User pages

It's now time to discuss the user page—what should the user see once they sign into our application? Here is what they should see:

  • Their name in the navigation menu, with an option to Sign out
  • A list of their existing orders

Let's explore how this looks.

The navigation menu should change to look like this:

It now allows to navigate to a page called My Orders, which will show the user's previous orders. The other difference is that instead of a Sign In button, we now see a Welcome <username> drop-down button. When you click on it, the following option should appear:

This is the Sign Out button, which the user will need to click on to sign out of their session.

Next, let's have a look at the My Orders page:

It's a relatively simple page that shows a list of the user's existing orders.

Now, let's write some code for the orders page.

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