
To build our first qt application with Go, let's make another Hello World application. As with previous examples, we'll make use of a simple vertical box layout within a single application window. The following code should be sufficient to load your first application:

package main

import (


func main() {
app := widgets.NewQApplication(len(os.Args), os.Args)

window := widgets.NewQMainWindow(nil, 0)
window.SetWindowTitle("Hello World")

widget := widgets.NewQWidget(window, 0)

label := widgets.NewQLabel2("Hello World!", window, 0)

button := widgets.NewQPushButton2("Quit", window)
button.ConnectClicked(func(bool) {


Let's note a few details from this code snippet. You'll see that each of the widget constructor functions takes (typically) two parameters, each is the parent widget and a flags parameter. Additional types passed in will usually be added before these values with a note in the function name that there are additional parameters. For example, widgets.NewQLabel2(title, parent, flags) is equivalent to widgets.NewQLabel(parent, flags).SetTitle(title). Additionally, you'll see that the layout is applied to a new widgets.QWidget through SetLayout(layout), and that's set to the window content through window.SetCentralWidget(widget).

To load the display and run the application, we call window.Show() and then widgets.QApplication_Exec(). This file is built in the usual way with go build hello.go:

Building is simple though the output file is rather large

The file built is quite large due to the size of the Qt framework. This will be reduced significantly when packaging for a specific distribution. This topic will be covered in depth in Chapter 14, Distributing your Application.

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