Chapter Ten

Green Design and Building Economics


This chapter offers a general overview of the benefits and costs (e.g., reduced energy bills and reduced potable water consumption) of green design. The two categories of cost considerations when discussing green buildings (Direct Capital Costs and Direct Operating Costs) are explained in simple terms. Among the many advantages of green buildings and the application of the International Green Construction Codes (IgCCs) is increased productivity, improved tenant/employee health, and increased recruitment and retention capabilities. Likewise, green buildings offer numerous other benefits, both direct such as increased property values and increased marketability and indirect benefits such as enhanced image and reducing potential risks. Life-Cycle Costing and Analysis is examined and the necessary steps needed to perform an accurate analysis are discussed. Builders and manufacturers incentives, as well as federal, business, and consumer tax incentives are highlighted. Additionally, operation, repair, and maintenance costs and factors that impact Durability and Replacement Costs are examined. Finally economic analysis tools and methods are examined and compared.


Accreditation; Break-even analysis; Churn rate; Cost effective; First costs; Green premiums; Greenwashing; Payback; Rate of return; Tax credits

10.1. General

A recent Green Building Economic Impact Study, released by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) which was prepared by Booz Allen, finds the green building industry contributes more than $134.3 billion in labor income to working Americans. The study also found that green construction’s growth rate is rapidly outpacing that of conventional construction and will continue to rise. Indeed, over the past decade, popular attention to “green” building has increased dramatically to the extent that the built environment and sustainability have become closely intertwined. Moreover, building “green” affords us an opportunity to use our resources more efficiently while simultaneously creating buildings that enhance human health, build a better environment, and provide cost savings. Peter Morris, principal of the global construction consultancy Davis Langdon believes that the dramatic reduction in construction activity in recent years is encouraging increased competition among bidders and lower escalation pressure on projects to the extent that in many projects, cost trends have become negative, leading to moderate construction price deflation. But one of the biggest causes of concern according to Morris is the issue of contractor financing and working capital. Many contractors are finding it increasingly difficult to maintaining adequate cash flow for their operations, and few have the resources to manage significant expansion of working capital. This has caused considerable concern in the construction industry and has obliged many bidders to be more cautious and judicious in project selection, with a focus on projects that have sound cash flows.
More and more professionals and property developers are rightly becoming aware of the significant benefits that green buildings have to offer. For example, the US military including the U.S. Air Force and Navy now require that their new buildings be LEED green buildings. This may be in part because they recognize the linkage between wasteful energy consumption and the exposure of U.S. military forces to military confrontation related to oil resources. As Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino eloquently put it, “High performance green building is good for your wallet. It is good for the environment. And it is good for people.” In a 2006 survey of developers by McGraw-Hill Construction respondents reported they expected to see occupancy rates for green buildings 3.5% higher than market norms and rent levels to increase by 3%. Operating costs are estimated to be 8 to 9% lower, as well. These numbers are getting the attention of developers and investors which is driving the growth of today’s ecoconstruction. And according to Rick Fedrizzi, CEO and founding chair, USGBC, “Green building is playing a massive role in the U.S. construction sector, the clean and efficient energy sector and the U.S. economy as a whole,” and “More than 2.3 million U.S. workers are taking home $134 billion annually in large part because of green building programs like LEED. Demand for green building will only continue to grow as individuals, businesses and institutions continue to prioritize sustainable approaches to the design, construction and operations of our built environment.” Fedrizzi goes on to say, “Green buildings are a hallmark of economically sound business decisions, thoughtful environmental decisions, and smart human impact decisions.” “Economically sound” is the key. Designing sustainably makes sense both in terms of dollars and cents, and in terms of taking care of our environment for future generations.
To this CalRecycle adds, “A green building may cost more up front, but saves through lower operating costs over the life of the building. The green building approach applies a project life cycle cost analysis for determining the appropriate up-front expenditure. This analytical method calculates costs over the useful life of the asset.” It goes on to say that “These and other cost savings can only be fully realized when they are incorporated at the project’s conceptual design phase with the assistance of an integrated team of professionals. The integrated systems approach ensures that the building is designed as one system rather than a collection of stand-alone systems.” During the past decade, we have witnessed a rapid emergence of ecoconstruction that reflects the building industry’s growing confidence that the extra costs of building green are a good investment. Although the up-front costs of building green may be higher than using conventional materials, that premium is shrinking. Precise benefits such as reduced energy bills and reduced potable water consumption can easily be computed, whereas other benefits such as green design’s impact on occupant health or security are usually much more difficult to quantify.
Incisive Media’s “2008 Green Survey: Existing Buildings” found that nearly 70% of commercial building projects in the United States have already incorporated some kind of energy monitoring system. The survey also found that energy conservation is the most widely implemented green program in commercial buildings; this is followed by recycling and water conservation. Moreover, approximately 65% of building owners who have implemented green building features claim their investments have already resulted in a positive return on their investment. The return on investment (ROI) is expected to improve even further as the market for green materials and design expertise grows and matures. In this respect, Taryn Holowka, Director of Marketing & Communications, USGBC, claims, “the supply of materials and services is going up and the price is coming down.”
Turner Construction Company’s 2008 Green Building Barometer notes that approximately 84% of respondents maintain that their green buildings have resulted in lower energy costs, and 68% recorded lower overall operating costs. Likewise, “75% of executives said that recent developments in the credit markets would not make their companies less likely to construct Green buildings.” In fact the survey contends that 83% would be “extremely” or “very” likely to seek LEED certification for buildings they are planning to build within the next 3 years. In the same survey, executives reported that Green buildings generally have better financial performance than non-Green buildings, especially in the following sectors:
• Higher building values (72%)
• Higher asking rents (65%)
• Greater ROI (52%)
• Higher occupancy rates (49%)
This is confirmed by Jerry Jackson of Texas A&M University who says that “A growing body of empirical literature indicates that LEED and ENERGY STAR-certified buildings do command higher rents and greater occupancy rates relative to conventional buildings. For example, rent premium estimates from four recent studies using the CoStar national real estate database range from 4.4% to 51%. Occupancy premiums range from 4.2% to 17.9%. Each of these studies attempted to control for other factors such as building age.” Another similar study contends that 60% of commercial building owners offer education programs to assist tenants in carrying out green programs in their space, reflecting a growing understanding of the significance of environmental awareness among employees and customers in addition to the use of green materials and systems application.
Davis Langdon (2007) also conducted a comparative study in 2006 in which the construction costs of 221 buildings were analyzed, and it was found that 83 buildings were constructed with the intent of achieving LEED certification and 138 that lacked any sustainable design intentions. The study found that a majority of the buildings analyzed were able to achieve LEED certification without increased funding. In another investigation conducted by Davis Langdon of a wide and diverse range of studies by other organizations found that the average construction cost premium required to achieve a moderate level of Green features, equivalent to a Silver LEED certification, was roughly between 1% and 2%. However, what is particularly interesting is that it was also found that half or more of the Green projects in these studies often revealed a zero increase in construction costs.
Yet even with the increased awareness of the benefits for sustainable design, some property owners and developers are sometimes slow off the mark to embrace green building practices. As Jerry Jackson points out, “Considering this information from the developer’s perspective would seem to make the choice of sustainable versus conventional project development a rather easy choice. However, developer views of sustainable building projects are considerably less enthusiastic. A recent survey by Building Design and Construction in August 2007 found that while 94% of respondents thought the trend in sustainable building projects was “growing,” 78% thought sustainable design added “significantly to first costs.” Thirty-two percent of respondents estimated additional costs to be from 6% to 10%, while 41% estimated sustainable construction premiums to be 11% or greater.”
This also appears to be the prevailing sentiment of CB Richard Ellis’ “Green Downtown Office Markets: A Future Reality,” a report depicting the general progress of the green building movement. The report scrutinizes the obstacles preventing a broad-based acceptance of sustainable design in office construction. Perhaps the main obstacle to embracing design sustainability is the perception of initial outlay compared to long-term benefits; even though an increasing number of studies similar to the one conducted by Davis Langdon in 2006 clearly conclude that there is no significant difference in average costs for green buildings as compared to conventionally constructed buildings. Another hurdle that requires addressing is the lack of sufficient data on development, construction costs, and time needed to recoup costs. Nevertheless, there is a recent CBRE white paper which states that preliminary studies show that building a property to receive basic LEED certification can be achieved with zero additional cost. “However, building a greener building—designed to achieve one of the higher standards of accreditation—is likely to add somewhere between 5% and 7.5% to construction costs.”
There seems to be insufficient interest today in conducting research relating to green building in the United States. Such research currently constitutes an estimated $193 million per year or roughly 0.2% of federally funded research (according to a 2007 USGBC report). This approximates a mere 0.02% of the estimated $1 trillion value of annual U.S. building construction at the time, despite the fact that the building construction industry represents approximately 9% of the US GDP. It is unfortunate that the construction industry can only manage to currently reinvest only 0.6% of sales back into research. This is markedly less than the average for other U.S. industries and private sector construction research investments in other industrialized countries around the world. However, Chris Pyke, director of research at the USGBC, says that in recent years, there has been a significant increase in federal funding for green building research. To varying degrees, he says, the DOE and EPA now recognize that green building issues are legitimate topics of research. The USGBC, after publishing a report detailing the low levels of federal investment in green-building research, responded by investing $2 million to create the Building Research Fund, a one-time grant to raise awareness of the need for research.
Various green organizations are strongly suggesting that unless we move decisively toward increasing and improving green building practices, we are likely to soon be confronted with a dramatic backlash in adverse impact of the built environment on human and environmental health. Building operations today are estimated to account for 38% of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions, 71% of electricity use, and 40% of total energy use. If the energy required in the manufacture of building materials and constructing buildings is included, this number then goes up to an estimated 48%. Buildings also consume roughly 12% of the country’s water in addition to rapidly increasing amounts of land. Moreover, construction and remodeling of buildings account for three billion tons, or 40%, of raw material used globally each year, which in turn has a negative impact on human health; in fact, up to 30% of new and remodeled buildings may experience acute indoor air quality problems such as Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). But as is the case with most projects, determining building strategies early in the design process and sticking with those decisions can result in the most efficient cost models for building. Implementing a goal-setting session at the beginning of each project to determine appropriate strategies and levels of cost and time investments can result in lower sustainable design construction costs.
An appropriate analysis of green construction costs can be achieved through the application of several methods. For example, it is possible to use the LEED Rating System or the Green Globes rating system as benchmarks for success. Higher levels of certification may carry increased costs, but empirical market data suggest that the “Certified” and “Silver” levels with the LEED system and one or two “Globes” with the Green Globes system carry little or no premium over traditional building costs for most building types. Specialty project types, such as health care or research, often have program criteria and specific needs that are at odds with the principles of sustainable design, primarily as it relates to energy usage and in environmental constraints.

10.2. Costs and Benefits of Green Design

Although the benefits of green building are substantial and have been known for many years, many developers and investors remain concerned and want to know, “at what cost,” and how will building green benefit the financial viability of their investment? In this respect, Peter Morris opines that, “clearly there can be no single, across the-board answer to the question, ‘what does green cost?’ On the other hand, any astute design or construction professional recognizes that it is not difficult to estimate the costs to go green for a specific project. Furthermore, when green building concepts and features are incorporated early in the design process, it greatly increases the ability to construct a certified green building at a cost comparable to a code compliant one. This means that it is possible today to construct green buildings or buildings that meet the US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED™) third party certification process with minimal increase in initial costs.” (Fig. 10.1).
For LEED certification, early studies (LEED v2) suggest that conventionally constructed buildings can often qualify for 12 or more LEED points by virtue of current building standards and inherent design qualities. In many cases, between 15 and 20 additional points can be achieved with little to no additional costs, qualifying most buildings for the minimum rating classification. As mentioned previously, some studies concluded that the cost of achieving Silver certification varies between 2 and 6% above traditional construction, although there are also studies that suggest in today’s market there may be no increase in cost. However, to achieve the higher levels of certification, Gold and Platinum, there may be some additional costs to the project, primarily due to the costs of applying increasing efficient technologies for water conservation and energy performance. But these costs are more than balanced out by the benefits achieved over the lifecycle of the project. This is why it is important to understand why the evolution LEED is so critical to the transformation of the building industry, connecting the market to innovative ways of thinking about the design, construction, and operation of green buildings. The power of LEED is its ability to transform. With LEED 2009, for example, the primary changes were foundational ones, such as rating system content alignment, the development of LEED Online v3 and changes to the professional credentials and certification process. With the latest version, LEED v4 builds on the changes set forth in LEED 2009 but also focuses on improving the user experience, and providing measurement and performance tools to actually test and verify the performance of LEED-certified buildings. Of note, the USGBC has allowed project teams to register for either LEED v4 or LEED 2009 until October 31, 2016, after which only LEED v4 remains open.
Figure 10.1 Diagram showing one study’s estimated cost of building green for the various LEED rating systems. Source: USGBC.
We have also yet to fully comprehend how the new IgCCs will impact this equation, especially since the IgCC is the first national green model code in the United States. According to its website, the new IgCC code is intended to provide minimum requirements to protect the environment, public health, safety, and general welfare as well as to minimize the negative impacts produced and to increase positive impacts of the built environment, the natural environment, and building occupants. For the latest updates of the IgCC requirements and benefits, visit the IgCC website ( The IgCC applies to all occupancy types, except low-rise residential buildings under the International Residential Code.
Global construction consultant, Davis Langdon suggests that to be successful in building green and to keep the costs of sustainable design under control, three critical factors must be understood and implemented, they are:
1. Clear goals are critical for managing the cost. It is insufficient to simply state, “we want our project to be green”; the values should be determined and articulated as early in the design process as possible.
2. Once the sustainability goals have been defined, it is essential to integrate them into the design and to integrate the design team so that the building elements can work together to achieve those goals. Buildings can no longer be broken down and designed as an assemblage of isolated components. This is the major difference between traditional building techniques and the new sustainable design process.
3. Integrating the construction team into the project team is critical. Many sustainable design features can be defeated or diminished by poor construction practices. Such problems can be eliminated by engaging the construction team, including subcontractors and site operatives in the design and procurement process.
Greening Buildings and Communities: Costs and Benefits, is another important study reflecting the largest international research of its kind, and which is based on extensive financial and technical analysis of 150 green buildings across the United States and in 10 other countries and provides the most detailed findings to date on the costs and financial benefits of building green. This study found that benefits of building green consistently outweigh any potential cost premium. The main conclusions it arrived at include:
1. Most green buildings cost 0–4% more than conventional buildings, with the largest concentration of reported “green premiums” between 0–1%. Green premiums increase with the level of greenness, but most LEED buildings, up through gold level, can be built for the same cost as conventional buildings. This stands in contrast to a common misperception that green buildings are much more expensive than conventional buildings.
2. Energy savings alone make green building cost effective. Energy savings alone outweigh the initial cost premium in most green buildings. The present value of 20 years of energy savings in a typical green office ranges from $7 per square foot (certified) to $14 per square foot (platinum), more than the average additional cost of $3 to $8 per square foot for building green.
3. Green building design goals are associated with improved health and with enhanced student and worker performance. Health and productivity benefits remain a major motivating factor for green building owners but are difficult to quantify. Occupant surveys generally demonstrate greater comfort and productivity in green buildings.
4. Green buildings create jobs by shifting spending from fossil fuel–based energy to domestic energy efficiency, construction, renewable energy, and other green jobs. A typical green office creates roughly one-third of a permanent job per year, equal to $1 per square foot of value in increased employment, compared to a similar nongreen building.
5. Green buildings are seeing increased market value (higher sales/rental rates, increased occupancy, and lower turnover) compared to comparable conventional buildings. CoStar, for example, reports an average increased sales price from building green of more than $20 per square foot providing a strong incentive to build green even for speculative builders.
6. Roughly 50% of green buildings in the study’s data set see the initial “green premium” paid back by energy and water savings in 5 years or less. Significant health and productivity benefits mean that over 90% of green buildings pay back an initial investment in 5 years or less.
7. Green community design (e.g., LEED-ND) provides a distinct set of benefits to owners, residents, and municipalities, including reduced infrastructure costs, transportation and health savings, and increased property value. Green communities and neighborhoods have a greater diversity of uses, housing types, job types, and transportation options and appear to better retain value in the market downturn than conventional sprawl.
8. Annual gas savings in walkable communities can be as much as $1000 per household. Annual health savings (from increased physical activity) can be more than $200 per household. CO2 emissions can be reduced by 10–25%.
9. Up-front infrastructure development costs in conservation developments can be reduced by 25%, approximately $10,000 per home.
10. Religious and faith groups build green for ethical and moral reasons. Financial benefits are not the main motivating factor for many places of worship, religious educational institutions and faith-based nonprofits. A survey of faith groups building green found that financial cost effectiveness of green building makes it a practical way to enact the ethical/moral imperative to care for the Earth and communities. Building green has also been found to energize and galvanize faith communities.
Even when green building up-front costs exceed what was originally estimated due primarily to inefficient planning and execution, these costs can be quickly recouped through lower operating costs over the life of the building.

10.2.1. Economic Benefits of Green Building

The economic benefits of green building cannot be overemphasized, but that to achieve maximum cost savings, green design strategies need to be incorporated at the project’s conceptual design phase in collaboration with an integrated team of professionals. Using an integrated systems approach ensures that the building is designed in a holistic manner as one system rather than a number of stand-alone systems as is normal with conventional methods. The challenge here is that not all green building benefits are easy to quantify; for example, how do you measure improving occupant health, comfort, productivity, or pollution reduction? This is why they are excluded from being adequately considered in cost analysis. It would appear to be prudent therefore by considering to setting aside a small portion of the building budget (e.g., as a contingency) to cover differential costs associated with less tangible green building benefits or to cover the cost of researching and analyzing green building options. Even when experiencing difficult times, many green building measures can be incorporated into a project with minimal or zero increased up-front costs. Yet this would be capable of yielding substantial savings and other benefits (Fig. 10.2) over the life of the facility.
No matter how interested an owner or developer is in green building and sustainability, the bottom line remains, what does “green” cost?; typical translation: does it cost more? This then raises the question: more than what? For example, is the question more than what the building would have cost without the sustainable design features than that of comparable buildings, or is the question, more than available funds? The answers to these questions have until recently been largely elusive due to the lack of hard data. Over recent years, however, we have seen various organizations conduct considerable research into green building and sustainability costs, etc. We now have a substantial databank on building costs that allows us to compare the costs of green buildings and traditional nonsustainable buildings with comparable characteristics.
Figure 10.2 Matrix illustrating various green building stakeholder benefits. Source: Report - A Business Case for Green Buildings in Canada.
To adequately assess sustainable design and how it relates to construction costs, it is imperative to analyze the costs and benefits using a holistic approach. This basically means including evaluation of operations and maintenance costs, user productivity and health, design and documentation fees, among other financial measurements. This is largely because empirical experience continues to demonstrate that it is the construction cost implications that have the greatest impact to fundamentally determine decisions about sustainable design. By helping teams to really understand the actual construction costs of real projects that are achieving green, and by providing a methodology that allows teams to viably manage these construction costs can go a long way to facilitate a team’s ability to get past the question of whether or not green is the answer. Green construction is helped by the fact that the cost of green design has dropped significantly in the last few years as the number of green buildings has increased. The trend of declining costs associated with increased experience in green building construction has manifested itself in a number of states throughout the country. From such an analysis, it can be concluded that many projects are able to achieve sustainable design within the initial budget, or with minimal supplemental funding. This suggests that developers continue to find ways to incorporate project goals and values, regardless of budget, by making choices. However, every building project is unique and should be considered as such as there is no one-size-fits-all answer and benchmarking with other comparable projects can be valuable and informative, but not predictive. Any estimate of cost relating to sustainable design for a specific building must be made with reference to that building, its objectives, and particular circumstances and attributes.
In a recent study by Greg Kats of Capital E Analysis (Table 10.1), we see a summary of some of the financial benefits from going green. The report concludes that financial benefits for building green are estimated to be between $50 and $70 per square foot in a LEED-certified building; this represents more than 10 times the additional cost associated with building green. These financial benefits come in the form of lower energy costs, waste and water costs, lower environmental and emissions costs, and lower operational and maintenance costs, lower absenteeism, increased productivity and health, greater retail sales, and easier reconfiguration of space resulting in less downtime and lower costs. Cost estimates which are based on a sample of 33 office and school buildings suggested only 0.6% greater costs for LEED certification, 1.9% for silver, 2.2% for gold, and 6.8% for platinum certification. Although these estimates are direct costs, they, nevertheless, closely reflect those provided by the USGBC. What is perhaps surprising is that other than LEED, not many studies have been undertaking with regard to other rating systems such as Green Globes.

Table 10.1

Financial benefits of green buildings—summary of findings (per ft.2)

Category20-year net present value
Energy savings$5.80
Emissions savings$1.20
Water savings$0.50
Operations and maintenance savings$8.50
Productivity and health Value$36.90–$55.30
Average extra Cost of building green(3.00 to $5.00)
Total 20-year net benefit$50–$65

The financial benefits of going green are related mainly to productivity.

Source: Capital E. Analysis.

The principal motivators that can impact the Long-term Value of Green Building appear to be:
1. Increasing Energy Costs (75%),
2. Government Regulations/Tax Incentives (40%), and
3. Global Influences (26%).
The absence of adequate clear credible data pertaining to development, construction costs, and time required to recoup costs are the most obvious challenges and obstacles accounting for the industry’s sometimes lethargic acceptance of green construction, which is why education has become the most important tool in promoting green construction strategies. The main obstacles measured in the Kats study include:
• Too multidisciplinary—41%
• Not convinced of increased ROI—37%
• Lack of understanding benefits—26%
• Lack of service providers—20%
• Too difficult—17%
• Greenwashing—16%
• Lack of shareholder support—10%
Most building owners and developers have one main objective, to build a project and then sell it, in the sense that they construct or revamp an office building, lease its space, and with the hope or calculation of selling the asset within a 3 to 5-year time frame to repay debts and ensure a profit. The speed with which the process is completed impacts the amount of profit generated upon execution of the sale of the building. Uninformed developers that are under the false perception that green construction costs more can trigger fears since they are already concerned about the cost of short-term debt and conventional building materials. According to Davis Langdon, typical benefits for building owners and tenants alike include:
• Ability to command higher lease rates
• Reduced risk of building obsolescence
• Potential higher occupancy rates
• Higher future capital value
• Less need for refurbishment in the future
• Higher demand from institutional investors
• Lower operating costs
• Mandatory for government tenants
• Lower tenant turnover
• Enhance occupant comfort and health
• Improve interior air quality (IAQ); increase employee productivity and satisfaction
Finally, it is important to fully comprehend the economic impact that Green Building and sustainability has already had on the U.S. economy. As David Erne, a Senior Associate at Booz Allen said, “Our research shows that green building has created millions of jobs and contributed hundreds of billions of dollars to the US economy, with the construction of LEED-certified buildings accounting for about 40% of green construction’s overall contribution to GDP in 2015,” “This industry is certainly on the rise, and aggressive growth in the green building sector is anticipated over the next four years.”

10.2.2. Cost Considerations of Green Design

There are basically two categories of costs when discussing green buildings; these are Direct Capital Costs and Direct Operating Costs which are explained below:
Direct Capital Costs are costs associated with the original design and construction of the building and generally include interest during construction (IDC). There is a general misperception of some building stakeholders that the capital costs of constructing green buildings are significantly higher than those of conventional buildings, whereas many others within the green building field believe that green buildings actually cost less or no more than conventional buildings. Empirical evidence shows that savings are achieved by the downsizing of systems through better design and the elimination of unnecessary systems which will offset any increased costs caused by implementing more advanced systems. Capital and operational costs are normally relatively easy to measure, because the required data are readily available and quantifiable. Productivity effects on the other hand are difficult to quantify, yet are, nevertheless, important to consider due to their potential impact. There are other indirect and external effects that can be wide reaching, and which quantifying may prove difficult.
Direct Operating Costs include all applicable expenditures required to operate and maintain a building over its full life. Included are the total costs related to building operation, such as energy use, water use, insurance, maintenance, waste, property taxes, etc. over the entire building life. The primary costs are those associated with heating and cooling and maintenance activities such as painting, roof repairs, and replacement. Included in this cost category are less obvious items such as churn (the costs of reconfiguring space and services to accommodate occupant moves). All costs relating to major renovations, cyclical renewal, and residual value or demolitions costs are excluded from this category.
Insurance is essentially a direct operating cost (is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 16), and green buildings have many tangible benefits that reduce or mitigate a variety of risks, and which should be reflected in the insurance rates for the building. Likewise, the fact that green buildings generally provide healthier environment for occupants should be reflected in health insurance premiums. Indeed, the general attributes of green buildings (e.g., the incorporation of natural light, off grid electricity, and commissioning) should reduce a broad range of liabilities, and the general site locations also potentially reduce risks of property loss due to natural disasters. Furthermore, a fully integrated design of a building will typically reduce the risk of inappropriate systems or materials being employed, which could have a positive impact on other insurable risks. Insurance companies sometimes offer premium reductions for certain green features, such as commissioning or reduced reliance on fossil fuel–based heating systems. The list of premium reductions will undoubtedly increase with further education and awareness and as the broad range of benefits are more fully recognized and understood. In any case, prior to taking out a policy, it would be advisable to consult an insurance agent or attorney.
Churn rate reflects the frequency with which building occupants are moved, either internally or externally, including occupants who move but remain within a company, and those who leave a company and are replaced. It has been found that because of increased occupant comfort and satisfaction, green buildings typically have lower churn rates than conventional buildings.

10.2.3. Increased Productivity

The positive effect on productivity is but one of the many benefits that Green buildings can offer. There are numerous studies that clearly illustrate that green buildings have a dramatic effect on productivity. However, because these studies are often broad in nature and rarely focus on unique green building attributes, they need to be supplemented by other thorough, accurate, and statistically sound research to fully comprehend the effects of green buildings on occupant productivity, performance, and sales. The difficulty of properly attributing such gains like reduced absenteeism, staff turnover rates, appears to have made this the exception rather than the rule. It seems prudent, however, that any productivity gains attributable to a green building should be included in the life cycle cost analysis, particularly for an owner-occupied building. Key features of green buildings relating to increased productivity are possible due to controllability of systems relating to ventilation, temperature, and lighting; daylighting and views; natural and mechanical ventilation; pollution-free environments; and vegetation. It is not always clear why these features produce improved productivity, although studies show healthier employees typically means happier employees which in turn creates increased worker satisfaction, improved morale, increased productivity, and reduced absenteeism.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory recently conducted a study to highlight the potential ramifications of building green and concluded that improvements to indoor environments such as commonly found in green buildings can help reduce health care costs and work losses as follows:
• from communicable respiratory diseases by 9–20%
• from reduced allergies and asthma from 18 to 25%
• from nonspecific health and discomfort effects by 20–50%
Hannah Carmalt, a Project Analyst with Energy Market Innovations, notes that, “The most intuitive explanation is that productivity increases due to better occupant health and therefore decreased absenteeism. When workers are less stressed, less congested, or do not have headaches, they are more likely to perform better.” High-performance buildings have many potential benefits including increased market value, lower operating and maintenance costs, improved occupancy for commercial buildings, and increased employee satisfaction and productivity for owner-occupied buildings.
A study by William Fisk concluded that green buildings added $20 to $160 billion in increased worker productivity annually. This is due to the fact that LEED-certified buildings were found to yield significant productivity and health benefits, such as heightened employee productivity and satisfaction, fewer sick days, and fewer turnovers. Moreover, other independent studies have shown that better climate control and improved air quality can increase employee productivity by an average of 11–15% annually. Still, it is necessary to define the particular elements of green buildings that are directly related to productivity. Sound control, for example, while recognized as increasing productivity, is often excluded from green-related studies, mainly because it is not considered to be particularly a green building feature. Likewise, the presences of biological pollutants, such as molds are also associated with decreased productivity; yet these are also excluded because typical green buildings do not automatically eliminate the presence of such pollutants even though their presence is reduced because of improved ventilation in green buildings. However, it should be noted that in commercial and institutional buildings, payroll costs generally significantly overshadow all other costs, including those involved in a building’s design, construction, and operation costs.
In today’s world, occupant control has become one of the most significant elements of green buildings that affect productivity and thermal comfort; control is required over temperature, ventilation, and lighting. Green buildings usually try to incorporate this feature because it can noticeably decrease energy use by ensuring areas are not heated, cooled, or lit more than is necessary. These measures are decisive to maintaining energy efficiency and occupant satisfaction within a building. Increased productivity has often been associated with increased emotional well being as various studies have clearly shown. A study conducted by the Heschong Mahone Group (HMG) found that higher test scores in daylight classrooms were achieved due to students being happier. HMG also found that when teachers were able to control the amount of daylighting in classrooms, students appeared to progress 19 to 20% faster than students in classrooms who lacked controllability. Similar studies performed in office settings clearly showed that there was a significant rise in productivity when there was individual control over temperature, lighting, and ventilation.
A view to the outdoors is another common feature of green buildings that is associated with productivity in office space. The office study conducted by HMG mentioned previously, confirmed correlations between productivity and access to outdoor views: test scores were generally 10–15% higher and calling performance increased by 7–12%. This reinforces HMG’s earlier 1999 study findings of schools where children in classrooms of the Capistrano School District progressed 15% faster in math and 23% faster in reading when they were located in the classrooms with the largest windows.
Ventilation can be of paramount importance because it facilitates the introduction of fresh air to cycle through the building and removing stale or pollutant air from the interior. Germs, molds, and various VOCs, such as those emitted by paints, carpets, and adhesives, can be often be found within buildings lacking adequate ventilation, causing SBS. Typical symptoms include inflammation, asthma, and allergic reaction. Ventilation can also play a critical role in worker productivity, as evidenced by the extensive research that has been conducted to address these issues. This is also why it is imperative to minimize the use of toxic materials inside the building. Many of the products used in conventional office buildings, such as carpets, and copying machines contain toxic materials and minimizing them decreases the potential hazards associated with them and their disposal. Furthermore, because these materials are known to leak pollutants into the indoor air, proper ventilation is required to avoid an adverse impact on worker productivity. But from the above, it becomes evident that productivity can be impacted by many factors, all of which can influence the bottom line. Moreover, it has been shown that there is less staff turnover when employees are satisfied which in turn helps improves the overall productivity of a firm. Less time spent on job training allows more time to be spent on being productive. Staff retention is one of the decisive factors why many firms take the decision to green their office buildings in today’s competitive world.
Committing to a market value for occupant productivity gains and have them accurately reflected in the business case at the decision-making point is not easy in the case of speculative or leased facilities. In any case, there is now adequate data and evidence quantifying the effects to support taking them into account on some basis. And while an owner of a leased facility may not financially benefit directly from increased user productivity, there could be indirect benefits in the form of increased rental fees and occupancy rates. For the majority of commercial buildings, the use of a conservative estimate for the potential reduction in salary costs and productivity gains will loom large in any calculation.

10.2.4. Improved Tenant/Employee Health

Navigant Research points out that the facilities industry is experiencing a dramatic transformation. This appears to be influenced by many factors including an aging workforce, varying expectations from tenants and employees, and increased pressures on sustainability and efficiency. This transformation is opening the door to intelligent building systems or “smart” buildings. In this respect, Navigant Research also says that advanced sensors are playing a critical role in transforming facilities into intelligent buildings, and furthermore Navigant Research forecasts global advanced sensor revenue will grow from $1160.3 million in 2016 to $3221.9 million in 2025 at a 12% compound annual growth rate.
Most architects and property developers and owners are well aware that superior air quality is one of the principal attributes of green buildings which normally include other features such as abundant natural light, access to views, and effective noise control. Each of these qualities is for the benefit of building occupants, making these building better places to work and live. Building occupants are increasingly seeking many green building features, such as superior air quality, control of air temperatures, and views. The Urban Land Institute (ULI) and the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) conducted a survey which found that occupants rated air temperature (95%) and air quality (94%) most crucial in terms of tenant comfort. The study also determined that 75% of buildings did not have the option or capability to adjust features and that many individuals were willing to pay higher rents to obtain such features. These features were the only ones that were considered “most important” and on the list with which tenants were least satisfied. This study also determined that the principal reasons why tenants move out include heating or cooling problems.
Figure 10.3 LEED-certified buildings are known to provide healthier work and living environments. Photo of interior space in Ohlone College, Newark Center for Health Sciences and Technology, Newark, CA, which received LEED Platinum. Source: Turner Construction, 2008. Green Building Market Barometer.
Natural light, clean air, and thermal comfort are required elements to stay healthy and productive, in addition to providing an enjoyable living and work environment (Fig. 10.3). The number of credible studies demonstrating an intrinsic connection between green building strategies and occupant health and well-being is endless. William Fisk in a 2002 study “How IEQ Affects Health, Productivity” estimates that 16–37 million cases of colds and flu could be avoided by improving indoor environmental quality. This translates into a $6-$14 billion annual savings in the United States while at the same time reducing SBS symptoms (a condition whereby occupants become temporarily ill), by 20–50%, resulting in annual savings of $10- $30 billion.

10.2.5. Increased Recruitment and Retention

Harris Interactive recently conducted a national survey, and concluded that more than a third of U.S. workers would be further inclined to work for companies with strong green credentials and highlighted the growing influence of environmental issues over staff recruitment and retention policies. This is further confirmed by Timothy R. Johnson, a principal at GCA International, who notes, “Firms that focus on the growing market sector of green building and sustainable design will be more attractive to top-notch candidates for reasons of recognized workload availability, progressive growth, and employment stability.” This is clear evidence that providing a healthy and pleasant work environment increases employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. It also clearly increases the ability to compete for the most qualified employees as well as for business.
Statistical data and other evidence leaves no doubt that high-performance green buildings can increase a company’s ability to recruit and retain employees due to many factors such as good air quality, abundant amounts of natural light, and better circulated heat and air conditioning, all of which help provide a more pleasant, healthier, and more productive places to work in. With this in mind, it is surprising that willingness to join and remain with an organization is an aspect often overlooked when considering how green buildings affect employees. The economics of employee retention is important to seriously consider as one estimate puts the cost of losing a single good employee is roughly between $50,000 and $150,000, and many organizations experience a 10 to 20% annual turnover, some of it from persons they would have really liked to retain. In a workforce of say 100 people, turnover at this level implies 10–20 people leaving per year. In some cases people decide to leave due to poor physical and working environments. Fig. 10.4 compares the difference in occupancy rates between Energy Star and non-Energy Star buildings.
Figure 10.4 Diagram comparing the occupancy rates of two types of buildings—energy star and non-energy star. Source: Does Green Pay Off? By Norm Miller, Jay Spivey and Andy Florance.

10.2.6. Increased Property Values and Marketability

The number of reliable studies that have been conducted on the intrinsic relationship between property values and green buildings is rather limited, even though this is an important aspect that should be quantified and included in the economic calculations. There are many factors that will or could increase property values for green buildings. Indeed, enhancement of property value is a key factor for speculative developers who fail to directly achieve operating cost and productivity savings. It is an element of particular relevance to speculative developers who intend to either sell or lease a new building, although it can also have a bearing on the decision process in general, including developers who intend to occupy a building while maintaining an eye on the market value of the asset. Many in the real estate industry unfortunately remain oblivious to the real benefits of green buildings, due to a lack of adequate education in sustainability, and therefore cannot fully convey these benefits to prospective purchasers or prospective tenants.
However, LEED-certified buildings with lower operating costs and better indoor environmental quality are known to be more attractive to a growing group of corporate, public, and individual buyers. High-performing building features are increasingly entering into tenants’ decisions about leasing space and into buyers’ decisions about purchasing properties and homes. For example, recent studies confirm that, as of January 2015, the market for houses with green certifications is 10–14% more than for comparable homes without them (Alan J. Heavens, “‘Green’ home certifications are bringing more greenbacks,” The Philadelphia Inquirer). Other industry research has noted that improved health and productivity benefits are playing an increasing role in encouraging companies to invest in green building today than they have said, a decade ago. Also regarding commercial buildings, the Deloitte Center for Financial Services in their 2015 Commercial Real Estate Outlook confirm that the value of a green building increases when compared with a traditional building. The Center states, “Sustainability initiatives have a significant bearing on CRE (commercial real estate) operations, which manifest themselves in various forms—environment, portfolio performance, top and bottom line, asset values, stakeholder engagement and brand perception. Among other things, buildings with relatively better sustainability credentials tend to enjoy increased market-ability to both tenants and investors.”
Jerry Yudelson, a well-known green scholar maintains that increased annual energy savings have been found to promote higher building values, and cites as an example, a 75,000-sq-ft. building that saves $37,500 per year in energy costs versus a comparable building built to code (This savings might result from saving of 50 cents per square foot per year). At capitalization rates of 6%, typical today in commercial real estate, green-building standards would add $625,000 ($8.33 per square foot) to the value of the building. This means that for a small up-front investment, an owner can reap benefits that typically offer a rate of return exceeding 20% with a payback of 3 years or less. The fact that high-performance buildings can offer building owners many important benefits ranging from higher market value to more satisfied and productive employee occupants is not always apparent. The primary reason for this is that majority of the benefits accrue to tenants, and tenants usually need proof before they are willing to participate in the cost of investments that are perceived will help them be more productive or save money. It is only very recently due mainly to increased awareness, that tenants have started to fully appreciate the benefits of cleaner air, more natural lighting and flexible spaces that can be modified as and when required.
All the available evidence points to the fact that green buildings, particularly with good quality natural lighting, can have a dramatic effect on property value and sales with respect to commercial buildings. Furthermore, without exception, several American studies report that there is a sound economic basis for green buildings, but only when operational costs are included into the equation. More specifically, whole building studies conclude that the net present values (NET) for pursuing green buildings as opposed to conventional buildings ranges from $50 to $400 per square foot ($540 to $4300 per square meter). The NET depends on a building’s length of time analyzed (e.g., 20–60 years) and the degree to which the buildings implement green strategies. One of the main conclusions from these studies is that generally, that the NET increases as the greenness of the building increases. A CoStar study found that with regard to rental sales, LEED buildings can command rent premiums of about $11.24 per square foot versus their conventional peers in addition to a 3.8% increase in occupancy rate. The study also found that rental rates in ENERGY STAR buildings can boast a $2.38 per square foot premium versus comparable non-ENERGY STAR buildings in addition to a 3.6% greater occupancy rate. However, what is perhaps more remarkable and what may prove to be a trend that could signal greater attention from institutional investors, is that LEED buildings are commanding a surprising $171 more per square foot than their conventional counterparts, and ENERGY STAR buildings are commanding an average of $61 per square foot more. This is quite extraordinary since most leasing arrangements, particularly in the office/commercial sectors, provide little incentive to undertake changes that might be construed as being beneficial to the environment. For example, leases often have fixed rates with no regard to energy or water consumption, even though the lessees have control over most energy and water consuming devices.

10.2.7. Miscellaneous Indirect Benefits

There are numerous indirect benefits to green building such as improved image, risk reduction, future proofing, and self-reliance. These and other similar benefits may be captured by investors and should not be discarded in decision economics considerations. Although they may be difficult to quantify and in some cases even be intangible, they should nevertheless be factored into the business case because they are intrinsically connected to sustainable design, and they can significantly impact the value of a green building.

Enhanced Image

One of the key messages conveyed by sustainable buildings is concern for the environment which is why a green building can be used as a public relations vehicle. Moreover, even if we disregard the financial benefits attributed to green buildings, they are generally perceived by the public as modern, dynamic, and altruistic. A green building serves as physical and permanent message about the commitment of an organization to environmental stewardship and accountability. Green buildings can therefore provide a strong symbolic message of an owner’s commitment to sustainability. Some of the benefits that companies can enjoy from these perceptions include employee pride, satisfaction, and well-being, which often translate into reduced turnover, advantages in recruitment of employees, and improved morale. These powerful images can be a motivational factor in a company’s decision to pursue occupancy in a green facility.

Reducing Risk

The recent financial uncertainty facing the American property market and the difficulty that property developers and property owners face in obtaining bank loans made some investors reluctant to make new investments. And commenting on the recent downturn in the U.S. economy, Peter Morris, Principal with Davis Langdon tells comments: “Risk remains a serious concern for construction projects. Delay and cancellation of projects, even projects under construction, is a growing trend.” Morris also proposes a key theme for project owners in the current market turmoil which is that, “the successful adoption of a competitive procurement strategy, in order to secure lower costs, will depend on active steps by the owner and the project team to ensure that the contractor is in a position to provide a realistic and binding bid and that contractors’ bidding costs are minimized.”
Employing green building principles can mitigate many of the potential perceived risks. In this regard, the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States currently classifies indoor air quality as one of the top five environmental health risks. Increased litigation is also evidenced with regard to mold-related issues. The “Sick Building Syndrome” (SBS) and “Building-Related Illness” (BRI) are among the issues of major concern and which often end up being resolved in the courts. Business owners and operators are increasingly facing legal action from building tenants blaming the building for their health problems. The main cause of SBS and BRI is poor building design and/or construction, particularly with respect to the building envelope and mechanical systems. Green buildings should emphasize and promote not only safe, but also exceptional air quality, and no recognized green building should ever have to suffer from SBS or BRI.

Future Proofing

Green buildings are inherently efficient and safe, and as such help ensure that they will not be at a competitive disadvantage in the future (Fig. 10.5). Davis Langdon sums it very well by saying, “Going green is ‘future-proofing’ your asset.” This is largely because there are a number of important potential risks that are significantly mitigated in green buildings such as:
• Energy conservation protects against future energy price increases.
• Occupants of green buildings are generally more comfortable and contented, so it can be assumed that they will generally be less likely to be litigious.
• Water conservation shields against water fee increase.
• A documented effort to build or occupy a healthy green building demonstrates a level of due diligence that could stand as an important defense against future law suits or changes in legislation, even when faced with currently unknown problems.

Self Reliance

The fact that green buildings often incorporate natural lighting, ventilation, internal energy, and water generation, makes them less likely to rely on external grids and less likely to be effected by grid-related problems or failures such as black-outs, water shortages, or contaminated water. This element is acquiring increasing importance globally because of the increased potential risk of terrorism. Local self reliance is steadily moving to prime time and the Institute for Local Self Reliance (ILSR) continues to develop cutting edge solutions to the problem-facing communities around the globe. Terri Wills, CEO of World GBC opines that “Green building is playing a critical role in the development of many emerging economies, particularly as their populations grow and create a pressing need for a built environment that is both sustainable and ensures a high quality of life.” This anticipated growth is additionally driven largely by countries with developing green markets, such as Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, China, India, and the United Arab Emirates, all of which are reporting dramatic growth in the number of projects they are expecting to see certified as green.
Figure 10.5 Photo of building in Italy with “green façade” showing the benefits of vertical vegetation on exterior walls. There are two types of green facades: (1) that utilize climbing plants or plants secured by a trellis and contain enough soil to support the plants; and (2) living wall systems constructed of thin panels on an artificial growing medium such as felt or mineral wool, that need nutrients and water. Photo: Anna Positano.
Below are examples of five local American communities that have recently taken steps toward energy independence. It shows that at the local level, energy independence has become a realistic possibility as numerous communities around the United States explore available renewable resources, and the technology necessary to harness them. The five US Towns shown below are but a few of the many around the nation, creating models for clean energy production and self reliance:
• Rock Port, Missouri is a small town with a population of 1400 that has become the first community in the nation to be completely powered by wind.
• Greensburg, Kansas is rebuilding itself as a “model green town” after being hit by a disastrous tornado and which is now expecting to provide enough power to meet all the energy needs for the town in the foreseeable future.
• Reynolds, Indiana is another small Midwestern town with a population of 540 was chosen as the community to execute the state government’s “Biotown USA” experiment. The plan is to power the town on a range of locally available biomass.
• San Jose, California’s city council recently gave the city manager the authority to negotiate the terms of “an organics-to energy bio-gas facility.”
• Warrenton, Virginia like San Jose is taking the “trash into treasure” approach. Mayor George Fitch has spearheaded an effort to build a “biorefinery” and reduce the town’s greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2015.

10.2.8. External Economic Effects

It is not easy to give a precise definition of external effects; they generally consist of costs or benefits of a project that accrue to society and are not readily captured by the private investor. Examples of this are reduced reliance on infrastructure such as sewers and roads, reduced green house gases, and reduced health costs, etc. The extent to which these benefits can be factored to a business case relies on the extent to which they can be converted from the external to the internal sides of the ledger. This constitutes a vital factor in any assessment of the costs and benefits of green buildings. Thus the costs of green vegetated roofs are borne by the developer or investor, while much of the benefit accrues at a broader societal level such as reduced heat island effects and reduced storm water runoff. Where the investor is a government agency, or where a private developer is compensated for including features that produce benefits at a societal level, the business case can encompass the much broader range of effects. For example, there is the state of Oregon that offers tax incentives for green building, thereby providing a direct business case payoff to the investor. Other examples are jurisdictions such as in Arlington, Virginia which allows higher floor space to land coverage ratios for green buildings.
“Green” has become a common buzzword and journalists everywhere are writing about a “green economy,” “green technology,” and even “green” jobs. Many manufacturers are now clinging to the green bandwagon and increasingly claiming to be “green” while many others try to measure the effect of “green” technology on the job market. “Green” encourages job creation, partly because green building attributes are often labor intensive, rather than material or technology intensive. For example, there are significant environmental impacts associated with the transportation of materials for the construction industry. And by promoting the use of local and regional materials, local and regional job creation is encouraged and promoted. Buildings can be singled out to have the largest indirect environmental impact on human health. Other perhaps less critical impacts, such as damage to ecosystems, crops, structures/monuments, and resource depletion should also be considered even though they do not have a large associated indirect cost relative to human health. Infrastructure costs such as water use and disposal are typically provided by governments and are rarely cost effective or even cost neutral, and in many instances, governments are required to heavily subsidize water use and treatment. On the other hand, external environmental costs consist mainly of pollutants in the form of emissions to air, water, and land and the general degradation of the ambient environment.
Furthermore, green building can also have economic ramifications and export opportunities on a much broader scale as a result of increased international recognition and related export sales. The 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index prepared by Yale and Columbia Universities benchmarked the ability of nations to protect the environment by integrating data sets including natural resource endowments, pollution levels, and environmental management efforts into a smaller set of indicators of environmental sustainability. The United States unexpectedly ranked only 45th of countries in the index in this particular study.

10.3. Life-Cycle Costing

Life-cycle costing (LCC) assists companies to be aware of where their products are in their life cycles, because in addition to the sales effects, the life-cycle of a building may have a tremendous impact on costs and profits. LCC is essentially a technique of combining both capital and operating costs to determine the net economic effect of an investment and to evaluate the economic performance of additional investments that may be required for green buildings. It is based on discounting future costs and benefits to dollars of a specific reference year that are referred to as Present Value (PV) dollars. This makes it feasible to intelligibly quantify costs and benefits and compare alternatives based on the same economic criterion or reference dollar. Moreover, sustainable buildings can be assessed as cost-effective through the LCC method, which is a way of assessing total building cost over time. It consists of:
• Initial costs (design and construction).
• Operating costs (energy, water/sewage, waste, recycling, and other utilities).
• Maintenance, repair, and replacement costs.
• Other environmental or social costs/benefits (impacts on transportation, solid waste, water, energy, infrastructure, worker productivity, outdoor air emissions, etc.).
Sustainable buildings are also considered healthy buildings and therefore can decrease worker illness costs. The Blueprint has several activities that aim to better incorporate LCC into the capital outlay process.
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) recently came out with a study that suggests that key players in real estate and construction unfortunately often misjudge the costs and benefits of “green” buildings. Peter Morris, a principal with Davis Langdon says that “Perhaps a measure of the success of the LEED system, which was developed to provide a common basis for measurement, is the recent proliferation of alternative systems, each seeking to address some perceived imbalance or inadequacy of the LEED system, such as the amount of paperwork, the lack of weighting of credits, or the lack of focus on specific issues. Among these alternative measures are broad-based approaches, such as Green Globes, and more narrowly focused measures, such as calculations of a building’s carbon footprint or measurements of a building’s energy efficiency (the ENERGY STAR rating). All these systems are valid measures of sustainable design, but each reflects a different mix of environmental values, and each will have a different cost impact.” Also, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) recently published a Guide to Building Life Cycle Assessment in Practice which is certainly worth studying. It details the tools and tactics of balancing the costs and benefits of material and systems selection based on resource consumption and pollution from fabrication, shipping, construction, operations, and end-of-life deconstruction.

10.3.1. Initial/First Costs

Construction projects typically have initial or up-front costs which may include capital investment costs related to land acquisition, construction, or renovation and for the equipment needed to operate a facility. Land acquisition costs are normally included in the initial cost estimate if they differ among design alternatives. A typical example of this would be when comparing the cost of renovating an existing facility with new construction on purchased land.
The assumed increase in first cost is the most cited reason for not incorporating green elements into a building design strategy. Some aspects of design have little or no first cost including site orientation and window and overhang placement. Other sustainable systems that incorporate additional costs in the design phase, such as an insulated shell, can be offset, for example, by the reduced cost of a smaller mechanical system. Material costs can be reduced during the construction phase of a project by the use of dimensional planning and other material efficiency strategies. Such strategies can reduce the amount of building materials needed and cut construction costs but they require forethought on the part of designers to ensure a building that creates less construction waste solely on its dimensions and structural design. An example of dimensional planning is designing rooms of 4-foot multiples, since wallboard and plywood sheets come in 4- and 8-foot lengths. Moreover, one dimension of a room can be designed in 6- or 12-foot multiples to correspond with the length of carpet and linoleum rolls which can help reduce costs.

10.3.2. Life-Cycle Cost Analysis

This is a method for evaluating all relevant costs over time of a project, product, or measure. It takes into consideration all costs including first costs, such as capital investment costs, purchase, and installation costs; future costs, such as energy costs, operating costs, maintenance costs, capital replacement costs, financing costs; and any resale, salvage, or disposal cost, over the life-time of the project or product. LCCA is thus an engineering economic analysis (EA) tool useful for comparing the relative merit of competing project alternatives. George Paul Demos, estimating engineer at CDOT, echoes this and notes that, “The first component in an LCC equation is cost. There are two major cost categories by which projects are to be evaluated in an LCCA: initial expenses and future expenses. Initial expenses are all costs incurred prior to occupation of the facility. Future expenses are all costs incurred after occupation of the facility. Defining the exact costs of each expense category can be somewhat difficult at the time of the LCC study. However, through the use of reasonable, consistent, and well-documented assumptions, a credible LCCA can be prepared.” According to Demos, the following are considered to be major steps that are essential to performing a proper cost analysis:
1. Establish objectives
2. Identify constraints and specify assumptions
3. Define base case and identify alternatives
4. Set analysis period
5. Define level of effort for screening alternatives
6. Analyze traffic effects
7. Estimate benefits and costs relative to base case
8. Evaluate risk
9. Compare net benefits and rank alternatives
10. Make recommendations
Sieglinde Fuller of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) says, “LCCA is especially useful when project alternatives that fulfill the same performance requirements, but differ with respect to initial costs and operating costs, have to be compared in order to select the one that maximizes net savings. For example, LCCA will help determine whether the incorporation of a high-performance HVAC or glazing system, which may increase initial cost but result in dramatically reduced operating and maintenance costs, is cost-effective or not.” But when it comes to budget allocation using LCCA is not beneficial.
While the general consensus on the valid basis for adopting a life cycle approach, nevertheless, most building stakeholders prefer to focus on minimizing direct costs or, at best, applying short time frame payback periods. Many developers, building owners, and other stakeholders hold the view that basing opinions on anything other than a reduced direct cost approach is fiscally irresponsible, when in reality the opposite is often the case. This lack of adoption is largely due to the typical corporate structure that dissociates direct and operating costs and with most constructers often lacking the mandate to reduce operating costs, although they are mandated to reduce construction cost. This unfortunate reality is also evidenced by owner/developers, who oversee construction of buildings for their own use.
The LCCA’s primary objective is to calculate the overall costs of project alternatives and to select the design that safeguards the ability of the facility to provide the lowest overall cost of ownership in line with its quality and function. The LCCA should be performed early in the design process to allow any needed design refinements or modifications to take place before finalization to optimize the LCC. Likewise, it is important to ensure that the design complies with the new IgCCs that have come into effect. Another very important and challenging task of an LCCA (or any economic evaluation method for that matter) is to evaluate and determine the economic effects of alternative designs of buildings and building systems and to be able to quantify these effects and depict them in dollar amounts. LCCA is especially suited to the evaluation of design alternatives that satisfy a required performance level, but that may have differing investment, operating, maintenance, or repair costs; and possibly different life spans.
Although lowest LCC provides a straightforward and easy-to-interpret measure of economic evaluation, there are other commonly used methods such as Net Savings (or Net Benefits), Savings-to-Investment Ratio (or Savings Benefit-to-Cost Ratio), Internal Rate of Return, and Payback Period. Fuller sees them as being consistent with the lowest LCC measure of evaluation if they use the same parameters and length of study period. Almost identical approaches can be made to making cost-effective choices for building-related projects irrespective of whether it is called cost estimating, value engineering, or EA. And after identifying all costs by year and amount and discounting them to present value, they are added to arrive at total LCCs for each alternative. These include:
• Initial design and construction costs
• Maintenance, repair, and replacement costs
• Other environmental or social costs/benefits including but not limited to: impacts on transportation, solid waste, water, energy, infrastructure, worker productivity, and outdoor air emissions, etc.
• Operating costs that include energy, water/sewage, waste, recycling, and other utilities
Appropriate adjustments should be placed on all dollar values expended or received over time on a comparable basis as this is necessary for the valid assessment of a project’s LCCs and benefits. Time adjustment is required because a dollar today will not have an equivalent value to a dollar in the future. Supplementary measures, however, are considered to be relative measures, i.e., they are computed for an alternative relative to a base case. Sieglinde Fuller says, “Supplementary measures of economic evaluation are Net Savings (NS), Savings-to-Investment Ratio (SIR), Adjusted Internal Rate of Return (AIRR), and Simple Payback (SPB) or Discounted Payback (DPB). They are sometimes needed to meet specific regulatory requirements. For example, the FEMP LCC rules (10 CFR 436A) require the use of either the SIR or AIRR for ranking independent projects competing for limited funding. Some federal programs require a Payback Period to be computed as a screening measure in project evaluation. NS, SIR, and AIRR are consistent with the lowest LCC of an alternative if computed and applied correctly, with the same time-adjusted input values and assumptions. Payback measures, either SPB or DPB, are only consistent with LCCA if they are calculated over the entire study period, not only for the years of the payback period.”
Employing a holistic or integrated approach through active, deliberate, and full collaboration among all the players is the most likely method to achieving successful green buildings. Building-related investments typically involve a great deal of uncertainty relating to their costs and potential savings. The performing of an LCCA greatly increases the ability and likelihood of deciding on a project that can save money in the long run. Yet, this does not alleviate some of the potential uncertainty associated with the LCC results, mainly because LCCAs are typically conducted early in the design process when only estimates of costs and savings are available, rather than specific dollar amounts. This uncertainty in input values means that actual results may differ from estimated outcomes. The LCCA can be applied to any capital investment decision and is particularly relevant when high initial costs are traded for reduced future cost obligations.
A 2007 study by Davis Langdon updating an earlier study, states, “It is clear from the substantial weight of evidence in the marketplace that reasonable levels of sustainable design can be incorporated into most building types at little or no additional cost. In addition, sustainable materials and systems are becoming more affordable, sustainable design elements are becoming widely accepted in the mainstream of project design, and building owners and tenants are beginning to demand and value those features.” Likewise, Ashley Katz a communications coordinator for the USGBC says, “Costs associated with building commissioning, energy modeling and additional professional services typically turn out to be a risk mitigation strategy for owners. While these aspects might add on to the project budget, they will end up saving projects money in the long run, and are also best practices for building design and construction.”

10.4. Tax Benefits and Incentives

Many municipalities in the United States already offer tax credits as a means of advancing specific policy agendas. These same principles can be applied to residences or developments that have achieved certain green building goals. Likewise, many state and local governments throughout the country are in the process of drafting new green building regulations to take advantage of incoming stimulus funding. In addition, the new Green Building Code reinforces this sustainability trend. For example, the tax benefits available to businesses through the Energy Policy Act of 2005 have now been extended. For updates visit: Also as a follow-up effort to encourage environmentally friendly construction and energy savings many states have put into place various tax incentive programs for green building. States such as New York and Oregon offer state tax credits, while others, such as Nevada, offer property- and sales-tax abatements. The federal government also offers tax credits. The state of Oregon credits vary and are based on building area and LEED certification level. At the Platinum level, for example, a 100,000 square feet building in Oregon can expect to receive a net-present-value tax credit of up to $2 per square foot which is transferrable from public or nonprofit entities to private companies (e.g., contractors or benefactors), making it even more attractive than a credit that applies only to private owners. Also, appliance enforcement regulations were adopted on May 13, 2015 and are effective July 1, 2015.
New York State has various sales tax exemptions, property tax abatements, and personal tax credits and incentives to encourage residential installation of energy savings measures, onsite renewable generation, solar and wind renewable energy systems, and using alternative fuel for residential space heating and hot water heating. However, for onsite generation systems such as wind, solar, biomass, fuel cells to be eligible for tax incentives, they must be grid connected and net metered. The state of New York offers a tax credit for builders who meet energy goals and use environmentally preferable materials to apply for up to $3.75 per square foot for interior work and $7.50 per square foot for exterior work against their state tax bill. To qualify for this credit, a building needs to be certified by a licensed architect or engineer in addition to meeting specific requirements for energy use, water use, indoor air quality, waste disposal, and materials selection. This translates to mean that the energy used in new buildings must not exceed 65% of that allowed under the New York energy code and in rehabilitated buildings energy use cannot exceed 75%.
In 2005, the Nevada Legislature passed a poorly considered green building incentive package in an effort to spur private developers in the state. The legislation was hastily written in conjunction with little direction to state agencies and minimal financial analysis. The state offered a property-tax abatement of up to 35% for up to 10 years to private development projects that achieve LEED Silver certification. This means that if the property tax represents 1% of value, it could be worth as much as 5% of the building cost, which translates to much more than the actual cost of achieving LEED Silver on a large project. This has encouraged a large number of Nevada projects to pursue LEED certification, including the $7 billion, 17 million square feet Project City Center in Las Vegas which is one of the world’s largest private development projects to date. The hastily written legislation forced the next session of the Nevada Legislature in 2007 to rethink and modify the program because it created an enormous financial crisis for the state. The state of Nevada also provides for sales-tax abatement for green materials used in LEED Silver–certified buildings. South Carolina also introduced a program of tax incentives that meet certain Green Globes or LEED standards for energy efficiency.
When appraising currently existing incentive programs, it should be noted that New York, Oregon, and Maryland preceded Nevada and utilized their state income tax code as the primary tool to further green buildings in their state. In addition, many jurisdictions have created their own unique programs. Virginia followed the Nevada model by allowing property tax abatements at a local level, New Mexico used the income tax credit approach, and Hawaii tried a new approach by requiring a green building to receive priority processing during governmental reviews for project approvals.
There are also many federal tax incentives available such as the 2005 federal Energy Policy Act which offers two major tax incentives for differing aspects of green buildings. They are: (1) Tax credit of 30% on use of both solar thermal and electric systems and (2) A tax deduction of up to $1.80 per square foot for projects that reduce energy use for lighting, HVAC, and water-heating systems by at least 50% compared with the 2001 baseline standard. These tax deduction may be taken by the design team leader (typically the architect) when applied to government projects.
Consumers should always check the various State websites for the latest updates. Some of the more prevalent federal tax incentives include:
Consumer Incentives:
Homeowners can compile credits for energy improvements to their homes, such as windows, insulation, and envelope and duct sealing.
Homeowners can acquire credits for installing efficient air conditioners and heat pumps; gas or oil furnaces and furnace fans. In new or existing homes, credits can be achieved for efficient gas, oil, or electric heat pump, water heaters.
Credits are also available for qualified solar water heating and photovoltaic systems, small wind, and geothermal heat pump systems.
Business Incentives:
Businesses can get deductions for new or renovated buildings that Save 50% or more of projected annual energy costs for heating, cooling, and lighting compared to model national standards, and partial deductions for efficiency improvements to individual lighting, HVAC and water heating, or envelope systems.
Investment tax credit for combined heat and power systems (CHP).
Businesses are eligible for tax credits for qualified solar water heating and photovoltaic systems, and for certain solar lighting systems.
Credits are available to businesses who install qualifying microturbines. These systems, which typically run on natural gas, are small power-producing systems sized to run small to medium-size commercial buildings.
Builders and Manufacturers Incentives:
Home builders are eligible for credits for homes that exceed national model energy codes by 50%, subject to certification. Manufactured home producers are also eligible for a smaller credit for manufactured homes that exceed national model codes by 30% or that meet Energy Star standards.
Credits are available to manufacturers of high-efficiency refrigerators, clothes washers, and dishwashers. Due to these manufacturer incentives, special consumer promotions may be available for qualifying products.
It is obvious that tax credits can provide significant savings. It reduces the amount of income tax that must be payed and unlike a deduction, which reduces the amount of income that is taxable; a tax credit directly reduces the tax itself. In the final analysis, the reader should always check online for the latest tax incentive updates as many new programs are continuously being initiated and older programs expire. For example, the Federal Solar Tax credit has been extended for 8 years and on February 17, 2009, President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). This Act creates new incentives for solar energy, modified existing incentives and provides billions of dollars in funding for renewable energy projects. With this Act, the United States can, in the coming years, become the largest solar market in the world. For additional details on tax incentives and credits visit:;;;;

10.5. Other Green Building Costs

10.5.1. Operational Energy and Water Costs

Other green building expenses include operational expenses for energy, water, and other utilities. These depend to a large extent on consumption, current rates, and price projections. But since energy and, to a lesser extent, water consumption, building configuration, and building envelope are interdependent elements, energy and water costs are usually assessed for the building as a whole rather than for individual building systems or components. Sometimes the latest, greenest technology just is not approved yet and may cause both delays and additional costs.
Accurate forecasts or predictions of energy costs during the preliminary design phase of a project are rarely simple. Assumptions have to be made regarding use profiles, occupancy rates, and schedules, all of which can have a dramatic impact on energy consumption. There are several suitable computer programs currently on the market like Energy-10 and eQuest that can provide the required information regarding assumptions on the amount of energy consumption for a facility. Alternatively the information and data can come from the engineering analysis. Other software packages, such ENERGY PLUS (DOE), DOE-2.1E, and BLAST are also excellent programs but which require a more detailed input not normally available until later in the design process when the design concept is more fully developed. It is also important to determine prior to program selection whether annual, monthly, or hourly energy consumption estimates are required and whether the program is capable of adequately tracking savings in energy consumption even when design changes take place or when different efficiency levels are simulated. Fig. 10.6 provides an example of the typical costs incurred by an HVAC System over its expected useful life which is 30 years.
Figure 10.6 Pie Diagram illustrating typical costs (in percentage terms) incurred by an HVAC system over 30 years which represents its useful life. Source: Washington State Department of General Administration.
Estimates reflecting energy use in conventional and green buildings will vary, but the consensus is that green buildings on average use 30% less energy than conventional buildings, which is why energy is a substantial and widely recognized cost of building operations that can be reduced through energy efficiency and related measures that form part of green building design. A detailed survey of 60 LEED rated buildings, demonstrates that green buildings, when compared to conventional buildings reaffirms these conclusions which are:
• On average more energy efficient by approximately 25–30%
• More likely to generate renewable energy on-site
• Characterized by lower electricity peak consumption
• More likely to purchase grid power generated from renewable energy sources
Energy savings in sustainable buildings come primarily from reduced electricity purchases and secondarily from reduced peak energy demand. On average, green buildings are estimated to be 28% more efficient than conventional buildings and on average generate 2% of their power on-site from photovoltaics (PV). The financial benefits that accrue from a 30% reduced consumption at an electricity price of $0.08/kWh comes to about $0.30 per square foot annually with a 20-year Net Present Value (NPV) of over $5 per square foot, equal to or more than the average additional cost associated with building green.
Jerry Yudelson, author of The Green Building Revolution, says that “Many green buildings are designed to use 25- to 40-percent less energy than current codes require; some buildings achieve even higher efficiency levels. Translated to an operating cost of $1.60 to $2.50 per square foot for electricity (the most common energy source for building), this energy savings could reduce utility operating costs by 40 cents to $1 per square foot per year. Often, these savings are achieved for an added investment of just $1 to $3 per square foot. With building costs reaching $150 to $300 per square foot, many developers and building owners are seeing that it is a wise business decision to invest 1 to 2 percent of capital cost to secure long-term savings, particularly with a payback of less than three years. In an 80,000-sq-ft. building, the owner’s savings translates into $32,000 to $80,000 per year, year after year, at today’s prices.” Environmental and health costs associated with air pollution caused by nonrenewable electric power generation and on-site fossil fuel use are generally excluded when making investment decisions. Table 10.2 highlights the reduced energy used in green buildings as compared with conventional buildings.

Table 10.2

Reduced energy use in green buildings as compared with conventional buildings

Certified (%)Silver (%)Gold (%)Average (%)
Energy efficiency (above standard code)18303728
Onsite renewable energy0042
Green power10076


Source: USGBC, Capital E Analysis.

10.5.2. Operation, Repair, and Maintenance Costs

Sustainability studies have shown that over the life of the building LEED-certified buildings typically both cost less and are easier to operate and maintain than conventional buildings. This puts them in a position to command higher lease rates than conventional buildings in their markets. However, maintenance and repair (OM&R) costs and nonfuel operating costs, are often more difficult to estimate than other building expenditures. Operating schedules and maintenance standards will vary from one building to the next; the variation in these costs is significant even when the buildings are of the same type and age, which is why it is important when estimating these costs to use common sense and good judgment. Published estimating guides and supplier quotes can sometimes provide relevant information on maintenance and repair costs. Some of the data estimation guides derive their cost data from databases such as Means and BOMA which typically report, for example, on average owning and operating costs per square foot, the number of square feet in the building, the number of stories, the age of the building, and its geographic location.
Typically, a green building can recoup any added costs within the first year or two of the life cycle of the building once it becomes operational. Studies show that green buildings typically use 30 to 50% less energy and 40% less water usage than its conventional counterpart, yielding significant savings in operational costs. The New Buildings Institute (NBI) recently released a new research study indicating that new buildings certified under the USGBC’s LEED certification program are, on average, performing 25 to 30% better than buildings that are not LEED certified in terms of energy use. The study also suggests that buildings achieving Gold and Platinum LEED categories have average energy savings approaching 50%.

10.5.3. Durability and Replacement Costs

A durable building—one that lasts a long time—provides a long period of time to amortize the environmental and economic costs that were sustained in building it. Peter Yost, a building science expert with 3D Building Solutions, LLC, notes, “if you double the life of a building, you halve the environmental impacts [of its construction].” The same argument can be applied for the products and materials going into those buildings. Durable materials and products will not need replacement or repair as often, so the raw materials, energy, and environmental impacts invested in them can be spread out over an extended period of time. This is why the incorporation of durable materials prolongs the life of building systems and the building itself, thereby enjoying lower replacement cost of systems and materials. Replacing a building’s roof, flooring, HVAC system, or the whole building itself results in the highest cost to the environment and to the owner’s bottom line. While many of these features also reduce operating costs, an owner’s commitment to proactive maintenance is the key to keeping systems working well into their prime.
The number and timing of capital replacements of building systems are based to a large extent on the estimated life of the system and the length of the study period. It is expected that the same sources providing the cost estimates for the initial investments will be used to obtain estimates of replacement costs and expected useful lives. Likewise a good starting point for estimating future replacement costs is to use their cost as of the base date. The LCCA method is designed to escalate base-year amounts to their future time of occurrence. The term residual value of a system or component is sometimes mentioned; this basically represents the value it will have after being depreciated, i.e., its remaining value at the end of the study period, or at the time it is replaced during the study period. According to Sieglinde Fuller, residual values can be based on value in place, resale value, salvage value, or scrap value, net of any selling, conversion, or disposal costs. By using simple rule of thumb calculations, the residual value of a system with remaining useful life in place can be determined by linearly prorating its initial costs.

Elements of Durability

The durability of buildings depends on a number of specific factors that can be addressed through design and construction. These are outlined below:
• Moisture: To a large extent, one of the main issues of durability is water management. As an example of its significance, the publication “Durability by Design,” published by HUD’s Partnership for Advanced Technology in Housing (PATH), devotes more than three-quarters of its space to moisture issues.
• Heat: Thermal stress can reduce durability by causing materials to expand and contract.
• Sunlight: Ultraviolet (UV) light degrades numerous materials, including many plastics, wood, fabric, and paint. Plastics that are employed outdoors, such as vinyl siding, are often treated with UV stabilizers.
• Atmospheric Pollutants: ozone, acid rain and the like can degrade building materials. Many synthetic materials (e.g., rubber, polyester, nylon, dyes, and certain paints) are susceptible to ozone damage.
• Acid rain: A product primarily from sulfur dioxide pollutants in the atmosphere.
• Insects: According to the National Pest Management Association, a handful of insect families are responsible for more than $2.5 billion in damages to U.S. buildings annually. Perhaps the greatest damage is caused by termites, followed by carpenter ants and powderpost beetles, all of which can cause significant damage especially to wooden buildings.
• Building Function: Sometimes buildings do not function as originally intended. A building that is highly functional will be more durable and is more likely to be restored or renovated when components wear out, whereas a less functional building is more likely to be replaced. It is also important to note that the function of a building can often change over time; an inability to adapt to such changes can reduce its useful life, even if it is structurally sound.
• Style: Attractive, aesthetically pleasing buildings have an important bearing on durability and are more likely to be maintained and repaired as components fail then are ugly, poorly designed buildings.
• Material Failure: Some materials and building components have a shorter life spans than others.

10.5.4. Finance Charges and Other Costs

For federal projects finance charges and taxes do not normally apply, although finance charges and other payments do apply if a project is financed through an Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) or Utility Energy Services Contract (UESC). These charges are normally included in the contract payments negotiated with the Energy Service Company (ESCO) or the utility.
Nonmonetary benefits or costs relate to project-related issues for which there is no meaningful way of assigning a dollar value, and despite efforts to develop quantitative measures of benefits, there are situations that simply do not lend themselves to such an analysis. For example, projects may provide certain benefits such as improved quality of the working environment, preservation of cultural and historical resources, or other similar qualitative advantages. By their nature, these benefits are external to the LCCA and difficult to assess, but if these benefits are considered significant, they should be taken into account in the final investment decision and included in an LCC analysis (LCCA) and also portrayed in the project documentation. To formalize the inclusion of nonmonetary costs or benefits in the decision-making process, the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) which is one of a set of multiattribute decision analysis (MADA) methods that can be used when considering qualitative and quantitative nonmonetary attributes in addition to common economic evaluation measures when evaluating project alternatives. The ASTM E 1765 Standard Practice for Applying Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Multi-attribute Decision Analysis of Investments Related to Buildings and Building Systems that is published by ASTM International presents a general procedure for calculating and interpreting AHP scores of a project’s total overall desirability when making building-related capital investment decisions. An excellent source of information for estimating productivity costs is the WBDG Productive Branch.

10.6. Economic Analysis Tools and Methods

The federal government is the nation’s largest owner and operator of built facilities, which during the energy crisis of the 1970s followed by the 1980s crisis, was faced with increasing initial construction costs and ongoing operational and maintenance expenses. As a result, facility planners and designers decided to use EA to evaluate alternative construction materials, assemblies, and building services with the goal of lowering costs. In today’s difficult economic climate, building owners wishing to reduce expenses or increase profits are again employing EA to improve their decision making during the course of planning, designing, and constructing a building. Moreover, federal, state, and municipal entities have all enacted legislative mandates requiring the use of building EA to determine the most economically efficient or cost-effective choice among building alternatives. Fig. 10.7 is a diagram illustrating the general steps taken in an EA process.

10.6.1. Present-Value Analysis

Present-Value Analysis is based on the simple concept that the value of a dollar profit today is greater than the value of a dollar profit next year. How much greater is determined by what is called the “Discount Rate”, as in “how much of a discount would you expect if you were buying a dollar’s worth of next year’s profit.” The Discount Rate used in the NPV calculation is usually the Cost of Debt, also known as the Weighted Average Cost of Debt. Also NPV allows decision makers to compare various alternatives on a similar time scale by converting the various options to current dollar figures. A project is generally considered acceptable if the NPV is positive over the expected lifetime of the project. As an example, let us take a building that is considering having its lighting changed from traditional incandescent bulbs to fluorescents. The initial investment to change the lights themselves is estimated to be $40,000. After the initial investment, it is estimated to cost $2000 to operate the lighting system but which will yield $15,000 in savings each year. This thus produces an annual cash flow of $13,000 every year after the initial investment. If for the sake simplicity, a discount rate of 10% is assumed and it is calculated that the lighting system will be utilized over a 5-year time period. This scenario would produce the following Net Present-Value calculations:
Figure 10.7 Diagram illustrating the economic analysis process. Source: Based on Whole Building Design Guide.
t = 0 NPV = (40,000)/(1 + 0.10) 0 = 40,000.00
t = 1 NPV = (13,000)/(1.10) 1 = 11,818.18
t = 2 NPV = (13,000)/(1.10) 2 = 10,743.80
t = 3 NPV = (13,000)/(1.10) 3 = 9767.09
t = 4 NPV = (13,000)/(1.10) 4 = 8879.17
t = 5 NPV = (13,000)/(1.10) 5 = 8071.98
Based on the above information, the total NPV over the lifetime of the project would come to $9280.22.
The value of discounting is that it adjusts costs and benefits to a common point in time. Thus, to be able to add and compare cash flows that are incurred at different times during the life cycle of a building, they need to be made time-equivalent. To make cash flows time equivalent, the LCC method converts them to present values by discounting them to a common point in time, which is usually the base date. To some extent, the selection of the discount rate is dependent on the use to which it will be put. The interest rate used for discounting essentially represents the investor’s minimum acceptable rate of return.
The Federal Discount Rate FY 2012 Principles and Guidelines states: “Discounting is to be used to convert future monetary values to present values. Calculate present values using the discount rate established annually for the formulation and economic evaluation of plans for water and related land resources.” The discount rate for federal energy and water conservation projects is determined annually by the DOE’s Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP); for other federal projects, those not primarily concerned with energy or water conservation, the discount rate is determined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). These discount rates, however, do not include the general rate of inflation but rather represent real discount rates. In OMB and FEMP studies, annually recurring cash flows such as operational costs are normally discounted from the end of the year in which they are incurred. In MILCON studies, they are typically discounted from the middle of the year. All single amounts such as replacement costs and residual values are discounted from their dates of occurrence.
The length of study period begins with the base date which is the date to which all cash flows are discounted. The study period includes any planning, construction, and implementation periods as well as the service or occupancy period. The study period remains unchanged for all of the considered alternatives. The service period, however, essentially begins when the completed building is occupied or when a system is taken into service. This is the period over which operational costs and benefits are evaluated. In FEMP analyses, the service period cannot exceed 25 years. The contract period in ESPC and UESC projects lies within the study period, starting when the project is formally accepted, energy savings begin to accrue, and contract payments begin to be due. The contract period generally ends with the loan being paid off.
Sieglinde Fuller maintains that, “It is particularly suitable for the evaluation of building design alternatives that satisfy a required level of building performance but may have different initial investment costs, different operating and maintenance and repair costs, and possibly different lives.” But, LCCA can be applied to any capital investment decision in which relatively higher initial costs are traded for reduced future cost obligations. Also according to Fuller, LCCA is an approach that provides a much better assessment of the long-term cost-effectiveness of a project than alternative economic methods that mainly focus on first costs or on operating related costs in the short run. Furthermore, Fuller says that LCCA can be performed at various levels of complexity, but its scope could vary from a “back-of-the envelope” study to a detailed analysis with thoroughly researched input data, supplementary measures of economic evaluation, complex uncertainty assessment, and extensive documentation.
An important attribute of LCCA is that it can be performed in either constant dollars or current dollars. Both methods of calculation produce identical present-value LCCs. However, a constant-dollar analysis does not include the general rate of inflation, which means it has the advantage of not requiring an estimate of the rate of inflation for the years in the study period. A current-dollar analysis on the other hand, does include the rate of general inflation in all dollar amounts, discount rates, and price escalation rates. Constant-dollar analysis is generally recommended for federal projects, except for projects financed by the private sector such as through the Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) and the Utility Energy Services Contract (UESC). There are several alternative financing studies available and that are usually performed in current dollars if the analyst wants to compare contract payments with actual year to year operational or energy cost savings.

10.6.2. Sensitivity Analysis

This is a technique recommended by FEMP for energy and water conservation projects. A sensitivity analysis is typically employed to investigate the robustness of a study when the study includes some form of mathematical modeling. Critical assumptions should be varied and NPV and other outcomes recomputed to determine how sensitive outcomes are to changes in the assumptions. The assumptions that deserve the greatest attention will rely on the dominant benefit and cost elements and the areas of greatest uncertainty of the program being analyzed. In general, a sensitivity analysis is used for estimates of: (1) benefits and costs; (2) the discount rate; (3) the general inflation rate; and (4) distributional assumptions. Models used in the analysis should be well documented and, where possible, available to facilitate independent review.

10.6.3. Break-Even Analysis

For a building project, a break-even analysis is a tool used to determine when the project will be able to cover all its expenses and begin to make a profit. For a startup business, it is extremely important to determine startup costs, which provide the information needed to generate enough sales revenue to pay the ongoing expenses related to running the business. A break-even analysis therefore is a useful tool in tracking a business’s cash flow. Break-even analysis focuses on the relationship between fixed cost, variable cost, and profit. It is mostly used when decision-makers want to know the maximum cost of an input that will allow the project to still break even, or conversely, what minimum benefit a project can produce and still cover the cost of the investment. To perform a break-even analysis, benefits and costs are set equal, all variables are specified, and the break-even variable is solved mathematically. Since we are dealing with cash flow, and depreciation is a noncash expense, it’s subtracted from the operating expenses. The variables needed to compute a break-even sales analysis for a particular project include:
• Gross profit margin
• Operating expenses (less depreciation)
• Annual debt service (total monthly debt payments for the year)

10.6.4. Computer Estimating Programs

Computer programs can considerably reduce the time and effort spent on formulating the LCCA, performing the computations, and documenting the study. There is a large number of LCCA-related software programs available all of which can be found on the Internet. As an example, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Building Technologies Website has information on more than 200 software tools. Some of the software is free and downloadable. Below are some of the more popular and widely used applications:
• Isograph’s AvSim+ and RCMCost software for system availability simulation and reliability-centered maintenance. In addition, it includes Weibull Analysis and Life Cycle Costing modules.
• ECONPACK (Economic Analysis Package) for Windows is a comprehensive EA computer package incorporating EA calculations, documentation, and reporting capabilities. It is structured to permit it being used by noneconomists to prepare complete, properly documented EA in support of DoD funding requests. The program was developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The analytic capabilities of ECONPACK are reportedly generic, providing standardized EA methodologies and calculations to evaluate a broad range of capital investment categories such as hospitals, family housing, information systems, utility plants, maintenance facilities, commercially financed facilities, and equipment.
• The Building Life-Cycle Cost (BLCC) program analyzes capital investments in buildings. FEMP’s BLCC software can help calculate life-cycle costs, net savings, savings-to-investment ratio, internal rate of return, and payback period for Federal energy and water conservation projects funded by agencies or alternatively financed. The BLCC Program, version 5.3–09 is a program and EA tool developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for the U.S. Department of Energy FEMP. BLCC 5.3 conducts economic analyses by evaluating the relative cost effectiveness of alternative buildings and building-related systems or components. Typically, BLCC is used to evaluate alternative designs that have higher initial costs but lower operating-related costs over the project life than the lowest-initial-cost design. It is especially useful for evaluating the costs and benefits of energy and water conservation and renewable energy projects.
• Life-Cycle Cost in Design WinLCCID Program was originally developed for MILCON analyses by the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The program is a life cycle costing tool that is used to evaluate and rank design alternatives for new and existing buildings and carry out “what if” analyses based on variables such as present and future costs and/or maintenance and repair costs.
• ENERGY-10 is a cost estimating program tool that assists architects, builders, and engineers to rapidly (within 20 min) identify the most cost-effective, energy-saving measures to employ in designing a low-energy building. Using climate data that are site-specific, see how different combinations of materials, systems, and orientation yield lesser or greater results, based on energy use, comparative costs, and reduced emissions. Using the software at the early phases of a design can reportedly result in energy savings of 40% to 70%, with little or no increase in construction cost. The software is available through the Sustainable Buildings Industry Council (SBIC).
• Success Estimator Estimating and Cost Management System is a cost estimating tool available from U.S. Cost that gives Estimators, Project Managers, and Owners real-time, simultaneous access to their cost data and estimating projects from any Internet-connected computer.

10.6.5. Relevant Codes and Standards

There are many codes and standards that are relevant to green building. These include:
• IgCC—2012
• ASTM E2432—Standard Guide for the General Principles of Sustainability Relative to Building
• Circular No. A-94 Revised—Guidelines and Discount Rates for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Federal Programs
• 10 CFR 436 Subpart A—Federal Energy Management and Planning Programs, Methodology and Procedures for Life-Cycle Cost Analyses
• Energy Policy Act of 2005 (established a tax deduction for energy-efficient commercial buildings applicable to qualifying systems and buildings placed in service from January 1, 2006, through December 31, 2007. This deduction was subsequently extended several times, and is now set to expire at the end of 2016)
• Executive Order 13,123—Greening the Government through Efficient Energy Management, DOE Guidance on Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Required by Executive Order 13,123
• Executive Order 13,423—Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management
• Facilities Standard for the Public Buildings Service, P100 (GSA)—Chapter 1.8—Life-Cycle Costing
• Standards on Building Economics, 6th ed. ASTM, 2007
• Sustainable Building Technical Manual (DOE/EPA)
• NAVFAC P-442 Economic Analysis Handbook
• Tri-Services Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on “Criteria/Standards for Economic Analyses/Life-Cycle Costing for MILCON Design” (1991)
• ICC 700-2012: 2012 National Green Building Standard (ICC 700)
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