Time for action – summarizing the shape data

Just as we provided a summarization for the overall UFO data set earlier, let's now do a more focused summarization on the data provided for UFO shapes:

  1. Save the following to shapemapper.rb:
    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    while line = gets  
        parts = line.split("	")    
        if parts.size == 6        
            shape = parts[3].strip     
            puts shape+"	1" if !shape.empty?   
  2. Make the file executable:
    $ chmod +x shapemapper.rb
  3. Execute the job once again using the WordCount reducer:
    $ hadoop jar hadoop/contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming-1.0.3.jarr --file shapemapper.rb -mapper shapemapper.rb -file wcreducer.rb -reducer wcreducer.rb -input ufo.tsv -output shapes
  4. Retrieve the shape info:
    $ hadoop fs -cat shapes/part-00000  

What just happened?

Our mapper here is pretty simple. It breaks each record into its constituent fields, discards any without exactly six fields, and gives a counter as the output for any non-empty shape value.

For our purposes here, we are happy to ignore any records that don't precisely match the specification we expect. Perhaps one record is the single UFO sighting that will prove it once and for all, but even so it wouldn't likely make much difference to our analysis. Think about the potential value of individual records before deciding to so easily discard some. If you are working primarily on large aggregations where you care mostly about trends, individual records likely don't matter. But in cases where single individual values could materially affect the analysis or must be accounted for, an approach of trying to parse and recover more conservatively rather than discard may be best. We'll talk more about this trade-off in Chapter 6, When Things Break.

After the usual routine of making the mapper executable and running the job we produced, data showing 29 different UFO shapes were reported. Here's some sample output tabulated in compact form for space reasons:

changed1 changing1533 chevron758 cigar1774
circle5250 cone265 crescent2 cross177
cylinder981 delta8 diamond909 disk4798
dome1 egg661 fireball3437 flare1
flash988 formation1775 hexagon1 light12140
other4574 oval2859 pyramid1 rectangle957
round2 sphere3614 teardrop592 triangle6036

As we can see, there is a wide variance in sighting frequency. Some such as pyramid occur only once, while light comprises more than a fifth of all reported shapes. Considering many UFO sightings are at night, it could be argued that a description of light is not terribly useful or specific and when combined with the values for other and unknown we see that around 21000 of our 58000 reported shapes may not actually be of any use. Since we are not about to run out and do additional research, this doesn't matter very much, but what's important is to start thinking of your data in these terms. Even these types of summary analysis can start giving an insight into the nature of the data and indicate what quality of analysis may be possible. In the case of reported shapes, for example, we have already discovered that out of our 61000 sightings only 58000 reported the shape and of these 21000 are of dubious value. We have already determined that our 61000 sample set only provides 37000 shape reports that we may be able to work with. If your analysis is predicated on a minimum number of samples, always be sure to do this sort of summarization up-front to determine if the data set will actually meet your needs.

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