Exercizing the hazard-pointer Treiber stack

Let's put the conc, Treiber stack through the wringer to get an idea of the performance of this approach. Key areas of interest for us will be:

  • Push/pop cycles per second
  • Memory behavior, high-water mark, and what not
  • Cache behavior

We'll run our programs on x86 and ARM, as in previous chapters. One thing to note here, before we proceed, is that conc—at least as of version 0.5—requires the nightly channel to be compiled. Please read the section just before this one if you're jumping around in the book for full details.

Because we have to run on an old version of nightly, we have to stick static AtomicUsize into lazy_static!, a technique you'll see in older Rust code but not in this book, usually. With that in mind, here is our exercise program:

extern crate conc;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate num_cpus;
extern crate quantiles;

use conc::sync::Treiber;
use quantiles::ckms::CKMS;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::{thread, time};

lazy_static! {
    static ref WORKERS: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
    static ref COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
static MAX_I: u32 = 67_108_864; // 2 ** 26

fn main() {
    let stk: Arc<Treiber<(u64, u64, u64)>> = Arc::new(Treiber::new());

    let mut jhs = Vec::new();

    let cpus = num_cpus::get();
    WORKERS.store(cpus, Ordering::Release);

    for _ in 0..cpus {
        let stk = Arc::clone(&stk);
        jhs.push(thread::spawn(move || {
            for i in 0..MAX_I {
                stk.push((i as u64, i as u64, i as u64));
                COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
            WORKERS.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed)

    let one_second = time::Duration::from_millis(1_000);
    let mut iter = 0;
    let mut cycles: CKMS<u32> = CKMS::new(0.001);
    while WORKERS.load(Ordering::Relaxed) != 0 {
        let count = COUNT.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed);
        cycles.insert((count / cpus) as u32);
            "CYCLES PER SECOND({}):
{} 50th: {} 75th:
{} 90th: {} max: {} ", iter, cycles.query(0.25).unwrap().1, cycles.query(0.50).unwrap().1, cycles.query(0.75).unwrap().1, cycles.query(0.90).unwrap().1, cycles.query(1.0).unwrap().1 ); thread::sleep(one_second); iter += 1; } for jh in jhs { jh.join().unwrap(); } }

We have a number of worker threads equal to the total number of CPUs in the target machine, each doing one push and then an immediate pop on the stack. A COUNT is kept and the main thread swaps that value for 0 every second or so, tossing the value into a quantile estimate structure—discussed in more detail in Chapter 4, Sync and Send  the Foundation of Rust Concurrency—and printing out a summary of the recorded cycles per second, scaled to the number of CPUs. The worker threads the cycle up through to MAX_I, which is arbitrarily set to the smallish value of 2**26. When the worker is finished cycling, it decreases WORKERS and exits. Once WORKERS hits zero, the main loop also exits.

On my x86 machine, it takes approximately 58 seconds for this program to exit, with this output:

  25th: 0
  50th: 0
  75th: 0
  90th: 0
  max:  0

  25th: 0
  50th: 0
  75th: 1124493
  90th: 1124493
  max:  1124493


  25th: 1139055
  50th: 1141656
  75th: 1143781
  90th: 1144324
  max:  1145284

  25th: 1139097
  50th: 1141656
  75th: 1143792
  90th: 1144324
  max:  1145284
  25th: 1139097
  50th: 1141809
  75th: 1143792
  90th: 1144398
  max:  1152384

The x86 perf run is as follows:

> perf stat --event task-clock,context-switches,page-faults,cycles,instructions,branches,branch-misses,cache-references,cache-misses target/release/conc_stack > /dev/null

 Performance counter stats for 'target/release/conc_stack':

     230503.932161      task-clock (msec)         #    3.906 CPUs utilized
               943      context-switches          #    0.004 K/sec
             9,140      page-faults               #    0.040 K/sec
   665,734,124,408      cycles                    #    2.888 GHz 
   529,230,473,047      instructions              #    0.79  insn per cycle 
    99,146,219,517      branches                  #  430.128 M/sec 
     1,140,398,326      branch-misses             #    1.15% of all branches
    12,759,284,944      cache-references          #   55.354 M/sec
       124,487,844      cache-misses              #    0.976 % of all cache refs

      59.006842741 seconds time elapsed

The memory-allocation behavior of this program is very favorable as well.

On my ARM machine, it takes approximately 460 seconds for the program to run to completion, with this output:

  25th: 0
  50th: 0
  75th: 0
  90th: 0
  max:  0
  25th: 0
  50th: 0
  75th: 150477
  90th: 150477
  max:  150477


  25th: 137736
  50th: 150371
  75th: 150928
  90th: 151129
  max:  151381

  25th: 137721
  50th: 150370
  75th: 150928
  90th: 151129
  max:  151381

This is about 7.5 times slower than the x86 machine, even though both machines have the same number of cores. The x86 machine has a faster clock and a faster memory bus than my ARM:

> perf stat --event task-clock,context-switches,page-faults,cycles,instructions,branches,branch-misses,cache
-references,cache-misses target/release/conc_stack > /dev/null

 Performance counter stats for 'target/release/conc_stack':

    1882745.172714      task-clock (msec)         #    3.955 CPUs utilized
                 0      context-switches          #    0.000 K/sec
             3,212      page-faults               #    0.002 K/sec
 2,109,536,434,019      cycles                    #    1.120 GHz
 1,457,344,087,067      instructions              #    0.69  insn per cycle
   264,210,403,390      branches                  #  140.333 M/sec
    36,052,283,984      branch-misses             #   13.65% of all branches
   642,854,259,575      cache-references          #  341.445 M/sec
     2,401,725,425      cache-misses              #    0.374 % of all cache refs

     476.095973090 seconds time elapsed

The fact that the branch misses on ARM are 12% higher than on x86 is an interesting result.

Before moving on, do remember to execute the rustup default stable.

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