Subject Index


Access and equity, issues of, 455457

Accountability assessment, 968971

Achievement gaps, 174176

ideological and methodological limitations, 175

rural students, 360361

science outcomes, 175176

urban science, 322327

Acquisition metaphor, 3335

Actualizing tendency, 87

Adaptation, Piagetian theory, 32

Advanced Placement (AP) exams, 176

Agency of the material world, in scientific literacy, 5

Alphabet soup curriculum, 916

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 176

Cooperative Committee, 305

American Association of Museums, 131

American Association of University Women (AAUW), 258

American College Test (ACT), 176

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 1975, 293

Analogies and metaphors, 379380

A Nation at Risk, 912, 922923, 933

Apprenticeship, 19

Aquaria, learning from, 140

Arousal and anxiety, in motivation, 88

Asia, science education for women, 269270

Assessment, see also specific type

classroom, see Classroom assessment of science learning

ELL students, 181182

formative, see Formative assessment

laboratory-related research in science education, 429430

large-scale, in science education, 10071040

scientific literacy, 759767

special needs students, 301303

student diversity and, 180181

techniques and strategies in elementary science, 509

Atomic physics, teaching of, 618622, 619620f

Atomic structure, multiple meanings, 637643

Attitude, 7685

achievement and science-related decisions, 84

attitudes and what influences them, 83

change intervention, 85

definition and meaning, 7879

drawing, 82

future research, 9394

gender, 8384

historical background and theoretical orientations, 7778

implications for policy and practice, 9496

instruments, 8082

interview, 8283

research methods and instruments, 7980

summary data for sample instruments, 81t

Attitudes and beliefs, teacher

affecting self-efficacy, 10851086

belief and practice mismatch, 10821083

concerns about reform, 10881089

cross-country contexts, 10921093

culture/context effects, 10911094

definition, 10681070, 1069t

early research, 1070

educational reform and, 1087

emerging constructs, 1068

environmental constraints, 10831084

environmental response, 1086

future research, 10951096

high school/college divide, 10911092

historical perspectives, 10701072

knowledge and skills, 1086

qualitative assessments, 10721073

quantitative assessments, 1072

recent research, 10761077

religion, beliefs, and instructional practices, 1093

science education as a road to empowerment and social justice, 10891091

science teacher, 10671104

social norms, 1083

sociocultural, 1092

sociocultural model of embedded belief systems, 10731077, 1074f

Sputnik reform, 10701072

theoretical models, 1073

Attitude Toward Science Scale, 80

Augmentation, use of evidence, 453455

Australian Science Education Project (ASEP), 111

Authority of experience, 11591160


Behavior prediction, teacher attitudes and beliefs, 1073

Belief and practice mismatch, 10821083

Beliefs versus knowledge, in concept learning, 34

Belief systems, 10731077, 1074f

Benchmarks for Scientific Literacy (AAAS), 926927

Bildung, 601603

BioKIDS sequence, 477f, 487, 487f

Biological Science: An Inquiry into Life—The Yellow Version (1968) (BSCS), 568

Biological Science: Molecules to Man—The Blue Version (1968) (BSCS), 568

Biological Science: Patterns and Process (1966), 568

Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS), 384, 568569, 807, 916917

adaptation, Yellow Version in Israel, 575577, 843

Blue Version, 842, 845

curricula, academic achievement, and mastery of inquiry skills, 572

implementation in the U.S., 570571

Yellow and Green Versions in U.S., 580

Biology, subject matter knowledge, 115116

Biology curriculum, 561598

content-oriented, 563, 564, 565f

development in the United States, 567569

evaluation and grading, 593

inquiry-oriented, 565

new high school science, 565566

problem-oriented, 580581

teaching concepts and principles, 588589

Biology research, 563564

impact of chemistry and physics, 566567

Biology textbooks

high schools, 580, 585593

reasons for choices, 587

teachers’ perceptions of, 586587

Blue Planet curriculum

development and evaluation of, 677678

pre-development of, 676677

Botanical gardens, learning from, 140

British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS), 1831, 882


Center for the Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning (CAESL), model, 10281031, 1029f

Changes in Attitudes about the Relevance of Science (CARS) questionnaire, 7980

Chemical bonding, multiple meanings, 637643

Chemical reactions

multiple meanings, 632635

students’ conceptual difficulties, 633635

Chemistry, subject matter knowledge, 11131114

Chemistry curriculum, 631652

course content structure, 636637

courses developed from modern teaching and learning perspectives, 635637

looking forward, 648649

multiple meanings through contexts, 643644, 644f

multiple meanings through models, 645647

multiple meanings through multimedia tools, 644645

near-future reform, 643648

potential perspectives, 632f

CHEM Study, 916, 918

Child rearing, in critical research, 2223

Children's Learning in Science Project (CLISP), Britain, 212

Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, 293

Classroom assessment of science learning, 9651006

appropriateness, 992

authenticity, 993

coherent state systems, 10281034

consequences, 990

cultural validity, 991992

equity and fairness, 991

fidelity and disclosure, 992993

further research, 995

increasing the quality of, 988990

manageability, 992

for multiple purposes, 967971

political contexts, 966967

theorizing assessment, 993995

trustworthiness, 992

wider range of research on formats, 983988

Classroom communities of inquirers, 406407

Classroom environment

cross-national studies, 115116

determinants of, 112113

discourse in, 443469

evaluation of educational innovations, 111112

explanations, 376377

future directions for indigenous students, 219221

improving IK practice in, 212213

learning problems worldwide, 249250

questionnaires for assessment of, 105109, 106t

research instruments, 109116

school laboratory, practice and research, 419426

sociocultural, 272274

student and teacher perceptions, 112

student outcomes and, 110111

technology underutilization in, 472473

use of qualitative research methods, 113115

using cultural contexts in, 215216

Classroom Environment Scale (CES), 105

Classroom learning, 103124

Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education in Britain (Adey & Shayer), 33

Cognitive conflict, in elementary science teaching, 511512

Cognitively based instruction, student diversity and, 178179

Cognitive tools

definition, 476479, 477f

versus digital resources, 471491

gathering and analyzing data, 486487

learning earth sciences, 661678

transformation via, 479482, 480f

Cognitive Tools Framework, 479487

Collaboration, teachers of students with special needs, 294295

Committee of Ten, 785786

Commonplaces, in science learning, 6

Community and government organizations, learning science from, 147148

Community-based programs, 147148

Competencies, in systemic reform, 925

Composite culture, learning in urban settings, 332

Computer-based assessment, 988

Computers and the internet, science learning and, 150

Computer software, demonstrations enhanced by, 375376

Computer Supported Intentional Learning Environment (CSILE), 484

Computer-Supported Intentional Learning Environment (CSILE), 87

Concept development

biology, 588590

earth sciences, 661662

laboratory activities, 420421

Conceptions of Scientific Theories Test (COST), 865

Concept maps, 983984

Conceptual change

cold, 38

different meanings of, 36

in elementary science teaching, 511

knowledge, discourse and, 448450

learning to teach science, 11531159

physics, 606607, 606t

teaching for, 11561158

teaching of, 11541156

what changes during, 3638

Conceptual change theory (CCT), 4, 714, 5960

characteristics of, 1112

example, 78

junior high level atomic structure, 640

power and limitations, 1214

Conceptual conflict, 12

Conceptual learning, 3156

as acquisition, 3539, 4044

as addition/replacement, 4243

in classroom settings, 4850

cognitive approaches, 3839

difficulties with atomic structure, 638639

difficulties with chemical bonding, 640642

difficulties with chemical reactions, 633635

future research directions, 5051

multimodal approach, 4647

as participation, 4548

starting points and trends, 3234

structuring the review, 3335

what changes, 3638

Conceptual profile, 43

Conceptual tools, in science learning, 49

Concrete models, 379

Congruence, analysis of learning in urban settings, 331333

Congruent third space, 331

Constructivism, 60

views of teaching and learning science, 232

Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES), 107108, 111, 112, 114, 115

Constructs, definition, 75

Content knowledge structure (CKS)

biology inquiry-oriented curriculum, 568f, 569f

research in biology, 563564

Content-specific simulation programs, physics, 608

Contextual Model of Learning, 129

Continuous assessment, laboratory activity, 417

Cooperative learning, 383384

Courses, in systemic reform, 923924

Critical consciousness, development of, in critical research, 24

Critical discourse analysis, 446

Critical incidents, 866867

Critical research tradition, 4, 2025

characteristics, 2325

culture of power, 21

discussion and implications, 23

example, 4, 20–2521

methods and interpretation, 2223

power and limitations, 25

Critical thinking, modeling, visualization, and simulation tools, 483484

Critiquing peer culture, in critical research, 22

Cross-national studies

classroom environments, 115116

findings, 236243

student science learning, 232233

Cultural, understanding of NOS, 831

Culturally congruent instruction, student diversity and, 178

Cultural toolkits, analysis of learning in urban settings, 329330


classroom practice for indigenous students, 213219

in language and science learning, 66

learning styles and, 216217

in meaning-making, 6465

scientific education and student diversity, 171197

Culture of power, 21

Curriculum, see and the specific subject; Science curriculum

CyberTracker sequence, 478f, 486


Data types, used in science teacher research studies, 12291231, 1230t

Deductive reasoning, 384386

Degree-awarding inservice programs, 1219

Democratic, understanding of NOS, 831

Demonstrations, 374376

computer software enhancement, 375376

increase of student cognitive involvement, 375

for motivation, 375

Developing countries, science education in, 243244

Digest of Educational Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, 289

Digital resources

versus cognitive tools, 471491

definition, 475, 477f

Discontinuity of matter, in conceptual change research, 78

Discourse, 61

augmentation, explanation and use of evidence, 453455

control of, 6263

future directions and challenges, 461464

issues of access and equity, 455457

knowledge and conceptual change, 448450

in science classrooms, 443469

spoken, 445448

student small-group, 450453

Discourse community, scientific literacy as participation in, 4, 1420

Docents, role in learning, 142143

Draw-a-Scientist Checklist, 82

Dropping out of school and science, in critical research, 22

Dynamic assessments, 986987


Earth and space science, subject matter knowledge, 11141115

Earth sciences curriculum, 653687

Blue Planet curriculum, 676678

distinctive characteristics, 654661

integration of learning environments within, 671675

learning, 661678

research and development of materials, 675676

shifting profiles, 657660

struggle for paradigm shift, 678679

systems thinking, 668671

temporal thinking, 664668

visualization and spatial reasoning, 663664

Earth systems science, 660661

Educational evaluation

definition, 944947

relationship to science education, 947953

Educational Evaluation: Theory and Practice (Worthen and Sanders), 945

Educational Evaluation and Decision-Making (Stufflebeam), 945

Educational innovations, evaluation of, 111112

Educational policies, student diversity and, 185186

Educational practice, learning science outside of school, 153156

Educational Testing Service (ETS), 1014

chronology of international assessments, 1015t

Education for All Handicapped Children Act (1975), 292294

Education for Economic Security Act (EESA), 922

Electricity, teaching of, 61014, 610f

Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title IX, 258

Elementary school

assessment in science, 507510

context for teaching and learning science, 495496

cross-disciplinary teaching, 505507

cultural influences on curriculum, 501

curriculum, 501507

curriculum integration, 539540

future research directions, 526527

gender trends in science teaching, 499500

generalist/specialist science teaching, 500501

identifying students’ initial ideas, 525526

instructional materials used by teachers, 502504

metacognition in, 517

pedagogy for learning in science, 510526

research into science teaching, 494495

scaffolding, 514517

science notebooks, 518520

science teacher, 496501

science teaching in, 493535

specific strategies for science teaching, 521523

students’ questions as a basis for investigations, 524525

teacher avoidance of science, 496499

writing in, 517

Elementary science teacher, 10481050

community practice, 10491050

confidence in science teaching, 10481049

Engagement phase, learning model, 404

English language learners (ELL)

achievement gaps and, 174

science assessment and, 181182

student diversity and, 179180

teacher education and, 183184

Environmental constraints, teacher beliefs, 10831084

Environmental education curriculum, 689726

foundations, 692693

goals, 690691, 693695

politics of research, 708711

research, 695706

sustainable development and, 691692

Epistemological underpinning, conceptual tools, 49


belief systems and change, 10791082

origins of, 10771078

science instructional practices and, 10781079

Equity, in systemic reform, 931933

Equity Metric (Kahle), 325

ESEA Act, 947

Ethnomethodology, 449

European countries

science education in, 244245

science education for women, 268269

European Union (EU), on women in science, 268269

Evaluands, 944

Evaluation: A Systematic Approach (Rossi and Freeman), 945

Evaluation phase, learning model, 404

Evaluation Research (Weiss), 945

Evaluation Thesaurus (Scriven), 944

Evaluation (Weiss), 945

Everyday sense-making, analysis of learning in urban settings, 329

Evidence, augmentation, explanation and use of, 453455

Evidence-Based Practice in Science Education (IPSE), 892

Excellence, in systemic reform, 928931

Exceptional students, perspectives guiding research on, 288289

Expectancy-value theory of achievement motivation, 90

Experimental and customized challenges, 987

Explanatory model, in conceptual change research, 78

Exploration-invention-discovery, learning cycle approach, 384385


Family, visits to museums, 143144

Feedback, teaching elementary science, 520

Field trips, learning science from, 140142

First International Science Study (FISS), 1017

Formative assessment, 968971

definitions and characteristics, 972973

in elementary science education, 507508

importance of, 973974

interactive, 975

models for, 974979

planned, 974975

research on students and assessment, 979981

Framework theories, of concepts, 37

France, science education reform, 246

Free and appropriate public education (FAPE), PL94-142

Functional science, 889891


Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT), 259, 276277

Gender, Science and Mathematics (Parker, Rennie, & Fraser), 263

Gender and Science and Technology (GASAT), 261

Gender differences

attitudes towards science, 8384

definition, 258259

future research directions, 277279

high-stakes test-taking patterns, 274275

international perspective, 265270

participation in science, 262263

physics, 607608

science education research, 257285

single-sex versus mixed-sex classes, 275276

sociocultural aspects, 271277

trends in elementary science teaching, 499500

women in science majors and careers, 270271

Generalists, elementary school teachers, 501

General science, subject matter knowledge, 11101113

Generative Learning model, 404

Genres, analysis of learning in urban settings, 328329

German Didaktik tradition, 601603, 602f

Gestural mode of representation (actions), 379

Globalization, 233234

Goal-directed behavior, in motivation, 9091

Goal theory, 90

Group assessment, 987988

Group learning, 383384


Handbook of Research on Science Teaching and Learning (Gabel), 85, ix

Hands On Science Outreach (HOSO), 148

High school

biology curriculum, 563585

biology textbooks, 580, 585593

exit exams, 1034

multiple meanings of atomic structure and chemical bonding, 637643

High School Biology—The Green Version (1968) (BSCS), 568

Historical perspective, science education for girls, 259261

History of science, empowerment through, 10901091

History of Science Cases for High Schools (HOSC), 842

History of Science Cases (Klopfer & Cooley), 884

Horizontal coherence, 1031

Hot-reports, laboratory activity, 417418

Human health and science, 583

Humanistic perspectives

conceptual frameworks for school science, 884

curriculum policy, 885897

recent science curriculum movement, 883885

short history, 882885


ICASE, scientific literacy project, 734

Ideologies and power relationships, in critical research, 24

Image of science and scientists, dishonest and mythical, 886

Imperialism, 206212

Inclusion, teachers of students with special needs, 295301

Indigeneity, postcolonialism and, 201204

Indigenous knowledge (IK)

as contemporary knowledge, 209210

disciplining, 210

finding a place in science curriculum, 208209

no connection to WMS, 210211

science and curricula, 206

traditional ecological knowledge and, 204206

Indigenous languages, science education and, 218219

Indigenous students, 199226

culture and learning, 216217

future directions, 219221

teacher preparation and efficacy, 213215

Individual interest, 88

Individual plane, in learning, 40

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 1997, 293

Inductive reasoning, 384386

Informal learning, 126128

Informal Science Education Ad Hoc Committee, NARST, 126

Information and communication technology advances, 234235

Information technology, in science teaching, 507

Inform-verify-practice, 385


changing toward, 824828

connecting curriculum and change, 818824

in developing science curricula, 814818, 815f

in elementary science teaching, 510511

how is curriculum understood, 811814

organizing theme in science curricula, 807830

in science content, 819820

Inquiry empowering technologies, 411412

Inquiry matriculation examinations, biology in Israel, 577579

Inquiry-oriented curriculum, biology, 565, 568f, 570

heterogeneous student population and, 579

matriculation exams, 577578

summary of implementation, 578579

Inquiry science teaching, 396

Inservice programs, science teacher research and, 12191228, 12201226t

Inservice teachers, attitude toward integrated curriculum, 548549

Instructional congruence, 331332

Instructional methods and strategies, 373391

Interaction of Experiments and Ideas (2nd ed. 1970), 569

Interdisciplinary science teaching, 537559

brief history, 539

disadvantages, 549553

disadvantages of integration, 549553

effects on student achievement, 545546

integrated curriculum design, 543544

national standards, 540541

rationale, 538539

research on integration, 544549

teacher attitude, 547

unfocused definition, 542543

Interest and curiosity, in motivation, 88

Interest and extrinsic motivation, 89

International Assessment of Educational Progress (IAEP), 1014

chronology of international assessments, 1015t

studies, 10161018

International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), 947948, 1014

International Council of Museums (ICOM), 131

International Handbook of Science Education (Sutton), 57, ix

International Institute for Educational Planning, 243

International Journal of Science Education, articles on attitudes, 78

Interpretive centers, learning from, 140

Intervention models, special talent students, 306308

Interviews and conversations, 985986

Introductory Science Teacher Education (ISTE) package, 849

Ionizing radiation, 584

Israel, science education reform, 247

Israeli short-answer assessment item, 1013f


Japan, science education reform, 247

Japanese multiple-choice assessment item, 1012f

Jigsaw method, cooperative instruction, 383

Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, 944

Journal of Research in Science Technology, science/diversity topics, 176

Journal of Science Teaching, gender research in science education, 263264



acquiring and constructing, 11691172

discourse and conceptual change, 448450

Knowledge construction in learning to teach, 11701172

Knowledge of context (KofC), 1108

Knowledge versus beliefs, in concept learning, 34



analysis of emerging themes, 401403

assessment resources and strategies, 413418

communities of inquirers, 406407

developing students’ understanding if the nature of science, 407410

as earth sciences learning environment, 673675

historical overview, 394397

implications for classroom practice and research, 419427

learning and teaching in, 393441

learning environment, 399

learning goals for, 419420, 419t

looking to the future, 431434

minds-on engagement in, 422424

models and strategies for teaching, 424427, 426t

physics experimentation, 608609

principal goals for learning, 402t

reports, assessment of lab activity, 415416

research in science education, 429430

reviews of research, 397401

role of teacher, 427429

selecting and modifying activities, 422424, 423t

selecting materials, 421422

topics, ideas, and activities for concept development, 420421

Language and learning, 5774

changing perspectives, 69t

how it works, 6466

indigenous languages and science education, 218219

integration of science teaching with, 506

origins of contemporary research, 5862

revised framework, 6268

in science, 6768

scientific education and student diversity, 171197

what a speaker appears to be doing, 6263

what listeners think they are doing, 64

Large-scale science assessment

alignment with standards, 1014

assessment for all, 10131014

benefits and risks, 10091011

coherent state systems, 10281034

international, 10141023, 1015t

overview, 10081009

sample state systems, 10311034

varied types of assessment items, 10111013

Latin America, science education for women, 266

Learners as rational but inexperienced thinkers, in conceptual change research, 1112

Learners’ culture, language, and practices

different characteristics, 242

in sociocultural research, 1819

Learning, see also specific type

attitudinal and motivational constructs, 75102

as conceptual addition/replacement, 4243

as conceptual change, 3536

context problems worldwide, 251

as control of multiple discourses, in sociocultural research, 18

group and cooperative, 383384

input problems worldwide, 250251

inquiry, 808809, 821822, 822t

language and, 5774

learning to talk science, 46

over time, 130

as a personal process, 128129

perspectives and research traditions, 36

problems and issues worldwide, 249

school science laboratory, 393441

social constructivist views, 41

social language of science, 42

socially contextualized, 129130

studies of, 457461

Learning cycle approach, 384386

chemistry courses, 635637

elementary science education, 523524

three-phase model, 404

Learning difficulties

in atomic structure, 638639

in biology, 591

in chemical bonding, 640642

in chemical reactions, 633637

conceptual change tradition, 89

Learning dimensions, associated technologies and, 482483, 483t

Learning Environment Inventory (LEI), 105

Learning environments, earth sciences, 671675

Learning from experience, 11591164

action research and a new scholarship, 11601161

reflection by a teacher educator, 11611162

reflection by those learning to teach, 11621164

Learning goals, 90

conceptual change tradition, 9

laboratory experiences, 419420, 419t

laboratory materials to match, 421422

multiple goals of science learning, 971

Learning in Science: The Implications of Children's Science (Osborne & Freyberg), 34

Learning in Science Project (LISP), 212

Teacher Development, 1183

Learning outcomes, performance assessment of, 981982

Learning process in biology, 591

students’ cognitive stages, 592593

Learning stories, 986

Learning styles, culture and, 216217

Learning theory organizers, 403406

Learning together, cooperative instruction, 383

Learning to participate, urban learners, 338340

Learning to succeed, urban learners, 337338

Learning to teach science, 11511178, 1162t

Least restrictive environment, PL94-142

Legitimate participation, learning science in urban settings, 332336

Limited English proficient (LEP) students

achievement gaps and, 175

science assessment and, 181182

Literacy, student diversity and, 179180

Literature, language and science education, 5758, 58f

Local Systemic Change (LSC) program evaluation, 952


Macroscopic representation, 382

Mainstream, definition, 173174

Man, A Course of Study (MACOS), 912, 917

Masculine nature of science, 264265

Material world, definition, 5

Mathematical mode of representation, 379

Mathematics, integration of science teaching with, 506

Meaningful learning of science, educational failure, 886887


creation of, 6364

culture and language, 6465

Mechanics, teaching of, 614618, 616f

Media, learning science from, 148153

Metacognition, in elementary science teaching, 517

Micro-based labs, physics, 608

Microorganisms, 584585

Microscopic representation, 382

Microworlds, physics, 608

Middle East, science education for women, 266268

Middle school, see Elementary school

Model building systems (MBS), physics, 608

Modeling, thinking critically with, 483484

Models, teaching multiple meanings of chemical reactions, 645647

Models and analogies

drama/simulations, 521

in elementary science teaching, 513514

Modes of communication, in science learning, 4647

Modified Nature of Scientific Knowledge Scale (M-NSKS), 866

Monash University, science teacher education program, 11661167

Moral, understanding of NOS, 831

Motivated Learning Strategies Questionnaire (Pintrich & DeGroot), 91

Motivation, 8593

definition, 85

demonstrations for, 375

expectations and strategies, 9293

future research, 9394

historical background and theoretical orientations, 8687

implications for policy and practice, 9496

motivational constructs, 87

Multimedia tools

multiple meanings of chemical reactions, 644645

physics instruction, 609610

Multiple analogies, 381382

Multiple external representations (MERs), 381382


demolishing myths, 132135

family visits, 143144

learning from visits, 135136

science and science centers, 137139

science learning in and from, 131147

Museum-school-community links, 144147

My Class Inventory (MCI), 105, 111


National Academies Press (NAP), list of international comparative studies, 233

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 175, 947, 1007

changes in, 10241027

great performance expectations for practices, 1027t

item formats, 10261027

science content changes, 10251026, 1025t

science practice changes, 1026

National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST), ix

Informal Science Education Ad Hoc Committee, 126

National Center for Improving Science Education (NCISE), 1034

National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS), 176

National Research Council (NRC)

model for coherent state assessment systems, 1028

National Science Education Standards, 473, 897, 927

National Research Council Report on Minority Students in Special Education and Gifted Education (Donovan & Cross), 290

National Science Education Standards

definition of scientific literacy, 473

emphasis on curriculum integration, 540541

inquiry in, 808811

what is and what is not NOS, 832835

National Science Foundation, ix

curriculum development funds, 914t

Education Directorate funding initiatives, 949t, 950f

systemic initiative program, 912

National Society for the Study of Education (NSSEE), history of science curriculum, 788790

National standards movement, 540541

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)

Position Statement on Informal Science Education, 127128

Scope, Sequence and Coordination project, 540

Natural philosopher (scientist), 882

Natural philosophy (science), 882

Nature of science (NOS), 605606

assessing conceptions of, 861867

assessment thoughts, 867869

changing face of, 835836

conventional assumptions, 409

future directions, 869872

instruments, 862t

past, present, and future, 831879

research on students’ conceptions, 836838, 842845, 858861

research on teachers’ conceptions, 838842, 845852, 852857

students’ understanding of, 407410

teaching and learning in contemporary years, 852861

understanding the construct, 831835

Nature of Science Scale (NOSS), 840841, 864

Nature of Science Test (NOST), 846, 864

Nature of Scientific Knowledge Scale (NSKS), 864

New Zealand, science education reform, 247

No Child Left Behind legislation, 912, 933934, 1007

Non-mainstream, definition, 173174

North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), 690

Nuffield Project in Biology, U.K., 573575


Observational methods, 986

OECD, scientific literacy initiative, 734

Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), 914

Online libraries, teacher research, 12431244

Online scaffolding tools

evaluation and communication of scientific ideas, 484485

formulating knowledge with, 485486

Ontology, conceptual tools, 49

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), 1014, 10221023

chronology of international assessments, 1015t

Origins of student thinking, in concept learning, 34

Outdoor learning environment, earth sciences, 671673, 672f

Out-of-school learning, 125167

contexts for science, 130131

implications for practice and policy, 154156

implications for research, 154

learning in and from museums, 131147

meaning of, 126128


Participation metaphor, 3335

Participative approaches

conceptual learning, 4548

summary and implications, 4748

Particulate models, 89

Pedagogical approach

BSCS textbooks, 569

inertia and the struggle for paradigm shift, 678679

for learning in science, 510526

physics, 610622

Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), 379, 515517, 11061107, 11201132

frameworks and methods of representation, 11211124

knowledge of science curriculum, 11281130

knowledge of science instructional strategies, 11301132

knowledge of science learners, 11261128

orientation toward science teaching, 11241126

Peer Tutoring in Small Investigative Group (PTSIG), 383

Performance assessment, learning outcomes, 981982

Performance goals, 90

Personal development, teachers, 11841185

Personal Meaning Mapping questionnaire, 128

Perspectives on learning, xii

Physical Science Study Curriculum (PSSC), 842, 916921

U.S. high school physics enrolled in, 921t

Physics curriculum, 599629

aims of instruction, 604605

conceptual change, 606607, 606t

desiderata for education research, 622624

education research, 600603, 600f

interdisciplinary nature, 600

labwork and multimedia, 608610

major fields of research, 603610

science processes and nature of science, 605606

students’ interests and gender issues, 607608

subject matter knowledge, 11161117

Piagetian theory, in concept learning, 3234

Pluralism, 206212

Portfolios, 984985

assessment of lab activity, 416

Position Statement on Informal Science Education, NSTA, 127128

Postcolonialism, 199226

principle of indigeneity and, 201204

Practical examinations, laboratory activity, 415

Predict-and-explain situations, 986

Predict-Observe-Explain (POE), 375376

laboratory teaching, 425

Preservice science teacher, 10441048

attitude toward integrated curriculum, 547548

challenging conceptions and beliefs, 10451046

learning from experience, 10471048

teacher research and, 12151218, 12161217t

teacher research impact on learning, 12181219

teaching for conceptual change, 11581159

Primary Assessment, Curriculum and Experience (PACE) project, 979

Primary school, see Elementary school

Print media, science learning and, 149

Problem-oriented curriculum, biology, 580581

matriculation exams and learning units, 581582

students not taking a science discipline, 582

Professional developers, 11851188

relationship with teachers, 11881189

Professional development, 11791203

dimensions of, 11811189

perspectives on, 1183

research on, 11821183, 11891198

student diversity and, 183

Program Evaluation: Alternative Approaches and Practical Guidelines (Fitzpatrick, Sanders & Worthen), 945

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 232, 1015t, 10221023

findings, 239241

physics instruction, 604

Project 2061 (AAAS), 897

Project for Enhancing Effective Learning (PEEL), 11681169

Project Physics, 916, 918

Pygmalion effect, 9293


Questioning, as an instructional method, 377378

Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI), 106107, 111, 112, 114, 115


assessing classroom environment, 105109, 106t

Changes in Attitudes about the Relevance of Science (CARS), 7980

Motivated Learning Strategies Questionnaire (Pintrich & DeGroot), 91


laboratory-related research in science education, 429430

students’, 524525


Race, ethnicity

exceptional students and, 290291

gender differences in science education, 263264

scientific education and student diversity, 171197

Reading science, 457461

research, 460461

Reflective toss, 447

Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and amendments, 293

Representation, 378379

forms of, 382383

Representing knowledge, 6566

Research, see also Teacher research

biology, see Biology research

change over time, xii

classroom assessment of learning, 995

conceptual change

results and conclusions, 1011

for students’ conceptions, 12

curriculum integration, 544549

dominant themes in learning to teach science, 11641165

elementary science teaching, 494495

environmental education, 695706

exceptional learners, 288289

future directions in elementary science education, 526527

gender in science education, 277279

high-stakes testing and accountability, 190

humanistic perspectives, 897901

international perspective, 230231

laboratory-related, 429

learning science outside of school, 128131, 153154

nature of science, 869872

physics education, 600610, 600f, 622624

qualitative, classroom environments, 113115

recommendations for international studies, 253254

school laboratory teaching, 397401

school science and home/community connection, 190191

science achievement, 187188

science teachers as researchers, 12051259

shift in focus, 474482

special learners, 309310

special needs students, 304305

student diversity, 187

teacher attitudes and beliefs, 10671104

teacher education, 189190

teacher knowledge, 11051149

teacher professional development in science, 11821183, 11891198

urban science education through, 321322

Research traditions, 36

commonplaces and contrasts, 56

core goals and issues, 5

prescriptions for policy and practice, 27

putting issues in perspective, 27

relationship among, 2627

understanding learners’ dialogues with nature, 27


convergence in rural settings, 360

urban science achievement gap, 323327

Rural settings

broad support from stakeholders, 360

consistent policy, 359

contrasting rural and non-rural schools, 361363

convergence of resources, 360

definition in contemporary sense, 354356

evidence of student achievement, 360361

historical studies, 349352

renewed interest in research on, 352354

Rural Systemic Initiatives in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Program (RSI), 356361

science education, 345369

science teacher education, 363364

standards-based curricula, 359


Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 64


instruction in elementary education, 514517

tools for evaluation and communication of scientific ideas, 484485

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 176

School-based learning, model, 228230, 229f

School organization, student diversity and, 184185

School science laboratory, see Laboratory

Science advances, 234235

Science and Scientists (SAS) study, 232

findings, 242243

Science as a discourse community, in sociocultural research, 18

Science-as-culture, 893894

Science as ideological and institutional, in critical research, 2324

Science as theoretical dialogue with nature, in conceptual change research, 11

Science curriculum

after World War II, 790792

applications of science, 788790

Committee of Ten, 785786

contesting WMS for all peoples, 207208

contexts of research, 897899

disadvantages of integration, 549553

diversity of student experiences and, 188189

elementary school, 501507

finding a place for IK, 208209

future research agendas, 899901

history of reform in U.S. and U.K., 781806

humanistic perspectives, 881910

indigenous knowledge and, 206

inquiry as organizing theme, 807830

integration, 537559

major failures of, 885887

mandated standards and tests, 504505

moving beyond the rhetoric of reform, 11721174

nature study, 786788

past research agendas, 899

pedagogical content knowledge, 11281130

social and technological change, 801804

special needs students, 294301

special talent students, 306

standards-based, 359

student diversity and, 177

systemic influences, 502

teacher and other resources, 503504

technology and societal issues, 566

types of instructional materials, 502504

U.K.: primary phase, 792794

U.K.: secondary school science, 794801

U.S.: development of the mind, 784785

U.S.: early years, 783784

Science Curriculum Improvement Study (SCIS) (Andersson), 33, 384, 523524

Science education

achievement gaps in, 174176

assessment and multiple goals of learning, 971

assessment for formative purposes, 972

assessment for summative purposes, 981

attitudes/attributes, 77

best practice in, 501502

classroom assessment of science learning, 9651006

comparative studies, 572573

constructivist views of teaching and learning, 232

context for teaching and learning, 495496

controversial issues, 10891090

cross-national studies, 232233

cultural commonsense notion of science, 893

current conditions in selected countries, 243249

driving forces, 229f

elementary school, 493535

enticed-to-know science, 891

evaluation relationship to, 947953

factors influencing rates of participation, 262263

functional science, 889891

future directions for indigenous students, 219221

future directions of discourse, 461464

future of, xiixiii

for girls, 259261

globalization, 233234

global view in the 21st Century, 251252

have-cause-to-know science, 891893

heteronormative, 276277

history of science, 10901091

home/community connection, 186, 190191

humanistic perspectives, 881910

indigenous languages and, 218219

interdisciplinary teaching, 537559

international assessments, 10141023, 1015t

international perspective, 227256

international perspective on gender differences, 265270

laboratory-related research, 429430

large-scale assessments, 10071040

learning and use in other contexts, 887888

major problems and issues worldwide, 249251

masculine education, 264265

need-to-know science, 889

outside of school, 125167

personal-curiosity science, 893

postcolonialism, indigenous students and, 199226

recommendations for international research studies, 253254

reform documents, 291292

reforms worldwide, 231235, 245249

research issues in environmental education, 706711

research on relevance, 888893

review of literature on special learners, 294303

as a road to empowerment and social justice, 10891091

rural settings, 345369

science/diversity topics, 176

scientific literacy/science literacy and, 731735

single-sex versus mixed-sex classes, 275276

social and community change, 1091

sociocultural aspects, 271277

special needs and talents in, 287317

special talents, 305310

student diversity and, 171197

systemic reform, 911941, 913t

technology and, 471491

turn teaching by generalists, 501

understanding of NOS, 831

in urban settings, 319343

wish-they-knew science, 889

women in science majors and careers, 270271

Science education program evaluation, 943963

methods for, 955958, 957t

models for, 953955, 953t

Science for All Americans and Benchmarks for Science Literacy (AAAS), 176

Science for Specific Social Purposes (SSSP), 756757

Science for the Public Understanding of Science Project (SEPUP), 891893

Science Laboratory Environment Inventory (SLEI), 107, 110, 112, 114, 399

Science learning, see Learning; Science education

Science museums, see Museums

Science notebooks, 518520

Science Process Inventory (SPI), description of, 864

Science specialists, elementary school teachers, 500

Science teachers, see also Teachers

attitudes and beliefs, 10671104

knowledge, see also Teacher knowledge

PCK implications for education, 1133

as researchers, 12051259

research on knowledge, 11051149

Science Writing Heuristic (SWH), for laboratory teaching, 425

Scientific literacy/Science literacy (SL), 5, 729780

assessment programs, 759767

as conceptual understanding, 714

definition by National Science Education Standards, 473

definitions, 729731

as empowerment in critical traditions, 2025

five research volumes from Europe, one forthcoming, 732733

focus on literacy, science, or scientists, 748755

focus on situations, 755759

four European symposium proceedings, 733734

implications for further research, 767775

justification arguments, 735748

multi-national initiatives, 734

as participation in a discourse community, 4, 1420

reading and science learning, 458460

reflections and a current indicator, 734735

in science education, 731735

seven handbooks, 731732

technology role in, 473474

Search, Solve, Create, and Share (SSCS), for laboratory teaching, 424

Secondary science teacher, 10501057

articulation, 10521054

beginning teachers, 10501052

experienced teachers, 1052

Second International Science Study (SISS), 1015t, 10171018

Self-actualization, 87

Self and peer assessments, 987

Self-assessment, in elementary science education, 508

Self-determination, 87

in motivation, 8990

Self-efficacy, in motivation, 92

Self-regulation, in motivation, 91

Self-report instruments, attitude, 8082

Sex differences, see Gender differences

Simulation tools, thinking critically with, 483484

Situated cognition, 4546

Situated learning, communities of practice and, 6162

Situational interest, 88

Small-group interaction, in elementary science teaching, 512513, 521523

Social agency, in scientific literacy, 5

Social and community change, science education and, 1091

Social constructivist views, 41

summary and implications, 44

Social development, teachers, 1185

Social languages, 42

alternative conceptions and, 4344

ontological differences, 50

Social norms, teacher beliefs, 1083

Social plane, in learning, 40

Social semiotics, sociocultural considerations and, 6061

Sociocultural model of embedded belief systems, 1074f, 10861087, 1091

Sociocultural research tradition, 4, 1420

characteristics, 1720

discussion and implications, 17

example of, 15

power and limitations, 1920

research methods and results, 1517

social semiotics and, 6061

theoretical approach, 15

Sociocultural status, urban science achievement gap and, 322327

Socioeconomic status (SES)

gender differences in science education, 263264

scientific education and student diversity, 171197

Sociopolitical process of instruction, student diversity and, 178179

Software tool, helping students achieve their learning goals, 9

Spatial reasoning, in learning earth sciences, 663664

Special needs

assessment, 301303

curriculum and instruction, 294301

definitions, 289290, 290t

issues of race and, 290291

legislation affecting rights, 292293

Special talents, 305310

curriculum and instruction, 306

identification of learners, 308309

legislation affecting rights, 305306

perspectives of learners, 308

review of literature, 306309

Specific theories, of concepts, 37

Spoken discourse, studies, 445448

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger), 88

Statewide Systemic Initiative (SSI) program, NSF, 926, 927f

Student attitudes

gender differences in, 272

perspective on science curriculum reform, 804

Student diversity

gender issues in science education, 257285

key findings, 176186

science education and, 171197

terminology, 173174

Student Engagement at School—A Sense of Belonging and Participation (OECD), PISA study, 240

Student enrollment in science, chronic decline in, 885886

Student learning approaches

demonstrations, 375

predictor of performance, 241

Student outcomes

classroom environments and, 110111

curriculum integration effects, 545546

learning approaches and, 241242

Student perceptions, 3156

actual and preferred environment, 112

conceptions on NOS, 836838, 842845, 858861

physics, 607608

Students’ Alternative Frameworks and Science Education (Pfundt & Duit), 34

Students’ ideas, identification, 525526

Student small-group discourse, 450453

Students with disabilities (SD)

achievement gaps and, 175

science assessment and, 181182

Student Teams and Achievement Division (STAD), 383

Studying/doing herpetology, in critical research, 22

Subject matter knowledge (SMK), 1107

biology, 11151116

chemistry, 11131114

earth and space science, 11141115

general science, 11101113

physics, 11151116

relation to teaching, 11171120

research on science teachers, 11101120

Success and participation, urban learners, 336337

Success for All (Slavin et al.), 923

Summative assessment, 968971, 981

in elementary science education, 508509

Sustainable development, environmental education and, 691692

Symbolic model, 379

Symbolic representation, 382

Systemic reform

courses and competencies, 922926

definition, 911

excellence and equity, 926933

lessons learned, 933935, 936f

research, vision, and politics, 911941, 913t

teaching, 914916

texts, 916922

timeline, 913f

Systems for State Science Assessment (Wilson & Bertenthal), 1028

Systems thinking, in learning earth sciences, 668671


Talking Science: Language, Learning, and Values (Lemke), 4647, 60, 445

Talking Their Way into Science: Hearing Children's Questions and Theories, Responding with Curricula (Galla), 448

Teacher education and preparation

avoidance of science, 496499

choice of materials, 504

constructivist views, 232

cross-disciplinary teaching, 505506

curriculum integration and, 541542

elementary school science, 496501

ELL students, 183184

feedback, 520

gender trends in science, 499500

generalist/specialist science teaching, 500501

indigenous and minority students, 213215

inservice teachers and integrated curriculum, 548549

integration of science with language, 506

integration of science with mathematics, 506

integration of science with technology, 506507

learning to teach science, 11511178

multiple meanings of chemical topics, 647648

perspectives on teacher research and learning, 12141215

preservice teachers and integrated curriculum, 547548

professional development in science, 11791203

programs that work to make a difference, 11661169

relationship with professional developers, 11881189

research, 189190

role in laboratory activities, 427429

rural science education, 363364

science teacher as learner, 10431065

science teacher educator as learner, 10571059

specific strategies for elementary science, 521523

student diversity and, 182

turn teaching by generalists, 501

Teacher knowledge

historical views of, 11051106

Shulman's model, 11061108, 1107f

Teacher perceptions

actual and preferred environment, 112

biology, textbooks’ role, 586587

perspectives on professional development, 1183

reason for choice of textbooks, 587

research on teachers’ conceptions of NOS, 838842, 845852, 852857

Teacher research

benefits and pitfalls, 12331234

both teacher and researcher, 1234

collaboration, 12351236

collaboration and public dialogue, 1240

complexity of context and triangulation, 1241

context of, 1235

criteria for quality of, 12371238

definition, 12081210

funding opportunities, 1244

historical context, 12111214

inservice programs and, 12191228, 12201226t

insider-outsider research, 12381239

issues addressed in studies, 12281233, 1229t

knowledge contribution of, 12311233

national/international community of, 1244

new directions for, 12421243

new modes of representation, 12441246

preservice programs and, 12151218, 12161217t

questions addressed, 12341235

searchable online libraries, 12431244

student learning and, 1241

studies about, 1243

teacher learning and, 12141215, 12361237, 1241

trustworthiness, 12391240

usefulness and quality of knowledge, 1237

voice, professionalism, and satisfaction, 1236

Teachers Education and Development Study (TEDS), 1015t

Teacher Training Institutes program, 914916

Teaching and learning, problematic, 10541055

Teaching efficacy, epistemologies and teaching practices, 10841089

Teaching Integrated Mathematics and Science (TIMS), 546

Teaching methods

assessment techniques and strategies in elementary science, 507

atomic structure courses developed from modern perspectives, 639640

avoidance of science, 496499

chemistry courses developed from modern perspectives, 635637

concepts and principles in biology, 588589

for conceptual change learning, 12

in critical research, 2425

cross-disciplinary, 505506

discourse studies in classroom, 445448

effects of attitudes and beliefs, 10671104

elementary science curriculum, 496501, 501506

information technology, 507

inquiry, 810, 822823

interdisciplinary, 537559

laboratory models and strategies, 424427, 426t

laboratory-related research in science education, 429430

mandated curricula, standards, and tests, 504505

resources, 503

school science laboratory, 393441

in sociocultural research, 19

studies of, 457461

Teams Games Tournaments (TGT), 383


advances, 234235

integration of science teaching with, 506507

learning science with, 471491

relative to Cognitive Tools Framework, 482487

role in scientific literacy, 473474

underutilization in classrooms, 472473

Television, science learning and, 151153

Temporal thinking, in learning earth sciences, 664668

Testing and accountability, research on, 190

Test of Enquiry Skills (TOES), 110

Test of Science Related Attitudes (TOSRA), 110

Test on Understanding Science (TOUS), 836838

description of, 863

teacher and student comparison, 839

Test-taking patterns, gender differences, 274275

Texts and teaching (Sputnik to MACOS), 913922

The End of Education (Postman), 419

Theoretical structures of concepts, 37

Theory-practice gap, 10551057

The Pupil as Scientist (Driver), 34

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn), 884

Think-pair-share (TPS), laboratory teaching, 425

Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 84, 233, 10181022, 1019t

1999 and 2003, 1022

chronology of international assessments, 1015t

findings, 237239

physics instruction, 604

status-type evaluation evidence, 947

Thought and Language (Vygotsky), 40, 59

Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), indigenous knowledge and, 204206

Transformation, via cognitive tools framework, 479482, 480f

Trends of International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 1995), 232

findings, 236

Tyler's Rationale for Curriculum Development, 562


U.S. National Science Education Standards, 291292, 303


scientific literacy initiatives, 734

women's access to education, 270

Unified Science and Mathematics for Elementary Schools (USMES), 546

United Kingdom, science education reform, 247

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), 265266

Universalism, 206212

University of Wisconsin—Madison, science teacher education program, 11671168

Urban settings

achievement in science, 322327

emergent questions in understanding and bridging difference, 336

process of learning, 327340

research on education in, 321322

science education in, 319343

what else students learn, 340

Utilitarian, understanding of NOS, 831

Utilization-Focused Evaluation (Patton), 945


Verbal mode of representation, 379

Vertical coherence, 1031

View of Science Test (VOST), 864

Views of Nature of Science, Form A (VNOS0A), 866

Views on Science-Technology-Society (VOSTS), 865866


in learning earth sciences, 663664

thinking critically with, 483484

Visual mode of representation, 379

Vygotskian perspective on learning, 4041, 5859


Western Modern Science (WMS), 201, 206212

no place for IK, 210211

What is Happening in This Class? Questionnaire (WIHIC), 108109, 115

Wisconsin Inventory of Science Processes (WISP), 839840

description of, 863864

research on teachers, 845

Worldview, science education research, 212


in elementary science teaching, 518

in language and science learning, 6667

Writing science, 457461

research, 460461


Zone of proximal development (ZPD), Vygotsky, 59

Zoos, learning from, 140

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