
Few problems use a single set of data. In many cases, there are easy ways to obviate the need to try and process numerous discrete yet related data sets within the MapReduce framework.

The analogy here is, of course, to the concept of join in a relational database. It is very natural to segment data into numerous tables and then use SQL statements that join tables together to retrieve data from multiple sources. The canonical example is where a main table has only ID numbers for particular facts, and joins against other tables are used to extract data about the information referred to by the unique ID.

When this is a bad idea

It is possible to implement joins in MapReduce. Indeed, as we'll see, the problem is less about the ability to do it and more the choice of which of many potential strategies to employ.

However, MapReduce joins are often difficult to write and easy to make inefficient. Work with Hadoop for any length of time, and you will come across a situation where you need to do it. However, if you very frequently need to perform MapReduce joins, you may want to ask yourself if your data is well structured and more relational in nature than you first assumed. If so, you may want to consider Apache Hive (the main topic of Chapter 8, A Relational View on Data with Hive) or Apache Pig (briefly mentioned in the same chapter). Both provide additional layers atop Hadoop that allow data processing operations to be expressed in high-level languages; in the case of Hive, through a variant of SQL.

Map-side versus reduce-side joins

That caveat out of the way, there are two basic approaches to join data in Hadoop and these are given their names depending on where in the job execution the join occurs. In either case, we need to bring multiple data streams together and perform the join through some logic. The basic difference between these two approaches is whether the multiple data streams are combined within the mapper or reducer functions.

Map-side joins, as the name implies, read the data streams into the mapper and uses logic within the mapper function to perform the join. The great advantage of a map-side join is that by performing all joining—and more critically data volume reduction—within the mapper, the amount of data transferred to the reduce stage is greatly minimized. The drawback of map-side joins is that you either need to find a way of ensuring one of the data sources is very small or you need to define the job input to follow very specific criteria. Often, the only way to do that is to preprocess the data with another MapReduce job whose sole purpose is to make the data ready for a map-side join.

In contrast, a reduce-side join has the multiple data streams processed through the map stage without performing any join logic and does the joining in the reduce stage. The potential drawback of this approach is that all the data from each source is pulled through the shuffle stage and passed into the reducers, where much of it may then be discarded by the join operation. For large data sets, this can become a very significant overhead.

The main advantage of the reduce-side join is its simplicity; you are largely responsible for how the jobs are structured and it is often quite straightforward to define a reduce-side join approach for related data sets. Let's look at an example.

Matching account and sales information

A common situation in many companies is that sales records are kept separate from the client data. There is, of course, a relationship between the two; usually a sales record contains the unique ID of the user account through which the sale was performed.

In the Hadoop world, these would be represented by two types of data files: one containing records of the user IDs and information for sales, and the other would contain the full data for each user account.

Frequent tasks require reporting that uses data from both these sources; say, for example, we wanted to see the total number of sales and total value for each user but do not want to associate it with an anonymous ID number, but rather with a name. This may be valuable when customer service representatives wish to call the most frequent customers—data from the sales records—but want to be able to refer to the person by name and not just a number.

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