MapReduce management

As we saw in the previous chapter, the MapReduce framework is generally more tolerant of problems and failures than HDFS. The JobTracker and TaskTrackers have no persistent data to manage and, consequently, the management of MapReduce is more about the handling of running jobs and tasks than servicing the framework itself.

Command line job management

The hadoop job command-line tool is the primary interface for this job management. As usual, type the following to get a usage summary:

$ hadoop job --help

The options to the command are generally self-explanatory; it allows you to start, stop, list, and modify running jobs in addition to retrieving some elements of job history. Instead of examining each individually, we will explore the use of several of these subcommands together in the next section.

Have a go hero – command line job management

The MapReduce UI also provides access to a subset of these capabilities. Explore the UI and see what you can and cannot do from the web interface.

Job priorities and scheduling

So far, we have generally run a single job against our cluster and waited for it to complete. This has hidden the fact that, by default, Hadoop places subsequent job submissions into a First In, First Out (FIFO) queue. When a job finishes, Hadoop simply starts executing the next job in the queue. Unless we use one of the alternative schedulers that we will discuss in later sections, the FIFO scheduler dedicates the full cluster to the sole currently running job.

For small clusters with a pattern of job submission that rarely sees jobs waiting in the queue, this is completely fine. However, if jobs are often waiting in the queue, issues can arise. In particular, the FIFO model takes no account of job priority or resources needed. A long-running but low-priority job will execute before faster high-priority jobs that were submitted later.

To address this situation, Hadoop defines five levels of job priority: VERY_HIGH, HIGH, NORMAL, LOW, and VERY_LOW. A job defaults to NORMAL priority, but this can be changed with the hadoop job -set-priority command.

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