Chapter 11. Where to Go Next

This book has, as the title suggests, sought to give a beginner to Hadoop in-depth knowledge of the technology and its application. As has been seen on several occasions, there is a lot more to the Hadoop ecosystem than the core product itself. We will give a quick highlight of some potential areas of interest in this chapter.

In this chapter we will discuss:

  • What we covered in this book
  • What we didn't cover in this book
  • Upcoming Hadoop changes
  • Alternative Hadoop distributions
  • Other significant Apache projects
  • Alternative programming abstractions
  • Sources of information and help

What we did and didn't cover in this book

With our focus on beginners, the aim of this book was to give you a strong grounding in the core Hadoop concepts and tools. In addition, we provided experiences with some other tools that help you integrate the technology into your infrastructure.

Though Hadoop started as the single core product, it's fair to say that the ecosystem surrounding Hadoop has exploded in recent years. There are alternative distributions of the technology, some providing commercial custom extensions. There are a plethora of related projects and tools that build upon Hadoop and provide specific functionality or alternative approaches to existing ideas. It's a really exciting time to get involved with Hadoop; let's take a quick tour of what is out there.


Note, of course, that any overview of the ecosystem is both skewed by the author's interests and preferences and outdated the moment it is written. In other words, don't for a moment think this is all that's available; consider it a whetting of the appetite.

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