Using language-independent data structures

A criticism often leveled at Hadoop, and which the community has been working hard to address, is that it is very Java-centric. It may appear strange to accuse a project fully implemented in Java of being Java-centric, but the consideration is from a client's perspective.

We have shown how Hadoop Streaming allows the use of scripting languages to implement map and reduce tasks and how Pipes provides similar mechanisms for C++. However, one area that does remain Java-only is the nature of the input formats supported by Hadoop MapReduce. The most efficient format is SequenceFile, a binary splittable container that supports compression. However, SequenceFiles have only a Java API; they cannot be written or read in any other language.

We could have an external process creating data to be ingested into Hadoop for MapReduce processing, and the best way we could do this is either have it simply as an output of text type or do some preprocessing to translate the output format into SequenceFiles to be pushed onto HDFS. We also struggle here to easily represent complex data types; we either have to flatten them to a text format or write a converter across two binary formats, neither of which is an attractive option.

Candidate technologies

Fortunately, there have been several technologies released in recent years that address the question of cross-language data representations. They are Protocol Buffers (created by Google and hosted at, Thrift (originally created by Facebook and now an Apache project at, and Avro (created by Doug Cutting, the original creator of Hadoop). Given its heritage and tight Hadoop integration, we will use Avro to explore this topic. We won't cover Thrift or Protocol Buffers in this book, but both are solid technologies; if the topic of data serialization interests you, check out their home pages for more information.

Introducing Avro

Avro, with its home page at, is a data-persistence framework with bindings for many programming languages. It creates a binary structured format that is both compressible and splittable, meaning it can be efficiently used as the input to MapReduce jobs.

Avro allows the definition of hierarchical data structures; so, for example, we can create a record that contains an array, an enumerated type, and a subrecord. We can create these files in any programming language, process them in Hadoop, and have the result read by a third language.

We'll talk about these aspects of language independence over the next sections, but this ability to express complex structured types is also very valuable. Even if we are using only Java, we could employ Avro to allow us to pass complex data structures in and out of mappers and reducers. Even things like graph nodes!

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