

form features supported, 204

range and number controls in, 211


<p> tags

CSS treatment of, 27–31

incorrectly nested, 4–5

unclosed tags, 5

padding properties, managing text borders, 27–28

page layout, example using HTML5 tags, 13–14

paragraph tags. See <p> tags

parallax processing

code listing for, 291–293

example of a wagon in three views, 294–295

example using rocks and greenery, 292–294

movement as basis of, 290–291

overview of, 290

three-dimensional visuals and, 266


altering images by removing path statements, 55–57

drawing lines and, 65

as drawing method, 53

pattern attribute, for validation, 214, 218, 220

period (.), in class syntax, 33

persistent storage, 128. See also local storage

pictures, <figure> tag and, 196

play method

audio, 121

video, 111

playback controls, 214

playme function, video, 111

playmusic() function, audio players and, 121

POST method, creating forms, 204

poster attribute, video, 109–110

prefixes, web browsers and, 226

privacy issues, geolocation and, 167–168

pull quotes, uses of <aside> tag, 193, 196


quotation marks (“”), mismatched, 4, 6


radial gradients

animated, 82–84

overview of, 51–53

radians, in drawing circles and arcs, 54

range type, 211–214

rectangle, drawing on canvas, 44–47

Red, Green, Blue, Alpha (RGBA) color model, 44

Red, Green, Blue (RGB) color model, 44, 208

reformatting/converting video files, 99–104

regions, editable. See editable regions removeItem method, localStorage object, 132, 137

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model, 44, 208

RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) color model, 44

right triangles, 283–286

rules, font, 228


Safari. See also web browsers

MPEG-4 and, 98

watching video, 105

safety/security, forms and, 214–215

screen readers, <div> element and, 186–187

search type, 214

searches, adding search capacity to forms, 214

<section> tag, in document structure, 191–193

security, forms and, 214–215


CSS, 27

ID selectors, 31–33

semantic tags

as alternative to <div> tags, 187

<input> tag and, 204

need for, 186

setData property, drag-and-drop and, 144

setInterval method, JavaScript

calling functions repeatedly, 81

calling functions with, 70

setItem method, localStorage object, 132

setTimeout method, JavaScript, 80


creating box shadows, 234–235

creating shadow text, 74–77

sidebars, uses of <aside> tag, 193

sine waves

showing variations in frequency and amplitude, 279–281

in simulation of natural effects, 277–279

varying height and color of, 281–283

<small> element, changes in HTML5, 11

<span> tags, incorrectly nested, 4–5

spinner, time control as, 208

src attribute, pointing to external file, 26

standards, W3C web standards, 4

stopme function, video, 111

storage, local. See local storage

stored data values, retrieving, 130–131

storepix function, arranging images using local storage, 136–137

storetask method, JavaScript, 131–132

streaming media, codecs (compression/decompression) for, 98

stroke method, drawing lines, 65


putting shapes on canvas, 46

text, 74

<strong> element, changes in HTML5, 11

<summary> tag, in document structure, 198–202

switch statements, conditional tests using, 25, 271–272


tables, absolute positioning of, 161

tags. See also by individual types

common HTML errors, 4–7

new tags in HTML5, 10

tel type, 214

telephone number box, adding to form, 214

tests, conditional, 24–26, 270–274


placing on canvas, 70–71

shadow text, 74–77

vertical text, 71–74

text boxes, email and URL fields and, 210–211

text editor, editable content feature as, 252

time control, adding to form, 208–210

time type, 208

timing functions, transitions and, 241

timing statements, animation and, 80

top property, use of proportional properties in CSS, 36

Total Video Converter, from OJOsoft, 103

tracking movement, via geolocation, 181–184

transformations, in CSS3

adding to poster, 239–240

functions and parameters, 238

overview of, 237

transitions, in CSS3

compared with animations, 244

overview of, 240

properties used with, 241

specifying, 242–244

timing functions, 241

transparency (alpha) setting

for rectangle example, 47

in RGBA color model, 44

triangles, example applying pattern of right triangles, 283–286

trigonometry, in visual representation, 276

TTF (True Type Fonts), 227–228

type attribute, changes in HTML5, 11


UI (user interface), creating for audio object, 212–214

unclosed tags, 4–7

URL field, adding to form, 210–211

url type, 210–211

user interface (UI), creating for audio object, 212–214



CustomValidation function, 221

of e-mail and URL addresses, 211

of forms, 204, 217–220, 222–223

of telephone numbers, 214

validators, coding errors and, 7

vertical text, 71–74


attributes, 109–110

controls, 107–108

events and, 110–111

<figure> tag and, 196

formats and codecs, 98–99

overview of, 98

reformatting/converting files, 99–104

summary, 111–112

watching, 104–106

web browsers falling back to find right format, 106–107

<video> element

fallback in, 106–107

identifier for, 110

native in HTML5, 98

watching video, 104–106

Vimeo, 98

visibility, hidden and visible options, 147–148

vision impairments, semantic tags and screen

readers, 186

VoiceOver (Apple), 186

volume controls, 214


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

Geolocation API Specification, 167

HTML standards, 4

validator, 7

W3Schools, instruction in JavaScript, 26

watchPosition method, geolocation property, 168

watchPosition method, tracking movement and, 182–183

WAV audio format, 116

web browsers

audio formats, 116

canvas support, 42

color type support, 207

CSS compatibility, 226

dealing with differences in page display, 14

<details> tag support, 198, 200

editable region support, 252

email and URL fields and, 210–211

falling back to find right format, 106–107

font compatibility, 228

form support, 204

geolocation privacy issues and, 167–168

geolocation support, 174–176

interpreting audio part of Ogg format, 118–119

overcoming coding errors, 7–8

range and number control support, 211–212

search functionality, 214

video formats and, 98

watching video, 105–106

web development

applying CSS to HTML5

multimedia tags, 34–36

CSS classes, 33–34

CSS overview, 26–31

ID selectors, 31–33

JavaScript and, 20

JavaScript code in external files, 26

loops and conditional tests, 24–26

overview of, 20

script placed at end of web page, 22–24

summary, 37

web pages with script sections, 20–21

web fonts, 226–227. See also fonts

web pages

adding comments to, 252

CSS used for page placement, 67

location-aware, 170–171

page navigation (<nav> tag), 193

script placed at end of, 22–24

with script sections, 20–21

with style setting in head section, 28–29

web sites

site navigation (<nav> tag), 193

using fonts on, 229–230

Web standards, W3C, 4


converting Firefox to, 103, 104

popular video formats, 98

watching video, 105

web-safe fonts, 226

week type, 208

WEFT (Web Embedded Font Tool), 230

while loop, JavaScript, 269–270

width attribute, video controls, 105, 107

width property, text borders, 27–28


<article> tag and, 190

HTML5 layout tag use by content managers, 187

World Wide Web Consortium. See W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)




Yahoo! 7–8

YouTube, 98

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