Triggering the bitcoin trade advice alert

In order to setup the bitcoin trade advice alert, go through the following steps:

  1. First, start by importing the bitcoin price API, called exchanges:

# import modules
# Make sure to copy the exchanges from
# to the same location as this script
from exchanges.bitfinex import Bitfinex
  1. Also import smtplib, which we will use for triggering the bitcoin price alert. Here, we define a function called trigger_email. We then set the server user and email details:
import smtplib

# Function to send email
def trigger_email(msg):
# Change these to your email details
email_user = "[email protected]"
email_password = "bitcoin1"
smtp_server = ''
smtp_port = 587
email_from = "[email protected]"
email_to = "[email protected]"
  1. Using smtplib, send the sendmail function to send the price alert email, as shown in the following code:
# login to the email server
server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port)
server.login(email_user, email_password)

# send email
server.sendmail(email_from, email_to, msg)

  1. Next, define the buy and sell price thresholds for bitcoin. Use these thresholds to make decisions on whether to sell or buy bitcoin:
# define buy and sell thresholds for Bitcoin. These values you have to change according to the current price of the bitcoin.
buy_thresh = 6500
sell_thresh = 6500
  1. Next, we get the current bitcoin price and the current asking price for bitcoin from Bitfinex bitcoin exchange using the exchanges module that we imported in the script. We can also use some other exchanges, such as CoinDesk, but for the moment, we will use Bitfinex. We will get these prices in btc_sell_price and btc_buy_price.
# get Bitcoin prices
btc_sell_price = Bitfinex().get_current_bid()
btc_buy_price = Bitfinex().get_current_ask()
  1. Once we have the current prices, we can compare them with the threshold prices we have set before.
  2. If the buy price is lower than the sell threshold, we call the trigger_email function to send a buy trigger email alarm:
# Trigger Buy email if buy price is lower than threshold
if btc_buy_price < buy_thresh:
email_msg = """
Bitcoin Buy Price is %s which is lower than
threshold price of %s.
Good time to buy!""" % (btc_buy_price, buy_thresh)

  1. If the sell price is greater than the sell threshold, we call the trigger_email function to send the sell trigger email alert:
# Trigger sell email if sell price is higher than threshold
if btc_sell_price > sell_thresh:

email_msg = """
Bitcoin sell Price is %s which is higher than
threshold price of %s.
Good time to sell!""" % (btc_sell_price, sell_thresh)

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