Chapter 6. When Things Break

One of the main promises of Hadoop is resilience to failure and an ability to survive failures when they do happen. Tolerance to failure will be the focus of this chapter.

In particular, we will cover the following topics:

  • How Hadoop handles failures of DataNodes and TaskTrackers
  • How Hadoop handles failures of the NameNode and JobTracker
  • The impact of hardware failure on Hadoop
  • How to deal with task failures caused by software bugs
  • How dirty data can cause tasks to fail and what to do about it

Along the way, we will deepen our understanding of how the various components of Hadoop fit together and identify some areas of best practice.


With many technologies, the steps to be taken when things go wrong are rarely covered in much of the documentation and are often treated as topics only of interest to the experts. With Hadoop, it is much more front and center; much of the architecture and design of Hadoop is predicated on executing in an environment where failures are both frequent and expected.

Embrace failure

In recent years, a different mindset than the traditional one has been described by the term embrace failure. Instead of hoping that failure does not happen, accept the fact that it will and know how your systems and processes will respond when it does.

Or at least don't fear it

That's possibly a stretch, so instead, our goal in this chapter is to make you feel more comfortable about failures in the system. We'll be killing the processes of a running cluster, intentionally causing the software to fail, pushing bad data into our jobs, and generally causing as much disruption as we can.

Don't try this at home

Often when trying to break a system, a test instance is abused, leaving the operational system protected from the disruption. We will not advocate doing the things given in this chapter to an operational Hadoop cluster, but the fact is that apart from one or two very specific cases, you could. The goal is to understand the impact of the various types of failures so that when they do happen on the business-critical system, you will know whether it is a problem or not. Fortunately, the majority of cases are handled for you by Hadoop.

Types of failure

We will generally categorize failures into the following five types:

  • Failure of a node, that is, DataNode or TaskTracker process
  • Failure of a cluster's masters, that is, NameNode or JobTracker process
  • Failure of hardware, that is, host crash, hard drive failure, and so on
  • Failure of individual tasks within a MapReduce job due to software errors
  • Failure of individual tasks within a MapReduce job due to data problems

We will explore each of these in turn in the following sections.

Hadoop node failure

The first class of failure that we will explore is the unexpected termination of the individual DataNode and TaskTracker processes. Given Hadoop's claims of managing system availability through survival of failures on its commodity hardware, we can expect this area to be very solid. Indeed, as clusters grow to hundreds or thousands of hosts, failures of individual nodes are likely to become quite commonplace.

Before we start killing things, let's introduce a new tool and set up the cluster properly.

The dfsadmin command

As an alternative tool to constantly viewing the HDFS web UI to determine the cluster status, we will use the dfsadmin command-line tool:

$ Hadoop dfsadmin 

This will give a list of the various options the command can take; for our purposes we'll be using the -report option. This gives an overview of the overall cluster state, including configured capacity, nodes, and files as well as specific details about each configured node.

Cluster setup, test files, and block sizes

We will need a fully distributed cluster for the following activities; refer to the setup instructions given earlier in the book. The screenshots and examples that follow use a cluster of one host for the JobTracker and NameNode and four slave nodes for running the DataNode and TaskTracker processes.


Remember that you don't need physical hardware for each node, we use virtual machines for our cluster.

In normal usage, 64 MB is the usual configured block size for a Hadoop cluster. For our testing purposes, that is terribly inconvenient as we'll need pretty large files to get meaningful block counts across our multinode cluster.

What we can do is reduce the configured block size; in this case, we will use 4 MB. Make the following modifications to the hdfs-site.xml file within the Hadoop conf directory:


The first property makes the required changes to the block size and the second one increases the NameNode logging level to make some of the block operations more visible.


Both these settings are appropriate for this test setup but would rarely be seen on a production cluster. Though the higher NameNode logging may be required if a particularly difficult problem is being investigated, it is highly unlikely you would ever want a block size as small as 4 MB. Though the smaller block size will work fine, it will impact Hadoop's efficiency.

We also need a reasonably-sized test file that will comprise of multiple 4 MB blocks. We won't actually be using the content of the file, so the type of file is irrelevant. But you should copy the largest file you can onto HDFS for the following sections. We used a CD ISO image:

$ Hadoop fs –put cd.iso

Fault tolerance and Elastic MapReduce

The examples in this book are for a local Hadoop cluster because this allows some of the failure mode details to be more explicit. EMR provides exactly the same failure tolerance as the local cluster, so the failure scenarios described here apply equally to a local Hadoop cluster and the one hosted by EMR.

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