Setting up a cluster

Before we look at how to keep a cluster running, let's explore some aspects of setting it up in the first place.

How many hosts?

When considering a new Hadoop cluster, one of the first questions is how much capacity to start with. We know that we can add additional nodes as our needs grow, but we also want to start off in a way that eases that growth.

There really is no clear-cut answer here, as it will depend largely on the size of the data sets you will be processing and the complexity of the jobs to be executed. The only near-absolute is to say that if you want a replication factor of n, you should have at least that many nodes. Remember though that nodes will fail, and if you have the same number of nodes as the default replication factor then any single failure will push blocks into an under-replicated state. In most clusters with tens or hundreds of nodes, this is not a concern; but for very small clusters with a replication factor of 3, the safest approach would be a five-node cluster.

Calculating usable space on a node

An obvious starting point for the required number of nodes is to look at the size of the data set to be processed on the cluster. If you have hosts with 2 TB of disk space and a 10 TB data set, the temptation would be to assume that five nodes is the minimum number needed.

This is incorrect, as it omits consideration of the replication factor and the need for temporary space. Recall that the output of mappers is written to the local disk to be retrieved by the reducers. We need to account for this non-trivial disk usage.

A good rule of thumb would be to assume a replication factor of 3, and that 25 percent of what remains should be accounted for as temporary space. Using these assumptions, the calculation of the needed cluster for our 10 TB data set on 2 TB nodes would be as follows:

  • Divide the total storage space on a node by the replication factor:

    2 TB/3 = 666 GB

  • Reduce this figure by 25 percent to account for temp space:

    666 GB * 0.75 = 500 GB

  • Each 2 TB node therefore has approximately 500 GB (0.5 TB) of usable space
  • Divide the data set size by this figure:

    10 TB / 500 GB = 20

So our 10 TB data set will likely need a 20 node cluster as a minimum, four times our naïve estimate.

This pattern of needing more nodes than expected is not unusual and should be remembered when considering how high-spec you want the hosts to be; see the Sizing hardware section later in this chapter.

Location of the master nodes

The next question is where the NameNode, JobTracker, and SecondaryNameNode will live. We have seen that a DataNode can run on the same host as the NameNode and the TaskTracker can co-exist with the JobTracker, but this is unlikely to be a great setup for a production cluster.

As we will see, the NameNode and SecondaryNameNode have some specific resource requirements, and anything that affects their performance is likely to slow down the entire cluster operation.

The ideal situation would be to have the NameNode, JobTracker, and SecondaryNameNode on their own dedicated hosts. However, for very small clusters, this would result in a significant increase in the hardware footprint without necessarily reaping the full benefit.

If at all possible, the first step should be to separate the NameNode, JobTracker, and SecondaryNameNode onto a single dedicated host that does not have any DataNode or TaskTracker processes running. As the cluster continues to grow, you can add an additional server host and then move the NameNode onto its own host, keeping the JobTracker and SecondaryNameNode co-located. Finally, as the cluster grows yet further, it will make sense to move to full separation.


As discussed in Chapter 6, Keeping Things Running, Hadoop 2.0 will split the Secondary NameNode into Backup NameNodes and Checkpoint NameNodes. Best practice is still evolving, but aiming towards having a dedicated host each for the NameNode and at least one Backup NameNode looks sensible.

Sizing hardware

The amount of data to be stored is not the only consideration regarding the specification of the hardware to be used for the nodes. Instead, you have to consider the amount of processing power, memory, storage types, and networking available.

Much has been written about selecting hardware for a Hadoop cluster, and once again there is no single answer that will work for all cases. The big variable is the types of MapReduce tasks that will be executed on the data and, in particular, if they are bounded by CPU, memory, I/O, or something else.

Processor / memory / storage ratio

A good way of thinking of this is to look at potential hardware in terms of the CPU / memory / storage ratio. So, for example, a quad-core host with 8 GB memory and 2 TB storage could be thought of as having two cores and 4 GB memory per 1 TB of storage.

Then look at the types of MapReduce jobs you will be running, does that ratio seem appropriate? In other words, does your workload require proportionally more of one of these resources or will a more balanced configuration be sufficient?

This is, of course, best assessed by prototyping and gathering metrics, but that isn't always possible. If not, consider what part of the job is the most expensive. For example, some of the jobs we have seen are I/O bound and read data from the disk, perform simple transformations, and then write results back to the disk. If this was typical of our workload, we could likely use hardware with more storage—especially if it was delivered by multiple disks to increase I/O—and use less CPU and memory.

Conversely, jobs that perform very heavy number crunching would need more CPU, and those that create or use large data structures would benefit from memory.

Think of it in terms of limiting factors. If your job was running, would it be CPU-bound (processors at full capacity; memory and I/O to spare), memory-bound (physical memory full and swapping to disk; CPU and I/O to spare), or I/O-bound (CPU and memory to spare, but data being read/written to/from disk at maximum possible speed)? Can you get hardware that eases that bound?

This is of course a limitless process, as once you ease one bound another will manifest itself. So always remember that the idea is to get a performance profile that makes sense in the context of your likely usage scenario.

What if you really don't know the performance characteristics of your jobs? Ideally, try to find out, do some prototyping on any hardware you have and use that to inform your decision. However, if even that is not possible, you will have to go for a configuration and try it out. Remember that Hadoop supports heterogeneous hardware—though having uniform specifications makes your life easier in the end—so build the cluster to the minimum possible size and assess the hardware. Use this knowledge to inform future decisions regarding additional host purchases or upgrades of the existing fleet.

EMR as a prototyping platform

Recall that when we configured a job on Elastic MapReduce we chose the type of hardware for both the master and data/task nodes. If you plan to run your jobs on EMR, you have a built-in capability to tweak this configuration to find the best combination of hardware specifications to price and execution speed.

However, even if you do not plan to use EMR full-time, it can be a valuable prototyping platform. If you are sizing a cluster but do not know the performance characteristics of your jobs, consider some prototyping on EMR to gain better insight. Though you may end up spending money on the EMR service that you had not planned, this will likely be a lot less than the cost of finding out you have bought completely unsuitable hardware for your cluster.

Special node requirements

Not all hosts have the same hardware requirements. In particular, the host for the NameNode may look radically different to those hosting the DataNodes and TaskTrackers.

Recall that the NameNode holds an in-memory representation of the HDFS filesystem and the relationship between files, directories, blocks, nodes, and various metadata concerning all of this. This means that the NameNode will tend to be memory bound and may require larger memory than any other host, particularly for very large clusters or those with a huge number of files. Though 16 GB may be a common memory size for DataNodes/TaskTrackers, it's not unusual for the NameNode host to have 64 GB or more of memory. If the NameNode ever ran out of physical memory and started to use swap space, the impact on cluster performance would likely be severe.

However, though 64 GB is large for physical memory, it's tiny for modern storage, and given that the filesystem image is the only data stored by the NameNode, we don't need the massive storage common on the DataNode hosts. We care much more about NameNode reliability so are likely to have several disks in a redundant configuration. Consequently, the NameNode host will benefit from multiple small drives (for redundancy) rather than large drives.

Overall, therefore, the NameNode host is likely to look quite different from the other hosts in the cluster; this is why we made the earlier recommendations regarding moving the NameNode to its own host as soon as budget/space allows, as its unique hardware requirements are more easily satisfied this way.


The SecondaryNameNode (or CheckpointNameNode and BackupNameNode in Hadoop 2.0) share the same hardware requirements as the NameNode. You can run it on a more generic host while in its secondary capacity, but if you do ever need to switch and make it the NameNode due to failure of the primary hardware, you may be in trouble.

Storage types

Though you will find strong opinions on some of the previous points regarding the relative importance of processor, memory, and storage capacity, or I/O, such arguments are usually based around application requirements and hardware characteristics and metrics. Once we start discussing the type of storage to be used, however, it is very easy to get into flame war situations, where you will find extremely entrenched opinions.

Commodity versus enterprise class storage

The first argument will be over whether it makes most sense to use hard drives aimed at the commodity/consumer segments or those aimed at enterprise customers. The former (primarily SATA disks) are larger, cheaper, and slower, and have lower quoted figures for mean time between failures (MTBF). Enterprise disks will use technologies such as SAS or Fiber Channel, and will on the whole be smaller, more expensive, faster, and have higher quoted MTBF figures.

Single disk versus RAID

The next question will be on how the disks are configured. The enterprise-class approach would be to use Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) to group multiple disks into a single logical storage device that can quietly survive one or more disk failures. This comes with the cost of a loss in overall capacity and an impact on the read/write rates achieved.

The other position is to treat each disk independently to maximize total storage and aggregate I/O, at the cost of a single disk failure causing host downtime.

Finding the balance

The Hadoop architecture is, in many ways, predicated on the assumption that hardware will fail. From this perspective, it is possible to argue that there is no need to use any traditional enterprise-focused storage features. Instead, use many large, cheap disks to maximize the total storage and read and write from them in parallel to do likewise for I/O throughput. A single disk failure may cause the host to fail, but the cluster will, as we have seen, work around this failure.

This is a completely valid argument and in many cases makes perfect sense. What the argument ignores, however, is the cost of bringing a host back into service. If your cluster is in the next room and you have a shelf of spare disks, host recovery will likely be a quick, painless, and inexpensive task. However, if you have your cluster hosted by a commercial collocation facility, any hands-on maintenance may cost a lot more. This is even more the case if you are using fully-managed servers where you have to pay the provider for maintenance tasks. In such a situation, the extra cost and reduced capacity and I/O from using RAID may make sense.

Network storage

One thing that will almost never make sense is to use networked storage for your primary cluster storage. Be it block storage via a Storage Area Network (SAN) or file-based via Network File System (NFS) or similar protocols, these approaches constrain Hadoop by introducing unnecessary bottlenecks and additional shared devices that would have a critical impact on failure.

Sometimes, however, you may be forced for non-technical reasons to use something like this. It's not that it won't work, just that it changes how Hadoop will perform in regards to speed and tolerance to failures, so be sure you understand the consequences if this happens.

Hadoop networking configuration

Hadoop's support of networking devices is not as sophisticated as it is for storage, and consequently you have fewer hardware choices to make compared to CPU, memory, and storage setup. The bottom line is that Hadoop can currently support only one network device and cannot, for example, use all 4-gigabit Ethernet connections on a host for an aggregate of 4-gigabit throughput. If you need network throughput greater than that provided by a single-gigabit port then, unless your hardware or operating system can present multiple ports as a single device to Hadoop, the only option is to use a 10-gigabit Ethernet device.

How blocks are placed

We have talked a lot about HDFS using replication for redundancy, but have not explored how Hadoop chooses where to place the replicas for a block.

In most traditional server farms, the various hosts (as well as networking and other devices) are housed in standard-sized racks that stack the equipment vertically. Each rack will usually have a common power distribution unit that feeds it and will often have a network switch that acts as the interface between the broader network and all the hosts in the rack.

Given this setup, we can identify three broad types of failure:

  • Those that affect a single host (for example, CPU/memory/disk/motherboard failure)
  • Those that affect a single rack (for example, power unit or switch failure)
  • Those that affect the entire cluster (for example, larger power/network failures, cooling/environmental outages)


Remember that Hadoop currently does not support a cluster that is spread across multiple data centers, so instances of the third type of failure will quite likely bring down your cluster.

By default, Hadoop will treat each node as if it is in the same physical rack. This implies that the bandwidth and latency between any pair of hosts is approximately equal and that each node is equally likely to suffer a related failure as any other.

Rack awareness

If, however, you do have a multi-rack setup, or another configuration that otherwise invalidates the previous assumptions, you can add the ability for each node to report its rack ID to Hadoop, which will then take this into account when placing replicas.

In such a setup, Hadoop tries to place the first replica of a node on a given host, the second on another within the same rack, and the third on a host in a different rack.

This strategy provides a good balance between performance and availability. When racks contain their own network switches, communication between hosts inside the rack often has lower latency than that with external hosts. This strategy places two replicas within a rack to ensure maximum speed of writing for these replicas, but keeps one outside the rack to provide redundancy in the event of a rack failure.

The rack-awareness script

If the property is set and points to an executable script on the filesystem, it will be used by the NameNode to determine the rack for each host.

Note that the property needs to be set and the script needs to exist only on the NameNode host.

The NameNode will pass to the script the IP address of each node it discovers, so the script is responsible for a mapping from node IP address to rack name.

If no script is specified, each node will be reported as a member of a single default rack.

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