Building a user interface

Armed with the knowledge of how the Walk API is designed and utilized, let's move on to a real-world example. In this book, we will be building the same user interface for each toolkit explored (in Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10), which will be a simple email application named GoMail. Due to the close relationship between Walk and Qt widgets, we can quickly get started designing the user interface using the UI Builder included in Qt Creator (documentation is available at

The basic application will be formed of two windows: the main email browser and a secondary window for composing new emails. The main window will contain a list or tree view that shows the emails we have received, a larger panel to display the content of the currently-selected email, and a menu and toolbar for accessing the various features of our email application:

The main email window within Qt Designer

To compose new emails, we will show a secondary window that will ask for the various details for the email being sent. Opening a new window will allow the user to continue reading emails while they compose new emails to be sent. The compose window will also have buttons to send or discard the email being written:

The additional compose window being designed
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