
You have data and you have a running Hadoop cluster; now you get more of the former and need more of the latter. We have said repeatedly that Hadoop is an easily scalable system. So let us add some new capacity.

Adding capacity to a local Hadoop cluster

Hopefully, at this point, you should feel pretty underwhelmed at the idea of adding another node to a running cluster. All through Chapter 6, When Things Break, we constantly killed and restarted nodes. Adding a new node is really no different; all you need to do is perform the following steps:

  1. Install Hadoop on the host.
  2. Set the environment variables shown in Chapter 2, Getting Up and Running.
  3. Copy the configuration files into the conf directory on the installation.
  4. Add the host's DNS name or IP address to the slaves file on the node from which you usually run commands such as or cluster start/stop scripts.

And that's it!

Have a go hero – adding a node and running balancer

Try out the process of adding a new node and afterwards examine the state of HDFS. If it is unbalanced, run the balancer to fix things. To help maximize the effect, ensure there is a reasonable amount of data on HDFS before adding the new node.

Adding capacity to an EMR job flow

If you are using Elastic MapReduce, for non-persistent clusters, the concept of scaling does not always apply. Since you specify the number and type of hosts required when setting up the job flow each time, you need only ensure that the cluster size is appropriate for the job to be executed.

Expanding a running job flow

However, sometimes you may have a long-running job that you want to complete more quickly. In such a case, you can add more nodes to the running job flow. Recall that EMR has three different types of node: master nodes for NameNode and JobTracker, core nodes for HDFS, and task nodes for MapReduce workers. In this case, you could add additional task nodes to help crunch the MapReduce job.

Another scenario is where you have defined a job flow comprising a series of MapReduce jobs instead of just one. EMR now allows the job flow to be modified between steps in such a series. This has the advantage of each job being given a tailored hardware configuration that gives better control of balancing performance against cost.

The canonical model for EMR is for the job flow to pull its source data from S3, process that data on a temporary EMR Hadoop cluster, and then write results back to S3. If, however, you have a very large data set that requires frequent processing, the copying back and forth of data could become too time-consuming. Another model that can be employed in such a situation is to use a persistent Hadoop cluster within a job flow that has been sized with enough core nodes to store the needed data on HDFS. When processing is performed, increase capacity as shown before by assigning more task nodes to the job flow.


These tasks to resize running job flows are not currently available from the AWS Console and need to be performed through the API or command line tools.

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