Instance checks

Coming from Java, you may be inclined to check what type your object is using, is, and cast it using as:

interface Superhero
class Batman : Superhero {
fun callRobin() {
println("To the Bat-pole, Robin!")

class Superman : Superhero {
fun fly() {
println("Up, up and away!")

fun doCoolStuff(s : Superhero) {
if (s is Superman) {
(s as Superman).fly()
else if (s is Batman) {
(a as Batman).callRobin()

But as you may know, Kotlin has smart casts, so implicit casting, in this case, is not needed:

fun doCoolStuff(s : Superhero) {
if (s is Superman) {
else if (s is Batman) {

Moreover, in most cases, using when() while smart-casting produces cleaner code:

fun doCoolStuff(s : Superhero) {
when(s) {
is Superman ->
is Batman -> s.callRobin()
else -> println("Unknown superhero")

As a rule of thumb, you should avoid using casts and rely on smart casts most of the time:

// Superhero is clearly not a string
val superheroAsString = (s as String)

But if you absolutely must, there's also a safe cast operator:

val superheroAsString = (s as? String)
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