One-Cass SVM with Dlib

There is only one algorithm that's implemented in the Dlib library straight out of the box: OCSVM. There is a svm_one_class_trainer class in this library that can be used to train the corresponding algorithm, which should be configured with a kernel object, and the nu parameter, which controls the smoothness (in other words, the degree to which it controls the ratio between generalization and overfitting) of the solution.

The most widely used kernel is based on the Gaussian distribution and is known as the Radial Basis Kernel. It is implemented in the radial_basis_kernel class. Typically, we represent datasets in the Dlib library as a C++ vector of separate samples. So, before using this trainer object, we have to convert a matrix dataset into a vector:

void OneClassSvm(const Matrix& normal,
const Matrix& test) {
typedef matrix<double, 0, 1> sample_type;
typedef radial_basis_kernel<sample_type> kernel_type;
svm_one_class_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
trainer.set_nu(0.5); // control smoothness of the solution
trainer.set_kernel(kernel_type(0.5)); // kernel bandwidth
std::vector<sample_type> samples;
for (long r = 0; r <; ++r) {
auto row = rowm(normal, r);
decision_function<kernel_type> df = trainer.train(samples);
Clusters clusters;
double dist_threshold = -2.0;

auto detect = [&](auto samples) {
for (long r = 0; r <; ++r) {
auto row = dlib::rowm(samples, r);
auto dist = df(row);
if (p > dist_threshold) {
// Do something with anomalies
} else {
// Do something with normal


The result of the training process is a decision function object of the decision_function<kernel_type> class that we can use for single sample classification. Objects of this type can be used as a regular function. The result of a decision function is the distance from the normal class boundary, so the most distant samples can be classified as anomalies. The following diagram shows an example of how the OCSVM algorithm from the Dlib library works. Note that the red dots correspond to anomalies:

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