How to dynamically estimate the probabilities of asset price moves

When the data consists of binary Bernoulli random variables with a certain success probability for a positive outcome, the number of successes in repeated trials follows a Binomial distribution. The conjugate prior is the Beta distribution with support over the interval [0, 1] and two shape parameters to model arbitrary prior distributions over the success probability. Hence, the posterior distribution is also a Beta distribution that we can derive by directly updating the parameters.

We will collect samples of different sizes of binarized daily S&P 500 returns, where the positive outcome is a price increase. Starting from an uninformative prior that allocates equal probability to each possible success probability in the interval [0, 1], we compute the posterior for different evidence samples.

The following code sample shows that the update consists of simply adding the observed numbers of success and failure to the parameters of the prior distribution to obtain the posterior:

n_days = [0, 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500]
outcomes = sp500_binary.sample(n_days[-1])
p = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)

# uniform (uninformative) prior
a = b = 1
for i, days in enumerate(n_days):
up = outcomes.iloc[:days].sum()
down = days - up
update = stats.beta.pdf(p, a + up , b + down)

The resulting posterior distributions are plotted in the following graphs. They illustrate the evolution from a uniform prior that views all success probabilities as equally likely to an increasingly peaked distribution.

After 500 samples, the probability is concentrated near the actual probability of a positive move at 54.7% from 2010 to 2017. It also shows the small differences between MLE and MAP estimates, where the latter tends to be pulled slightly toward the expected value of the uniform prior, as shown in the following diagram:

Posterior probabilities

In practice, the use of conjugate priors is limited to low-dimensional cases. In addition, the simplified MAP approach avoids computing the evidence term, but has several shortcomings even when it is available; it does not return a distribution so that we can derive a measure of uncertainty, or use it as a prior. Hence, we need to resort to approximates rather than exact inference using numerical methods and stochastic simulation, which we will introduce next.

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