Manipulating DataFrames with Spark SQL schemas

In this section, we will learn more about DataFrames and learn how to use Spark SQL.

The Spark SQL interface is very simple. For this reason, taking away labels means that we are in unsupervised learning territory. Also, Spark has great support for clustering and dimensionality reduction algorithms. We can tackle learning problems effectively by using Spark SQL to give big data a structure.

Let's take a look at the code that we will be using in our Jupyter Notebook. To maintain consistency, we will be using the same KDD cup data:

  1. We will first type textFile into a raw_data variable as follows:
raw_data = sc.textFile("./")
  1. What's new here is that we are importing two new packages from pyspark.sql:
    • Row
    • SQLContext
  2. The following code shows us how to import these packages:
from pyspark.sql import Row, SQLContext
sql_context = SQLContext(sc)
csv = l: l.split(","))

Using SQLContext, we create a new sql_context variable that holds the object of the SQLContext variable created by PySpark. As we're using SparkContext to start this SQLContext variable, we need to pipe in sc as the first parameter of the SQLContext creator. After this, we need to take our raw_data variable and map it with the l.split lambda function to create an object that holds our comma-separated values (CSV).

  1. We'll leverage our new important Row objects to create a new object that has defined labels. This is to label our datasets by what feature we are looking at, as follows:
rows = p: Row(duration=int(p[0]), protocol=p[1], service=p[2]))

In the preceding code, we've taken our comma-separated values (csv), and we've created a Row object that takes the first feature, called duration; the second feature, called protocol; and the third feature, called service. This directly corresponds to our labels in the actual datasets.

  1. Now, we can create a new DataFrame by calling the createDataFrame function in our sql_context variable. To create this DataFrame, we need to feed in our row data objects, and the resulting object would be a DataFrame in df. After this, we need to register a temporary table. Here, we are just calling it rdd. By doing this, we can now use ordinary SQL syntax to query the content in this temporary table that is constructed by our rows:
df = sql_context.createDataFrame(rows)
  1. In our example, we need to select the duration from rdd, which is a temporary table. The protocol we have selected here is equal to 'tcp', and the duration, which is our first feature in a row, is larger than 2000, as demonstrated in the following code snippet:
sql_context.sql("""SELECT duration FROM rdd WHERE protocol = 'tcp' AND duration > 2000""")
  1. Now, when we call the show function, it gives us every single data point that matches these criteria:
sql_context.sql("""SELECT duration FROM rdd WHERE protocol = 'tcp' AND duration > 2000""").show()
  1. We will then get the following output:
|   12454|
|   10774|
|   13368|
|   10350|
|   10409|
|   14918|
|   10039|
|   15127|
|   25602|
|   13120|
|    2399|
|    6155|
|   11155|
|   12169|
|   15239|
|   10901|
|   15182|
|    9494|
|    7895|
|   11084|
only showing top 20 rows

Using the preceding example, we can infer that we can use the SQLContext variable from the PySpark package to package our data in a SQL friendly format. 

Therefore, not only does PySpark support using SQL syntax to query the data, but it can also use the Spark domain-specific language (DSL) to build queries for structured data operations.

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