
On Linux, andlabs UI uses the GTK+ widget library (which we will explore in detail in Chapter 6Go-GTK - Multiple Platforms with GTK) and so the library must be installed on your computer. If you have the Gnome desktop installed, or other applications that use GTK+ (such as Gimp), the library will already be installed. If not, you will need to install this dependency using your system's package manager.

While this is a simple task, the package name varies across systems—it will probably be called gtk3-devellibgtk-3-dev, or gtk3. Install this in the usual manner and you'll be ready to set up andlabs UI library.

To enable CGo, required by andlabs UI, on Linux you must have a compiler (gcc or clang) installed. This is often already installed on a development Linux installation, but if you're unsure, you can follow the Setting up CGo section from the AppendixInstallation Details.

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