
We have caused a lot of destruction in this chapter and I hope you never have to deal with this much failure in a single day with an operational Hadoop cluster. There are some key learning points from the experience.

In general, component failures are not something to fear in Hadoop. Particularly with large clusters, failure of some component or host will be pretty commonplace and Hadoop is engineered to handle this situation. HDFS, with its responsibility to store data, actively manages the replication of each block and schedules new copies to be made when the DataNode processes die.

MapReduce has a stateless approach to TaskTracker failure and in general simply schedules duplicate jobs if one fails. It may also do this to prevent the misbehaving hosts from slowing down the whole job.

Failure of the HDFS and MapReduce master nodes is a more significant failure. In particular, the NameNode process holds critical filesystem data and you must actively ensure you have it set up to allow a new NameNode process to take over.

In general, hardware failures will look much like the previous process failures, but always be aware of the possibility of correlated failures. If tasks fail due to software errors, Hadoop will retry them within configurable thresholds. Data-related errors can be worked around by employing skip mode, though it will come with a performance penalty.

Now that we know how to handle failures in our cluster, we will spend the next chapter working through the broader issues of cluster setup, health, and maintenance.

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