Creating a multisignature bitcoin address

A multisignature address is an address that is associated with more than one private key; therefore, we need to create three private keys.

Go through the following steps to create a multisignature bitcoin address:

  1. Create three private keys:
#!/usr/bin/env python
Title - Create multi-signature address

This program demonstrates the creation of
Multi-signature bitcoin address.
# import bitcoin
from bitcoin import *

# Create Private Keys
my_private_key1 = random_key()
my_private_key2 = random_key()
my_private_key3 = random_key()

print("Private Key1: %s" % my_private_key1)
print("Private Key2: %s" % my_private_key2)
print("Private Key3: %s" % my_private_key3)
print(' ')
  1. Create three public keys from those private keys using the privtopub function:
# Create Public keys
my_public_key1 = privtopub(my_private_key1)
my_public_key2 = privtopub(my_private_key2)
my_public_key3 = privtopub(my_private_key3)

print("Public Key1: %s" % my_public_key1)
print("Public Key2: %s" % my_public_key2)
print("Public Key3: %s" % my_public_key3)
print(' ')
  1. After generating the public keys, create the multisig by passing the three public keys to the mk_ multi-sig_script function. The resulting multisig is passed to the addr script function to create the multisignature bitcoin address.
# Create Multi-signature address
my_multi_sig = mk_multisig_script(my_private_key1, my_private_key2, my_private_key3, 2,3)
my_multi_address = scriptaddr(my_multi_sig)
print("Multi signature address: %s" % my_multi_address)
  1. Print the multisignature address and execute the script.

The following screenshot shows the output for the multisig bitcoin address:

Multisignature addresses are useful in organizations where no single individual is trusted with authorising the spending of bitcoins.

You can also look at the preexisting bitcoin addresses' transactional history. We will first get a valid address from

The following screenshot shows the copied address of a bitcoin block:

Pass the copied address to the history function, as shown in the following code, along with the output to get the history of the bitcoin address, including the transactional information:

!/usr/bin/env python
Title - Bitcoin Transaction History

This program demonstrates listing history of a bitcoin address.
# import bitcoin
from bitcoin import *

#View address transaction history
a_valid_bitcoin_address = '329e5RtfraHHNPKGDMXNxtuS4QjZTXqBDg'

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