A conceptual view of hopper

Before we dig into the implementation, let's walk through how the previous example works at a conceptual level. We have enough in-memory space for 10 u32s. If the writer thread is much faster than the reader thread—or gets more scheduled time—we could end up with a situation like this:

write: 99

in-memory-buffer: [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]
disk-buffer: [87, 88, 89]

That is, a write of 99 is entering the system when the in-memory buffer is totally full and there are three queued writes in the diskbuffer. While it is possible for the state of the world to shift between the time a write enters the system for queuing and between the time it is queued, let's assume that no receivers pull items between queuing. The result will then be a system that looks like this:

in-memory-buffer: [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]
disk-buffer: [87, 88, 89, 99]

The receivers, together, must read only three elements from the diskbuffer, then all the in-memory elements, and then a single element from the diskbuffer, to maintain the queue's ordering. This is further complicated considering that a write may be split by one or more reads from the receivers. We saw something analogous in the previous chapter with regard to guarding writes by doing loads and checks - the conditions that satisfy a check may change between the load, check, and operation. There's a further complication as well; the unified disk buffer displayed previously does not actually exist. Instead, there are potentially many individual queue files.

Let's say that hopper has been configured to allow for 10 u32 in-memory, as mentioned, and 10 on-disk but split across five possible queue files. Our revised after-write system is as follows:

in-memory-buffer: [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]
disk-buffer: [ [87, 88], [89, 99] ]

The senders are responsible for creating queue files and filling them to their max. The Receiver is responsible for reading from the queue file and deleting the said file when it's exhausted. The mechanism for determining that a queue file is exhausted is simple; when the Sender exits a queue file, it moves on to create a new queue file, and marks the old path as read-only in the filesystem. When the Receiver attempts to read bytes from disk and finds there are none, it checks the write status of the file. If the file is still read-write, more bytes will come eventually. If the file is read-only, the file is exhausted. There's a little trick to it yet, and further unexplained cooperation between Sender and Receiver, but that should be enough abstract detail to let us dig in effectively.

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