Application capabilities

Application Insights is the main tool for applications. It can also be configured to trap telemetry by default. As I explained before, leveraging this with NLog provides great logging support with minimal effort. You can also leverage it in your alerting strategy and you can use the Analytic tools to visualize the queries in graphs. The default blade is shown in the following screenshot:

App Insights blade

I generally use the Analytics portion to run queries against my data store for both informational and support purposes. You can also look at overall application performance and alert on performance issues as well. Let's look at the Analytics dashboard, as shown in the following screenshot:

Analytics dashboard

Ask you can see, there are quite a few Insights available. I general mostly use exceptions, traces, customEvents, performanceCounters, and customMetrics. One of the coolest features is the integration with Visual Studio, but I could spend an entire book on Application Insight and its uses. For further reading on this, head to

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