Exact inference: Maximum a Posteriori estimation

Practical applications of Bayes' rule to exactly compute posterior probabilities are quite limited because the computation of the evidence term in the denominator is quite challenging. The evidence reflects the probability of the observed data over all possible parameter values. It is also called the marginal likelihood because it requires marginalizing out the parameters' distribution by adding or integrating over their distribution. This is generally only possible in simple cases with a small number of discrete parameters that assume very few values.

Maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimation leverages that the evidence is a constant factor that scales the posterior to meet the requirements for a probability distribution. Since the evidence does not depend on θ, the posterior distribution is proportional to the product of the likelihood and the prior. Hence, MAP estimation chooses the value of θ that maximizes the posterior given the observed data and the prior belief, that is, the mode of the posterior.

The MAP approach contrasts with the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of parameters, which define a probability distribution. MLE picks the parameter value θ that maximizes the likelihood function for the observed training data.

A look at the definitions highlights that MAP differs from MLE by including the prior distribution. In other words, unless the prior is a constant, the MAP estimate θ will differ from its MLE counterpart: 

The MLE solution tends to reflect the frequentist notion that probability estimates should reflect observed ratios. On the other hand, the impact of the prior on the MAP estimate often corresponds to adding data that reflects the prior assumptions to the MLE. For example, a strong prior that a coin is biased can be incorporated in the MLE context by adding skewed trial data.

Prior distributions are a critical ingredient for Bayesian models. We will now introduce some convenient choices that facilitate analytical inference.

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