Time for action – the first run

Let's now perform the initial execution of this algorithm on our starting representation of the graph:

  1. Put the previously created graph.txt file onto HDFS:
    $ hadoop fs -mkdirgraphin
    $ hadoop fs -put graph.txtgraphin/graph.txt
  2. Compile the job and create the JAR file:
    $ javac GraphPath.java
    $ jar -cvf graph.jar *.class
  3. Execute the MapReduce job:
    $ hadoop jar graph.jarGraphPathgraphingraphout1
  4. Examine the output file:
    $ hadoop fs –cat /home/user/hadoop/graphout1/part-r00000

What just happened?

After putting the source file onto HDFS and creating the job JAR file, we executed the job in Hadoop. The output representation of the graph shows a few changes, as follows:

  • Node 1 is now marked as Done; its distance from itself is obviously 0
  • Nodes 2, 3, and 4 – the neighbors of node 1 — are marked as Currently processing
  • All other nodes are Pending

Our graph now looks like the following figure:

What just happened?

Given the algorithm, this is to be expected; the first node is complete and its neighboring nodes, extracted through the mapper, are in progress. All other nodes are yet to begin processing.

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