
Abuses, rights, 17

Administering rights, 6970

Age and experience, 116

America Online (AOL), 192

American corporate capitalism, 57

Anticorruption, 1920

Artificial persons, 69

Autonomy, 133

Baby boomers, cultural diversity, 116

Bargaining, integrative, 177

Benevolence, 178

Bonum commune, 172

Bottom-up mobilization, 135

BP Deepwater Horizon, 8589, 97

Branded businesses, 102

Branded product impacts, 91

Bricolage, 124125

defined, 124

design thinking, and creativity, 135137

dynamic capabilities theory, 131

entrepreneurial bricolage and, 130134

entrepreneurial orientation and, 133134

entrepreneurial resource management and, 130

exploratory orientation, 137138

ideational, 130131

innovation and, 134135

institutional theory, 131132

material, 130

research, 125, 133

resource-based view theory, 132133


branded, 102

business sustainability

defined, 3031

Interface Inc., 3637

job redesign, 36

shareholder vs. stakeholder perspective of firm, 31

strategy, 3536

sustainability hexagon, 3234

sustainable firm as negative-externality minimizer, 3132

vision, 35

and environment, 18

social and moral expectations regarding, 15

in society, 6667

and society relation, 65, 6768

Calvert Women’s Principles, 114

“Capacity-based” conception of responsibilities, 12

Capital/investors, 4953

Catch-22 trade-offs, 78

Causation theory, 124

CDP Leadership Indices, 189

Channeling role, administers rights, 69

Character traits, 177178

Check-and-balance system, 184

Christian Social Doctrine, 172

Citizenship, 69, 115

corporate. See Corporate citizenship

Civil rights, 69, 70

CMS Group, 7273

Cobranding, 159

Co-creating value. See also Corporate impacts

defined, 77

with multiple stakeholders, simultaneously, 7780, 94

Talent Development, Garcia Engineering, 8085

Cognitive flexibility, 176

Common good, 172173

Communities’ trust and information sharing, 9195

epiphenomenal events, 99100

multiplier effects

co-creating value with multiple stakeholders, simultaneously, 95

sweet spot or messy middle, 9596

value chain, 9699

uniquely qualified, corporations, 100102

Community of persons, 172173

Competitive aggressiveness, 133

Competitive markets, perfectly, 54

Compliance, 184

-driven change, 127

Conflict-clarifying principles, 56

Consumer, 4953

advocacy marketing, 160161

behavior research, 91

education, 162163

surplus, 52, 56, 57

Core competencies, 19

Corporate citizenship, 65

as administrators of rights, 70

application cases, 7073

at CMS Group, 7273

defined, 6667

historical background, 6566

inclusive approach to, 68

at Masi Agricola, 7172

political approach to, 6869

recent developments, 70

strategic approach to, 6768

Corporate impacts, 7780

BP Deepwater Horizon and, 8589

co-creating value with multiple stakeholder, simultaneously, 94. See also Co-creating value

communities’ trust and information sharing. See Communities’ trust and information sharing

employees in workplace, 90

end users and product based, 9091

financial, 89

Talent Development, Garcia Engineering, 8085

Corporate objective function

circles and ellipses, 5457

shareholder value maximization and sustainable development, 5860

sustainable development

economic value, creation of, 4953

modern economic organization, purpose of, 4849

transferring value from one societal group to another, 53

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting, 22, 67

corporate citizenship and, 68

defined, 181

popularity of, 181

prevalence and relevancy of, 181

prevalent practices in businesses, 181189

-specific activities, 182183

stage 1, 183184

stage 2, 184185

stage 3, 185188

way to go for sustainability reporting and practices, 188189

Covid-19, 78

post-Covid-19. See Corporate impacts

Creative Commons licenses, 197

Creative destruction, 123

Creative problem-solving, 139


bricolage, 135137

entrepreneurship, 138139

Cultural diversity, 112

defined, 112

impact of, 111

managing, 111112

power dimensions, 112113

age and experience, 116

gender, 113114

marital and parental status, 117118

physical ability, 116117

race, ethnicity, and nationality, 114115

religion, 115

sexual orientation, 117

socioeconomic status and education, 115116

Curriculum, 6

of modern management, 10

Customers, 4953

Customized marketing communication, 161162

Cyber Security Summit, 192, 194

Cyberattacks, 192, 194

Dailies process, 199

Design thinking

bricolage, 135137

entrepreneurship, 139142

Designerly Thinking, 140

Disclosure of Management Approach, 11

Disruptive innovators, 138

Divergent-thinking, 138

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), 188, 189

Due-diligence, risk-based, 3, 5

environment, manager’s responsibility toward, 17

people, manager’s role regarding, 14

Dynamic capabilities theory, 131

Economic sustainability, 34

Economic value

created by modern economic organization and, 4849

societal groups and, 4953

transferring from one societal group to another, 53

Economics-driven approach, 200

Ecopreneurs, challenges for, 127129

Ecopreneurship, 126127, 128

creativity, 138139

design thinking, 139142

resource scarcity, 130

Ecosystem, 31, 34

Education, 115116

Effectiveness, 8

Effectuation, 124

Efficiency, 8

Efficient stock market, 9

EIRIS Sustainability Ranking, 189

Employee–employer relationship, 197

Employees in workplace, 90, 94

Enabling role, administers rights, 69

End users, 9091

Energy-efficient processes, 34

Entrepreneurial bricolage. See Bricolage

Entrepreneurial orientation (EO), 133134

–outcome relationships, 134

–performance relationships, 134

Entrepreneurial resource management, 130


as designers, 140

grassroots, 134

Entrepreneurship, 123124

and bricolage, 134

creativity, 138139

as design, 142

design thinking, 139142

for-profit, 125

social, 125

Environment, manager’s responsibility toward, 1719

Environment, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, 184185

Environmental degradation, 126

Epiphenomenal events, 99100

Essential materials, 34

Ethics, 32, 34

Ethnicity, 114115

Expansionist approach, corporate citizenship, 67

Expectancy, 32

Experience, age and, 116

Exploratory orientation, 137138

Extended enterprise ecosystem, 9697

External bricolage, 131

Externality, concept of, 3132

Exxon Mobil, 97

Fair markets, 19

Financial impacts, 89

affecting multiple stakeholders, 9394

Firm value

defined, 46

maximization, 46

Ford, Henry, 192193

Four value-enhancing impacts, 79

Framing, 32, 33, 3840

Frontline manager, 191, 193, 195, 198

information-age, 195

FTSE4Good, 189

Garcia Engineering, 8085

Gender, 113114

General Standard Disclosures, 11

Gig economy, 194

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 182

materiality assessment process

material issues, Identifying and prioritizing, 186

materiality matrix, 187

prioritizing issues, 186187

reporting boundaries, 186

review and continuous development, 187188

validating issues, 187

Governance gaps, 4

Group, defined, 174

Guiding Principles, 3, 4, 5, 67

Heuristic model, 175

Hierarchical organizations, 193200

Human rights, 13, 1417

Human Rights Compliance Assessment Quick Check, 5

Human Rights Council, 4

Humanistic management, 171

Humility, 178

Idea-generation exercises, 138

“Ideal worker” persona, 117, 118

Ideational bricolage, 130131

IDEO, 139

Ideological nature, sustainable organizations, 38

Inclusion, 112

Inclusive approach to corporate citizenship, 68

Industrial-age companies, 193

Industrial-era organizations, 200

organizational transformation for sustainability, 193200

Information-age frontline manager, 195

Information sharing impact. See Communities’ trust and information sharing

Innovation, 158159

bricolage and, 134

Innovativeness, 133

Institutional theory, 131132

Integrative bargaining, 177

Interdisciplinary nature, sustainable organizations, 3738

Interface Inc., 3637

Interface model of TMT and MM, 176

Internal bricolage, 131

International Bill of Rights, 20

Internet, 191

Interpersonal trust, 175177

Juridical persons, 69

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 188

Knowledge funnel, 140

Labor rights, 1517

Labor/employees, 4953

Leadership competencies, 2022

Learning, 97, 100

Leverage firms, 9697

Linear model of entrepreneurship, 124

Management, 1417

culture, 9

science, 9


role in triple bottom line

bedrock requirement and managers’ self-concept, 1214

conflict-clarifying principles, 56

implications for, 1112

leadership competencies, 2022

profits, 1920

regarding people, 1417

social and moral expectations regarding business, 15

Ten Principles, challenge of, 611

toward environment, 1719

Marital and parental status, 117118

Market-driven change, 127

Marketing. See also Social enterprise marketing

activities, adoption of, 157

defined, 155

Masi Agricola, 7172

Material bricolage, 130


analysis, 188

assessment process

material issues, identifying and prioritizing, 186

materiality matrix, 187

prioritizing issues, 186187

reporting boundaries, 186

review and continuous development, 187188

validating issues, 187

defined, 188

Microfinance organization, 158

Middle Managers (MMs), 176, 191, 196

Millennium Development Goals, 10

Minimalist approach, corporate citizenship, 67

Modern economic organization, purpose of, 4849

Modern management theory, 67, 9

Moments of truth, 178

Moral responsibility, managers, 17

Multiplier effects

co-creating value with multiple stakeholders, simultaneously, 95

sweet spot or messy middle, 9596

value chain, 9699

National Development Fund for Women, 114

Nationality, 114115

Natural friendship, 173

Negative-externality minimizer, sustainable firm as, 3132

Neoliberalism, 57

Niche brand, 159

Obama administration, 88

Ola cabs, 198

Open-source approach, 197

Opportunity–resource nexus theory, 124

Organizational transformation for sustainability, 191193

stable hierarchical organizations to purposeful popup organizing, 193200

Overtime work, control of, 15

Parental status, 117118

Partnerships for distribution, 159160

People, manager’s role regarding, 1417

Perceived competence, 134

Perfect competition market model (PCMM), 52, 55, 57

Perfectly competitive markets, 54

Performance measures, 89

Personal interactions, quality of, 175177

Personnel impact, 90

Persons, community of, 172173

Physical ability, 116117

Physical science thinking, 32, 33, 38

Pixar, 199

Political approach to corporate citizenship, 6869

Political rights, 69, 70

Polycentric governance, 4

Popup organizing, 193200

Positive synergy. See Synergy

Power dimensions, cultural diversity, 112113

age and experience, 116

gender, 113114

marital and parental status, 117118

physical ability, 116117

race, ethnicity, and nationality, 114115

religion, 115

sexual orientation, 117

socioeconomic status and education, 115116

Private enterprise, 101

Proactiveness, 133

Product/service impacts, 9091

Profits, 1920

creating and appropriating, 58

maximizing, 46

Protect and Remedy Framework, 3

Providing role, administers rights, 69

Quality of personal interactions, 175177

Race, 114115

Reasonable accommodations, 117

Reflective practice, 139

Reframing, 197

Relational role, 176

Religion, 115

Resource-based view (RBV) theory, 130, 132133, 134

Resource constraints, 136

Resource scarcity, 130

Responsible management, corporate citizenship for. See Corporate citizenship

Risk taking, 133

Risk-based due-diligence, 3, 5, 14

environment, manager’s responsibility toward, 17

Ruggie, John, 23

Rule of thumb, 14

Scaling up, issue of, 159

Self-concept, 1214

Self-determination help bricolage behavior, 134

Self-determination theory, 137

Self-efficacy, 13, 136137

Self-regulation, 137

Senior managers, 191

Sexual orientation, 117

Shaping consumer behavior, 158159

Shaping market, through consumer education, 162163

Shared mental model, 178

Shareholder value maximization, 4647

defense of, 54

and sustainable development, 5860

Shareholder vs. stakeholder perspective of firm, 31

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs), 133, 138

Social enterprise marketing, 153

business and sustainability aspects

consumer advocacy marketing, 160161

customized marketing communication, 161162

mainstreaming through background story, 163

shaping market through consumer education, 162163

value-oriented networking, 163

challenges, 156157

adoption of marketing activities, 157

mass/niche brand, 159

new product innovations and shaping consumer behavior, 158159

partnerships for distribution and cobranding, 159160

professional/idealistic, 157158

Social entrepreneurs (SEs), 153, 155

Social impact model, 158

Social interactions, 173

Social media, 92

Social philosophy, 172

Social rights, 69, 70

Social welfare maximization, 5455

Socioeconomic status and education, 115116

Solidarity, 173

Sony Pictures, 192

Sphere of influence, concept of, 1213

Spillover effects, 8687

“Stand-alone” decision-making, 177

Strategic approach to corporate citizenship, 6768

Strategic management, 5657

Summary model

combining business and sustainability aspects

consumer advocacy marketing, 160161

customized marketing communication, 161162

mainstreaming through background story, 163

shaping market through consumer education, 162163

value-oriented networking, 163

Sustainability, 184

business and

consumer advocacy marketing, 160161

customized marketing communication, 161162

mainstreaming through background story, 163

shaping market through consumer education, 162163

value-oriented networking, 163

defined, 3031

hexagon, 3234

Interface Inc., 3637

job redesign, 36

organizational transformation for, 191200

reporting, transformation of CSR reporting into. See Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting

shareholder vs. stakeholder perspective of firm, 31

strategy framework, integration of, 185

sustainability hexagon, 3234

sustainable firm as negative-externality minimizer, 3132

Sustainability Investing, 188

Sustainable competitive advantages, 56

Sustainable development

circles and ellipses, 5457

corporate objective function, 4548

economic value, creation of, 4953

modern economic organization, purpose of, 4849

transferring value from one societal group to another, 53

defined, 46

shareholder value maximization and, 5860

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 154155

Sustainable firm, as negative-externality minimizer, 3132

Sustainable organizations

business sustainability, 3031

shareholder vs. stakeholder perspective of firm, 31

sustainability hexagon, 3234

sustainable firm as negative-externality minimizer, 3132

framework for creating, 2930

learning and practicing challenges for practitioners, 3741

science and practice of designing, 3437

Synergy, 171172

community of persons and common good, 172173

creating, 173175

defined, 173, 178

quality of personal interactions and interpersonal trust, 175177

role of character traits or virtues, 177178

Talent Development program, 8085

Team working, 174

Ten Principles

bedrock requirement and managers’ self-concept, 1214

challenge of, 611

conflict-clarifying principles and, 56

and International Bill of Rights, 20

management theory implied by, 9

manager’s role

profits, 1920

regarding people, 1417

toward environment, 1719

social expectations regarding human rights and moral value, 13

value, 910

Ten Principles Self-Assessment Tool (TPSAT), 5, 11

Tesla cars, 39

Tesla Motors, 199

Theory of life (ToL), 38, 40

Think–Talk–Act, 82

Top Management Team (TMT), 176

Toyota, 199

Triple bottom line, manager’s role in

bedrock requirement and managers’ self-concept, 1214

conflict-clarifying principles, 56

consensus statements, 56

implications for, 1112

leadership competencies, 2022

profits, 1920

regarding people, 1417

social and moral expectations regarding business, 15

Ten Principles, challenge of, 611

toward environment, 1719

Uber, 198

Uniquely qualified, corporations, 100102

United Nations Global Compact, 189

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 2

Value chain, multiplier effects along, 9699

Value-creating principles, 19

Value-destroying impacts, 79

Value-driven change, 127

Value-neutral management, 9

Value-oriented networking, 163

View of the world, 40

Virtues, 177178


Win-win approach, 67

Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP), 114

Workers’ rights, 1516


impact, 90

issues of marital and parental status, 117

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