
How many times did you have to write code like this:

fun setCapacity(cap: Int) {
if (cap < 0) {
throw IllegalArgumentException()

Instead, you can check arguments with require():

fun setCapacity(cap: Int) {
require(cap > 0)

This makes the code a lot more fluent.

You can use require() to check for nested nulls:

fun printNameLength(p: Profile) {
require(p.firstName != null)

But there's also requireNotNull() for that:

fun printNameLength(p: Profile) {

Use check() to validate the state of your object. This is useful when you provide some object that the user may not have set up correctly:

private class HttpClient {
var body: String? = null
var url: String = ""

fun postRequest() {
check(body != null) {
"Body must be set in POST requests"

fun getRequest() {
// This one is fine without body

And again, there's a shortcut for null: checkNotNull().

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