Background progress

The progress dialog windows provided by Qt, Fyne, and others are ideal for showing the user how much longer they need to wait for a critical process to complete (such as opening a large file, buffering a movie, or loading the required data from a website). What they aren't suitable for is reporting the progress of a task that can run while the user continues their task in the application. For that purpose, we should consider displaying the information elsewhere on the application or screen.

Many systems are starting to add support for reporting task progress in a standard area, such as the notification space described earlier. Unfortunately, this isn't yet commonplace across enough operating systems for toolkits such as those we've explored to provide support; therefore, we must use another approach. There are two common strategies to communicating task progress for such background processes, and it probably depends on whether you expect multiple tasks to be running concurrently or not.

For applications where a single background task may run (such as an IDE running a build, or a to-do list synchronizing with its server), the traditional approach is to embed a progress bar in the application somewhere. This would be shown when the background task starts and then disappear once it's completed. Such visual queues are usually in a status bar or other information area where the user's eye typically travels when looking for ancillary information.

If your application is regularly going to have multiple background events running, such as file downloads or image conversions, it's usual to see a new window or tool panel appear when tasks are running. This user interface addition would normally list all of the active tasks with their progress and hide them once complete. As these are non-critical to the current workflow, it's important not to show the elements over the current workindeed, some applications (such as Apple's Safari web browser) don't even show this window unless the user requests detailed information on the download progress:

The download list in Safari isn't visible by default but will provide details if requested (image copyright: Apple)
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