
If your application is built using Walk or another Windows-specific toolkit, you may consider the rsrc tool. rsrc is used to bundle manifest files and icon files within an executable file. The process involves running the tool to generate a .syso file, which is then compiled into the final binary output when running go build. This is the same process described in Chapter 4, Walk – Building Graphical Windows Applications, for embedding the applications manifest file. We also use the tool later in this chapter to embed an application icon for distributing to Windows.

To package icons into the application, you can run rsrc -ico myicon.ico,anothericon.ico, and then re-build your app. Resources embedded in this way can be accessed using walk.NewIconFromResource("myicon.ico"). This is a helpful method of embedding icon resources if you are writing applications specifically for Windows. If you intend to work with multiple target platforms, it is less likely to be useful as your macOS or Linux executable will not be able to access these icons.

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