Chapter 7. Keeping Things Running

Having a Hadoop cluster is not all about writing interesting programs to do clever data analysis. You also need to maintain the cluster, and keep it tuned and ready to do the data crunching you want.

In this chapter we will cover:

  • More about Hadoop configuration properties
  • How to select hardware for your cluster
  • How Hadoop security works
  • Managing the NameNode
  • Managing HDFS
  • Managing MapReduce
  • Scaling the cluster

Although these topics are operationally focused, they do give us an opportunity to explore some aspects of Hadoop we have not looked at before. Therefore, even if you won't be personally managing the cluster, there should be useful information here for you too.

A note on EMR

One of the main benefits of using cloud services such as those offered by Amazon Web Services is that much of the maintenance overhead is borne by the service provider. Elastic MapReduce can create Hadoop clusters tied to the execution of a single task (non-persistent job flows) or allow long-running clusters that can be used for multiple jobs (persistent job flows). When non-persistent job flows are used, the actual mechanics of how the underlying Hadoop cluster is configured and run are largely invisible to the user. Consequently, users employing non-persistent job flows will not need to consider many of the topics in this chapter. If you are using EMR with persistent job flows, many topics (but not all) do become relevant.

We will generally talk about local Hadoop clusters in this chapter. If you need to reconfigure a persistent job flow, use the same Hadoop properties but set them as described in Chapter 3, Writing MapReduce Jobs.

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